

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 23 March 2020

    Ghana: Teacher unions demand complete school closure to ensure safety of all students

    Teachers and educators in Ghana are urging President Akufo-Addo to extend the four-week shutdown of basic and second-cycle schools to final-year students. This is intended to minimise the spread of COVID-19.

    Ghana: Teacher unions demand complete school closure to ensure safety of all students
  2. Leading the profession 23 March 2020

    OECD’s latest TALIS survey supports teachers and their profession

    Volume II of The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released by the OECD today, 23 March 2020. Having contributed to the development of the survey, EI welcomes the findings and views them as a solid basis for discussions between education trade unions and policy makers.

    OECD’s latest TALIS survey supports teachers and their profession
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 20 March 2020

    World Health Organisation guidelines

    In order to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is essential to follow the guidelines provided by the World Health Organisation and the advice of national health authorities. Misinformation during this crisis can have deadly consequences. Educators play an essential role in informing their students and communities on...

    World Health Organisation guidelines
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 20 March 2020

    Francophone Africa: Lack of consultation with education unions creates uncertainty as to how learning can continue during COVID-19 school closures

    Education unions in Francophone Africa are dismayed at the lack of consultation in government decisions to close all education establishments to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The unions representing teachers and education support personnel report that they had not been consulted on the best ways to ensure quality...

    Francophone Africa: Lack of consultation with education unions creates uncertainty as to how learning can continue during COVID-19 school closures
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 20 March 2020

    Philippines: The Alliance of Concerned Teachers urges government to increase support to the millions affected by the COVID-19 outbreak

    The Philippines is currently under a State of National Health Emergency and a State of Calamity. Classes from kindergarten to college are cancelled until 14 April 2020 but the government is not conducting extensive testing nor providing enough support for the population. The Alliance of Concerned Teachers is mobilising to...

    Philippines: The Alliance of Concerned Teachers urges government to increase support to the millions affected by the COVID-19 outbreak
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 March 2020

    Brazil: National strike in education gains support from other sectors

    The Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores de Educación (CNTE), Education International affiliate in Brazil, has called a major nationwide strike in education, protesting the policies of the Bolsonaro administration. The trade union centre in Brazil - Central Única de los trabajadores de Brasil (CUT) – and other organisations have announced they...

    Brazil: National strike in education gains support from other sectors
  7. Equity and inclusion 16 March 2020

    States must provide for teaching indigenous and minority children in their own language

    Education International warmly welcomes the declaration by the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues that children of linguistic minorities must be taught in their own language where possible. This would help to achieve inclusive and quality education, and respect the human rights of all children.

    States must provide for teaching indigenous and minority children in their own language
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 13 March 2020

    Union tributes on passing of top Caribbean education unionist Roustan Job

    Education International has been saddened to learn of the death of Roustan Job, an outstanding education trade unionist from Trinidad and Tobago. Job relentlessly fought for teachers’ improved working conditions, professionalism, and autonomy in his region and worldwide.

    Union tributes on passing of top Caribbean education unionist Roustan Job
  9. Union renewal and development 12 March 2020

    Council of Global Unions Joint Statement | COVID-19 Urgent Economic Stimulus and Workplace Measures Required

    The rapid and wide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease that it causes require an urgent global response to protect health and stimulate the economy. Governments and employers must act to protect workers and tackle transmission in workplaces.

    Council of Global Unions Joint Statement | COVID-19 Urgent Economic Stimulus and Workplace Measures Required
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 12 March 2020

    Nepal: Education union takes the lead on fighting COVID-19

    The Nepal National Teachers' Association has provided teachers with information on COVID-19 during a union workshop. It is also planning to organise as many information workshops as possible for a month. These will coincide with the celebration of the country’s National Teachers’ Day.

    Nepal: Education union takes the lead on fighting COVID-19
  11. Equity and inclusion 10 March 2020

    Global Unions respond to disappointing Political Declaration adopted by Member States at the scaled back 64th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

    The 64th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women was to take place in New York City over the next two weeks, starting yesterday (March 9th). However, due to the COVID19 outbreak, the Commission convened for a one-day procedural meeting yesterday and the Session was suspended until...

    Global Unions respond to disappointing Political Declaration adopted by Member States at the scaled back 64th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
  12. Union growth 10 March 2020

    South Africa: Union campaigns to eradicate school violence as it marks 30th anniversary

    The South African Democratic Teachers' Union has kicked off celebrations for its 30th anniversary in the Northern Cape by launching its "I am a school fan" campaign in the province. The campaign aims to address the escalating violence in schools.

    South Africa: Union campaigns to eradicate school violence as it marks 30th anniversary
  13. Equity and inclusion 6 March 2020

    International Women’s Day: Education unions mobilise to energise the global push for gender equality

    2020 marks 25 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the world’s most progressive blueprint for advancing women’s rights. While considerable progress has been made, gender equality has not been achieved in any country. Education International’s Women in Education initiative aims to energise the fight...

    International Women’s Day: Education unions mobilise to energise the global push for gender equality
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 March 2020

    OECD: teacher well-being is key for teaching and learning

    The most recent edition of Teaching in Focus of the OECD targets stress and burnout among teachers; factors that endanger the health of practitioners and damage the quality of education. In addition, these are important reasons that the recruitment and retention of teachers has become so difficult.

    OECD: teacher well-being is key for teaching and learning
  15. Union renewal and development 2 March 2020

    Empower to lead: EI’s Development Cooperation Network meets in Brussels

    The meeting of the Development Cooperation Network is taking place in Belgium from 2-4 March and brings together 50 union representatives from 25 countries across the world. Participants are joining forces to identify opportunities to work together and effect change in their countries and communities.

    Empower to lead: EI’s Development Cooperation Network meets in Brussels