

  1. Democracy 10 February 2021

    Solidarity statement | Democracy Must Stand in Myanmar

    Education International strongly condemns the military coup and the unconstitutional arrests of democratically elected leaders in Myanmar. EI also supports the civil disobedience movement and stands with its affiliate, the Myanmar Teachers’ Federation (MTF) in their general strike for freedom and democracy.

    Solidarity statement | Democracy Must Stand in Myanmar
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 5 February 2021

    Iraq: Ongoing trade union training to provide quality remote education

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) has moved forward with its programme aiming to equip educators with the necessary skills to use new teaching methods related to new technologies and remote teaching and learning.

    Iraq: Ongoing trade union training to provide quality remote education
  3. Equity and inclusion 5 February 2021

    Cape Verde: No to COVID-19 and gender-based violence in schools!

    The Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) in Cape Verde is campaigning to provide educators with sufficient tools to fight the COVID-19 outbreak and gender-based violence in education institutions.

    Cape Verde: No to COVID-19 and gender-based violence in schools!
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 4 February 2021

    Myanmar: Teachers’ union condemns military coup

    The Myanmar Teachers’ Federation (MTF) is engaging in civil disobedience along with others to protest the military coup of Monday, 1 February. The MTF and other unions issued statements condemning the coup and called for the release of arrested political leaders.

    Myanmar: Teachers’ union condemns military coup
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 February 2021

    Afghanistan: Education union demands end to teachers’ salary and homes crisis

    The Afghanistan Teacher Support Association (ATSA) has mobilised to get the national government authorities to fulfil their promise to increase teachers’ salaries and grant them land for their homes.

    Afghanistan: Education union demands end to teachers’ salary and homes crisis
  6. Standards and working conditions 2 February 2021

    OECD Report: COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that teachers cannot be substituted by on-line learning

    Education International has commented on the release of the latest Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), entitled ‘Positive, High-achieving Students? What Schools and Teachers Can Do’. It has reaffirmed that teachers are and cannot be replaced by education technologies.

    OECD Report: COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that teachers cannot be substituted by on-line learning
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 1 February 2021

    Egypt: Falsely Accused Journalist Ahmed Khalifa Must be Released

    Education International (EI) joins the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in demanding freedom for jailed Egyptian journalist Ahmed Khalifa.

    Egypt: Falsely Accused Journalist Ahmed Khalifa Must be Released
  8. Equity and inclusion 28 January 2021

    76th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation: German, Israeli, and Polish trade unions unite to say “Never again”

    To commemorate the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz, Education International’s member organisations in Germany, Israel, and Poland organised an e-seminar on 27 January entitled “A child witness of history”.

    76th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation: German, Israeli, and Polish trade unions unite to say “Never again”
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 25 January 2021

    Malaysia: Union calls for protection of teachers as frontline personnel

    The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) has urged Malaysian public authorities to ensure the health and safety of educators delivering presential teaching to public examination students. This call comes after 11 teachers were infected with COVID-19 in the eastern state of Terengganu.

    Malaysia: Union calls for protection of teachers as frontline personnel
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 January 2021

    No society can recover unless it lives up to the promise of education for all

    In a statement released today, the International Day of Education, Education International’s General Secretary David Edwards calls for urgent and decisive action to address all the inequities COVID-19 revealed and exacerbated and to ensure the right to free quality public education for all.

    No society can recover unless it lives up to the promise of education for all
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 15 January 2021

    Germany: Unions call for government clarity and laud work of education staff in remote education

    While remote education has resumed in 2021, German education unions are calling on public authorities to support educators’ outstanding performance in ensuring access to quality education for all and well-organised and designed exams.

    Germany: Unions call for government clarity and laud work of education staff in remote education
  12. Standards and working conditions 14 January 2021

    France: Unions prepare to mobilise in face of uncertainty caused by COVID-19

    French education unions have called for a more robust and effective health policy as COVID-19 cases continue to rise. They are also seeking a recognition and improvement of educators’ working and living conditions.

    France: Unions prepare to mobilise in face of uncertainty caused by COVID-19
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 January 2021

    Taiwan: Private schools profit from government help, embezzle money, and leave teachers jobless

    The National Teachers’ Association (NTA) and the Taiwan Higher Education Union (THE Union) have accused private schools of appropriating publicly funded property as job insecurity among teachers in the sector increases.

    Taiwan: Private schools profit from government help, embezzle money, and leave teachers jobless
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 13 January 2021

    Mexico: Irreplaceable role of teachers in the COVID-19 educational process

    As classes resumed across Mexico on 11 January, the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) took the opportunity to reiterate that educators are crucial to maintaining a sound education process and quality education despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Classes are being delivered remotely through the Learn at Home programme.

    Mexico: Irreplaceable role of teachers in the COVID-19 educational process