

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 11 October 2019

    Filipino teacher and trade union activist France Castro wins Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award in the Netherlands

    Today France Castro of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers received the Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award for her brave and outstanding work in defence of human and trade union rights in the Philippines. The prize is awarded by Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging – the federation of Dutch trade unions.

    Filipino teacher and trade union activist France Castro wins Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award in the Netherlands
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 October 2019

    New comprehensive database unveils state of the art in Higher Education

    Hosting a record number of reports, the new Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) allows scholars, researchers, students, higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies and policy makers to access over 40.000 reports on the quality assurance of higher education institutions.

    New comprehensive database unveils state of the art in Higher Education
  3. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2019

    International Day of the Girl: educators celebrate the power of girls to change the world

    The global education union movement applauds the momentous activism and leadership of girls around the world. Educators pledge to continue working to empower girls by promoting the inalienable right of every girl to free quality education and by pushing to end school-related gender-based violence. Read David Edwards' statement on the...

    International Day of the Girl: educators celebrate the power of girls to change the world
  4. Standards and working conditions 8 October 2019

    Education unionists in Asia-Pacific put forward recommendations to advance SDG4 and professional teaching standards

    At the Asia-Pacific regional consultative meeting of Education International affiliates, education union leaders adopted recommendations to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 and implement professional teaching standards.

    Education unionists in Asia-Pacific put forward recommendations to advance SDG4 and professional teaching standards
  5. Standards and working conditions 7 October 2019

    World Teachers’ Day: EI takes the stage at UNESCO Conference and proposes five measures to make teaching a more attractive profession

    During the conference celebrating World Teachers’ Day at UNESCO headquarters, Education International proposed five key measures that should be taken by governments to attract and retain young people into the profession.

    World Teachers’ Day: EI takes the stage at UNESCO Conference and proposes five measures to make teaching a more attractive profession
  6. Standards and working conditions 3 October 2019

    France: the death of a principal raises the alarm over working conditions in schools

    The suicide letter of a pre-school principal in Saint-Denis blames her working conditions and the status of the profession for her mental and physical exhaustion. The tragic death has triggered a nation-wide awareness campaign.

    France: the death of a principal raises the alarm over working conditions in schools
  7. Standards and working conditions 3 October 2019

    World Teachers’ Day: young teachers and the future of education in the spotlight

    With the world in dire need of new teachers, valuing and improving the status of the profession to make it more attractive to young people is key to ensuring equitable and inclusive quality education for all.

    World Teachers’ Day: young teachers and the future of education in the spotlight
  8. Standards and working conditions 2 October 2019

    Jordan: Tensions escalate over teachers’ promised pay rise

    In Jordan, an ongoing strike by the Jordan Teachers Association continues, with the union calling on the government to deliver on the 50 per cent salary increase agreed in 2014.

    Jordan: Tensions escalate over teachers’ promised pay rise
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 1 October 2019

    Kenya: school collapse reveals the deadly toll of privatisation

    Eight children died after a classroom collapsed at a private for-profit primary school in the Kenyan capital Nairobi last week.

    Kenya: school collapse reveals the deadly toll of privatisation
  10. Equity and inclusion 30 September 2019

    Spain: FECCOO calls for new law to protect LGTBI persons in schools and other education institutions

    In September 2019, the Federation of Educators of the Workers’ Commissions (Federación de Enseñanza de Comisiones Obreras - FECCOO) submitted a hate crimes complaint against the organisation ‘HazteOir’ (Get yourself heard) to the Attorney General’s office and the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe.

    Spain: FECCOO calls for new law to protect LGTBI persons in schools and other education institutions
  11. Climate action and literacy 27 September 2019

    Education unionists speak at United Nations against climate change and for SDG implementation

    Education International’s leaders joined advocates from across the globe convening at the United Nations General Assembly this week, amid crises including climate change and threats of armed conflict, as well as a growing concern about progress on the 2030 deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Education unionists speak at United Nations against climate change and for SDG implementation
  12. Climate action and literacy 20 September 2019

    Fridays For Future: Educators join global protest action for climate justice

    At today’s Fridays For Future march, Education International stood in solidarity with students, unions and other civil society groups to demand immediate action against climate change.

    Fridays For Future: Educators join global protest action for climate justice
  13. Equity and inclusion 20 September 2019

    European education trade unions address gender equality through social dialogue project

    The European Trade Union Committee for Education, the European region of Education International, wraps up successful project on social dialogue and gender equality in teaching by launching research findings and a good practice database at Bucharest Conference.

    European education trade unions address gender equality through social dialogue project
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 September 2019

    Germany: Appropriate funding for ICT in educational settings still needed

    Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft expresses concern regarding the gap between the allocated 5.5 billion euros announced by the federal government and the 21 billion euros required to ensure the minimum equipment of all general and vocational schools until 2024.

    Germany: Appropriate funding for ICT in educational settings still needed
  15. Standards and working conditions 16 September 2019

    New study shows how education policies impact students, teachers and principals

    A new study published today by the OECD, the Education Policy Outlook: Working Together to Help Students Achieve their Potential, reports on the progress of over 200 school improvement policies implemented over the last 10 years.

    New study shows how education policies impact students, teachers and principals
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 September 2019

    UN Special Rapporteur: education is a crucial tool to combat severe abuses of human rights

    Education International welcomes the latest report by Koumbou Boly Barry, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, focusing on the ways in which the right to education contributes to the prevention of atrocity crimes and mass or grave violations of human rights.

    UN Special Rapporteur: education is a crucial tool to combat severe abuses of human rights
  17. Standards and working conditions 10 September 2019

    Education at a Glance 2019 shows governments must accelerate progress towards SDG 4 and quality education for all

    Reacting to the newly published Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Education at a Glance report, Education International welcomes progress made in a number of countries in several aspects of educational provision, but insists that other major areas of education remain a cause of great concern for educators.

    Education at a Glance 2019 shows governments must accelerate progress towards SDG 4 and quality education for all