

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 19 August 2020

    Benin: joint action by education unions on COVID-19 prevention along with inclusive education and boosting union leadership role

    Two unions from Benin affiliated to Education International have decided to join forces to raise awareness among their members on prevention and protection against COVID-19 and on inclusive education and building the role of union leadership within the context of the pandemic in public sector nursery and primary schools. For...

    Benin: joint action by education unions on COVID-19 prevention along with inclusive education and boosting union leadership role
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 18 August 2020

    Philippines: Global education union movement calls for justice for murdered colleague

    Education International is outraged by the killing of education unionist Zara Alvarez in the Philippines. The global union federation support its national affiliate, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers-Philippines (ACT), in its demands for justice for the murdered human rights activist.

    Philippines: Global education union movement calls for justice for murdered colleague
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 18 August 2020

    Kenya Parliament directs Teachers’ Service Commission to address KNUT concerns

    After a long and devastating conflict in which trade union rights were violated and the existence of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) was threatened, the Education Committee of the Parliament of Kenya has proposed a series of steps to resolve the dispute. The proposal is aimed at reversing...

    Kenya Parliament directs Teachers’ Service Commission to address KNUT concerns
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 18 August 2020

    Canada: Education union provides resource on trauma-informed teaching and learning

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) has published a resource on trauma-informed teaching and learning (TITAL) to be used by its affiliates and educators around Canada. The resource will help to provide children with quality education when schools reopen.

    Canada: Education union provides resource on trauma-informed teaching and learning
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 14 August 2020

    Mexico: Union campaign focuses on students affected by the pandemic

    Mexican education unionists are launching a campaign so that teachers reconnect with students who dropped out of school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign also aims to help prevent students from leaving school because of the public health crisis.

    Mexico: Union campaign focuses on students affected by the pandemic
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2020

    Jordan: Take action for the immediate release of education union leaders

    Education International has launched an online petition in support of the imprisoned leaders of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) and to guarantee the exercise of the fundamental rights of teachers and education workers in Jordan.

    Jordan: Take action for the immediate release of education union leaders
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2020

    Switzerland: Education unions join forces for safe return to schools and quality education

    In Switzerland, two affiliates of Education International have urged political and education decision-makers to approve the financial and human resources required to implement vital measures in schools, such as the introduction of health protection officers.

    Switzerland: Education unions join forces for safe return to schools and quality education
  8. Union renewal and development 6 August 2020

    United States: American Federation of Teachers holds convention in time of crisis

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), in a convention held virtually, organised a series of discussions and adopted resolutions on education, trade union and policy issues. The convention endorsed Joe Biden for President by a vote of more than 90 per cent of delegates after an unprecedented, extensive membership consultation...

    United States: American Federation of Teachers holds convention in time of crisis
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 6 August 2020

    EI Africa Region Adopts Indicators for school reopening

    The Education International Africa Region has adopted indicators for reopening of schools and other educational institutions and circulated them to member and partner organisations.

    EI Africa Region Adopts Indicators for school reopening
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 5 August 2020

    Cambodia: Education International calls for the immediate release of arrested trade union leader

    Leading trade unionist and president of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions Rong Chhun was arrested on 31 July after voicing criticism of the government. Education International has protested the arrest in a letter to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, calling for the immediate release of Mr Chhun and for human...

    Cambodia: Education International calls for the immediate release of arrested trade union leader
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 5 August 2020

    Mexico: SNTE Proposals for a Safe Return to Classes

    The National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) has presented a 10-point programme on the safe re-opening of schools to the Ministry of Public Education. The union is proposing a “hybrid” launch of the school year with a mix of distance learning and in-person education.

    Mexico: SNTE Proposals for a Safe Return to Classes
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 August 2020

    Education International and the Global Campaign for Education condemn GEMS Metropole School's stance on education during the COVID-19 pandemic

    GEMS Metropole School threatened parents with withholding students’ report cards and transfer slips unless school fees were paid. Education International and the Global Campaign for education call on the United Arab Emirates to not tolerate extortionary manoeuvres against children in private schools.

    Education International and the Global Campaign for Education condemn GEMS Metropole School's stance on education during the COVID-19 pandemic
  13. Union growth 31 July 2020

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown

    Jordanian security forces arrested leading members of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association, raided the union’s offices and shut it down for a period of two years. The global education community is outraged by this unlawful attack on our colleagues.

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown