

  1. Union growth 5 March 2021

    Africa: Governments must act urgently to protect educators and build stronger education systems

    During its virtual meeting from 23-25 February, the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) urged regional governments to act swiftly to ensure decent living and working conditions for educators. Proactive measures were needed to guarantee quality education on the continent in the face of challenges including the pandemic, terrorism, and...

    Africa: Governments must act urgently to protect educators and build stronger education systems
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 24 February 2021

    Mexico: COVID-19 issues feature in SNTE demands

    The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced many of the issues put together by the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) for its 2021 list of national demands.

    Mexico: COVID-19 issues feature in SNTE demands
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 23 February 2021

    Iraq: Teachers praise KTU training on quality remote education

    Training sessions by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) have participants wanting more training – and generated more participants! This year alone, the KTU has trained 54 teachers on teaching methods related to new technologies and remote teaching and learning. This successful training endeavour is part of its programme of training...

    Iraq: Teachers praise KTU training on quality remote education
  4. Democracy 22 February 2021

    General strike shuts down Myanmar

    Update 9 March 2021 | As the military junta has escalated its use of undue force against peaceful protesters, Myanmar workers won’t let fear and violence silence them. They are determined to continue the peaceful civil disobedience movement against the illegal military junta. In a joint statement, Myanmar labour organisations...

    General strike shuts down Myanmar
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 February 2021

    Germany: A new primary school curriculum, not now!

    In North Rhine Westphalia, education unions have launched a joint petition urging the Ministry of Education of the Land (region) to postpone the implementation of a new curricula for primary schools.

    Germany: A new primary school curriculum, not now!
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 February 2021

    Iraq: Academics’ freedom and trade union rights under attack

    The Association of Iraqi Academics (AIA) has warned against the abrogation of the law allowing Iraqi academics to perform trade union activities. It has also called for solidarity with them and support for their rights of association and organisation.

    Iraq: Academics’ freedom and trade union rights under attack
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 17 February 2021

    Jordan: Education International condemns dissolution of teachers’ union and detention of leaders

    [Update] Education International is calling on workers and unionists to urge the Jordanian authorities to immediately stop harassing the leaders of the Jordanian Teachers Association (JTA) and threatening its very existence. At least 18 JTA teacher unionists were arrested in Irbid, Jordan on Monday 15 February.

    Jordan: Education International condemns dissolution of teachers’ union and detention of leaders
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 February 2021

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) have launched a campaign calling for increased funding and reforms in public colleges and universities. The two organisations have partnered in this campaign because a crisis for higher education means a crisis for democracy.

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 16 February 2021

    Fiji: Trade union solidarity as two cyclones hit Pacific island

    Education unions in the Pacific region have stepped in to support Fijian colleagues in a country devastated by two tropical cyclones in December and January.

    Fiji: Trade union solidarity as two cyclones hit Pacific island
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 February 2021

    Education unions defend and promote academic freedom around the world!

    Academic freedom is in a dire state globally, according to attendees at the recent International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference (IFHERC). Organised virtually by Education International, the conference also expressed its solidarity with harassed and imprisoned academics worldwide, especially in Myanmar and Hong Kong.

    Education unions defend and promote academic freedom around the world!