Standards and working conditions 14 February 2022 Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis
The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) and Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) recently called on teachers to take industrial action following the government’s continued refusal to resolve longstanding salary issues, leaving teachers financially “incapacitated”. Since 7 February, teachers are on strike.
Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis -
Leading the profession 10 February 2022 Iraq: Teacher union honours 30 teachers and their contribution to society
The Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) held a celebration on 8 February to honour 30 teachers who have played a vital role in education, literacy, literature, culture, and history in the country.
Iraq: Teacher union honours 30 teachers and their contribution to society -
Standards and working conditions 10 February 2022 Belgium: teaching should no longer be “despised”
With one in three French-speaking Belgian teachers considering leaving the profession, as shown by research conducted by the University of Mons , education unions have called for action on 10 February, not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic that is disrupting the school system, but also because there are many...
Belgium: teaching should no longer be “despised” -
Standards and working conditions 4 February 2022 Fiji: Teachers’ union sharp reply to Minister on undermining the positions of school leaders
The Fiji Teachers’ Union (FTU) has responded firmly to the announcement by Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts, Premila Kumar , on 20 January of a change in the minimum qualification requirement (MQR) for secondary school leadership positions. In particular, the union condemned the change as sudden and insufficiently motivated...
Fiji: Teachers’ union sharp reply to Minister on undermining the positions of school leaders -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 February 2022 Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour
The Albanian trade unions FSASH and SPASH (1) have been involved in projects to combat child labour since 2002, with the support of international partners (2). More than 500 trade union leaders and 6,000 teachers have been trained in preventing dropping-out and in reintegrating former child labourers into school. The...
Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour -
Trade union rights are human rights 3 February 2022 China: Winter Olympics must not overshadow the fight for human rights
Ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics starting on 4 February in Beijing, China, Education International joins the international trade union movement’s call for human and trade union rights.
China: Winter Olympics must not overshadow the fight for human rights -
Standards and working conditions 28 January 2022 Iraq: High-level support for education union’s work in Kurdistan region
Education developments and teaching during the pandemic were at the heart of discussions at a recent meeting between the Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) and the education minister of the region of Iraq. The union also sought to improve teachers’ working conditions and the quality of education provided to students.
Iraq: High-level support for education union’s work in Kurdistan region -
Leading the profession 27 January 2022 France: Education workers take to the streets against the downgrading of their pay
Many education unions are part of the multi-union group that launched the cross-sector call for strike action on wages and pensions in France. They are demanding pay rises, defending jobs and working conditions and deploring the fact that in the public education sector salaries are being so starkly downgraded.
France: Education workers take to the streets against the downgrading of their pay -
Climate action and literacy 26 January 2022 Canada: Educators take action on climate change education through ACTES
In the Canadian province of Quebec, teacher trade unionists are getting involved in the Centrale des Syndicats du Québec’s Movement for Collective Action on Environmental and Social Transitions (Mouvement ACTES-CSQ), which provides them with strong support for initiatives undertaken with their students on climate change education.
Canada: Educators take action on climate change education through ACTES -
Standards and working conditions 24 January 2022 International Day of Education reality check: Governments are failing students and teachers
As the biggest education crisis in history enters its third year, teachers call on governments to truly prioritise education, invest in the sector, and support the profession.
International Day of Education reality check: Governments are failing students and teachers -
Union renewal and development 21 January 2022 Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour
Local stories are at the heart of new schoolbooks being published, thanks to funding provided by the Australian Education Union (AEU) to the Pan African Teachers’ Centre (PATC). African education unions will print these storybooks to help students to develop a taste for reading using local stories and contexts. In...
Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour -
Union renewal and development 21 January 2022 Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work
Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (OAJ) proactively uses social media to inform its members about its development cooperation and solidarity work. The union has allocated part of its membership fee to this form of promotion, which has increased members’ understanding of and commitment to development cooperation and solidarity work.
Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work -
Standards and working conditions 21 January 2022 Mexico: priority vaccination for education workers
On 8 January, the rollout of the COVID-19 booster vaccine for education workers began in Mexico.
Mexico: priority vaccination for education workers -
Leading the profession 20 January 2022 France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education
Following the strongly supported strike on 13 January , the French trade union federations have called for another day of action on 20 January to continue to demand adequate health conditions to protect against COVID-19 in schools and an improvement in the status of teachers.
France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education -
Standards and working conditions 19 January 2022 Romania: Education unions mobilise for decent living and working conditions
The Fédération des Syndicats Libres de l'Enseignement (FSLE) and the Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation Spiru Haret, both Romanian affiliates of Education International, organised a warning strike on 19 January. They are demanding decent wages and working conditions for education workers.
Romania: Education unions mobilise for decent living and working conditions -
Standards and working conditions 13 January 2022 France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools
Education unions in France mobilised on 13 January calling for staff to be respected and that schools have the resources they need to function amid the COVID-19 health crisis. The trigger for the strike was the health protocol for schools, announced in the press just hours before the start of...
France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools -
Trade union rights are human rights 10 January 2022 Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators
International trade union cooperation was at the heart of recent activities by the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT). It has successfully engaged with the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) and the Trade Union of Education in Finland (OAJ). This cooperation will allow the Swaziland/Eswatini education union to strengthen...
Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators -
Leading the profession 5 January 2022 Happy New Year from the world’s educators!
As we welcome 2022, Education International and its member organisations restate their unwavering commitment to protect and promote the rights of teachers and education support personnel and ensure free quality public education for all across the world.
Happy New Year from the world’s educators!