

  1. Equity and inclusion 27 August 2019

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding

    In the framework of the Australian National Skills Week, held from 26 August - 1st September, educators urge the Federal Government to put a halt to the cuts in funding for technical and further education and the sector’s privatisation.

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 August 2019

    UK: GCSE results put stress on students and undermine their learning opportunities

    Following the release of the results of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), UK education unions welcome the hard work of students and all those who have supported them, including education professionals, and stress the impact of these tests on students’ well-being and the need for a broad curriculum.

    UK: GCSE results put stress on students and undermine their learning opportunities
  3. Equity and inclusion 23 August 2019

    Rainbow resources

    Here is some great in-depth reading material on two very relevant topics: how to support your transgender and non-binary students and protection against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Rainbow resources
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 August 2019

    Liberia: civil society calls on government to stop the expansion of private education

    The fight against the privatisation of education has taken a step further in Liberia. The National Teachers' Association of Liberia together with twelve civil and human right organisations and two religious organisations sent a joint letter to public authorities reminding them of their responsibility to ensure quality public education for...

    Liberia: civil society calls on government to stop the expansion of private education
  5. Union growth 20 August 2019

    500 days of injustice – We must right the wrong and #FreeLula

    Today, August 20th, marks 500 days of the wrongful imprisonment of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio ‘Lula’ da Silva. This is a day of action and mobilisation for justice. Educators from around the world stand with their Brazilian colleagues in the call for freedom for President Lula. Join us!

    500 days of injustice – We must right the wrong and #FreeLula
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 August 2019

    UK: Cuts in school funding come with a high educational cost for disadvantaged students

    UK education unions sound the alarm regarding the findings of the recently published Education Policy Institute annual report. The evidence is clear: cutting school funding harms the education achievements of students living in poverty the most.

    UK: Cuts in school funding come with a high educational cost for disadvantaged students
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 August 2019

    International Youth Day – Transforming education for and with young people

    Education International celebrates International Youth Day and joins the global trade union movement, standing together with and sending a message to the young workers of today and tomorrow, and to those who hold and exercise power within and beyond the world of work: Education is an enabling human right and...

    International Youth Day – Transforming education for and with young people
  8. Equity and inclusion 8 August 2019

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages

    Education International joins in the celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on the 9th of August. This year’s theme is Indigenous Languages, in the framework of the United Nations’ 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages.

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 August 2019

    Iraq: trade union leaders bring educators' views to the Kurdistan Parliament

    Meeting with the Kurdistan Parliament’s President, Deputy President and Secretary, leaders of the Kurdistan Teachers Union urged Parliament to work towards free quality education for all.

    Iraq: trade union leaders bring educators' views to the Kurdistan Parliament
  10. Union renewal and development 26 July 2019

    The 8th EI World Congress in pictures

    Elections, rousing speeches and great debates on resolutions - these are the highlights of the 8th Education International World Congress.

    The 8th EI World Congress in pictures
  11. Union renewal and development 26 July 2019

    Congress ends, but the fight is not over

    Saying good-bye to 1400 participants, the last day of World Congress was not easy. Now the numerous plans and policies will be put into action by united and capable education unionists.

    Congress ends, but the fight is not over
  12. Union renewal and development 26 July 2019

    Congress welcomes new EI Executive Board

    The torch was passed on the last day of Education International’s 8th World Congress as the new Executive Board was officially welcomed and delegates paid tribute to outgoing members.

    Congress welcomes new EI Executive Board
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 July 2019

    Educators’ unions in Australia and the EU call for education to be carved out of trade negotiations

    During the Education International (EI) 8th World Congress, affiliated educators’ unions in Australia and the European Union issued a statement calling for the Australian government and the European Commission to be more transparent in ongoing negotiations on the potential free trade agreement and to explicitly carve out education from the...

    Educators’ unions in Australia and the EU call for education to be carved out of trade negotiations
  14. Union renewal and development 25 July 2019

    EI celebrates education champions

    Today Education International honoured two outstanding activists during its 8th World Congress in Bangkok, Thailand. Curtis Riep received the Albert Shanker Education Award and Jalila al Salman received the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award.

    EI celebrates education champions
  15. Union renewal and development 25 July 2019

    Congress takes action to achieve universal free quality education

    The fourth day of Education International’s 8th World Congress was a celebration of human rights and an expression of the collective strength of the teaching profession. The theme of the day was ensuring free quality education for all.

    Congress takes action to achieve universal free quality education