

  1. Union renewal and development 20 July 2019

    20 July pre-Congress events in pictures

    20 July was a busy day in Bangkok with sessions on Indigenous People's rights, the Education and Solidarity Network meeting to celebrate its 10th anniversary and the Further and Higher Education Caucus. Have a look at the pictures of the day on the Education International Flickr. Feel free to use...

    20 July pre-Congress events in pictures
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 July 2019

    ESN holds General Assembly prior to World Congress

    The Education and Solidarity Network (ESN), of which Education International (EI) is a founding organisation, held its General Assembly in Bangkok, Thailand on July 20. These organisations from all around the world, including education unions, share the values of solidarity and democracy as their members cooperate to improve the health...

    ESN holds General Assembly prior to World Congress
  3. Union renewal and development 20 July 2019

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”

    About 200 participants at the Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus discussed the many impacts of colonialism as it relates to education and exchanged ways in which to move forward in securing their full rights. Whether it’s Australia, the Philippines, Central America, South America or North America, the patterns of colonialism are all...

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”
  4. Union renewal and development 20 July 2019

    Better Technical and Vocational Educational Training: the way forward to social justice

    Today, during the Higher and Further Education caucus of its 8th World Congress, Education International launched “Technical and Vocational Education and Training as a Framework for Social Justice” – a new study arguing that a holistic approach to TVET can deliver better results than the human capital theory. In an...

    Better Technical and Vocational Educational Training: the way forward to social justice
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2019

    The highs and lows of higher education analysed at EI Congress

    Participants at the higher education caucus learnt from academics from all over the world on topics ranging from the lack of funds, privatisation and commercialisation of higher education to precarious employment conditions and attacks on academic freedom.

    The highs and lows of higher education analysed at EI Congress
  6. Union renewal and development 20 July 2019

    EI pre-Congress caucus on LGBTI rights: ‘all forms of equality are union business’

    On 19 July, the LGBTI rights’ caucus, prior the 8th Education International (EI) World Congress in Bangkok, brought together union leaders from around the world. Recalling that all forms of equality are union business, the two thematic discussions focussed on: “Make No Assumptions: Building Support for LGBTI Rights within Education...

    EI pre-Congress caucus on LGBTI rights: ‘all forms of equality are union business’
  7. Union renewal and development 19 July 2019

    19 July pre-Congress events in pictures

    19 July has been a busy day with plenty of interesting events, debates and insights. Have a look at the pictures of the day on the Education International Flickr. Feel free to use them to spread the word about our 8th World Congress and don't forget to use #EICongress.

    19 July pre-Congress events in pictures
  8. Union renewal and development 19 July 2019

    CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change

    Trade union representatives of Francophone Affiliates of Education International (EI) gathered today at the Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training (CSFEF) meeting to discuss ways how their voices must continue to be heard at the EI 8th World Congress by way of resolutions or via francophone representation in...

    CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change
  9. Union renewal and development 16 July 2019

    Global education unionists ready for EI Congress

    Over 1400 people will come together in Bangkok, Thailand from the 19th to the 26th of July to take part in the 8th Education International World Congress.

    Global education unionists ready for EI Congress
  10. Union growth 13 July 2019

    United Nations: Mandate of Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity renewed

    The United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted a resolution to renew the mandate of the Independent Expert focusing on protection against violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

    United Nations: Mandate of Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity renewed
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 July 2019

    Off track: educators warn of slow progress at first major review of SDG 4

    Today EI joins governments and other stakeholders at the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York to review progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.

    Off track: educators warn of slow progress at first major review of SDG 4
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 9 July 2019

    Solidarity with Hong Kong education unionists’ protest actions

    Education International firmly supported its affiliates in Hong Kong and Taiwan protesting against the legislative change which would facilitate extradition to mainland China.

    Solidarity with Hong Kong education unionists’ protest actions
  13. Union renewal and development 4 July 2019

    Heather Smith (1959-2019): Goodbye to a passionate teacher and leader

    The international education trade union movement has lost a valued member. After a brief illness, Heather Smith passed away peacefully on June 30th, in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. With a teaching career spanning 34 years, Heather was tireless in her work to improve the daily lives of teachers and students...

    Heather Smith (1959-2019): Goodbye to a passionate teacher and leader
  14. Equity and inclusion 1 July 2019

    Costa Rica: SEC campaigns and mobilises on LGBT rights

    Despite a backlash against the so-called gender ideology promoted by conservative organisations, the Costa Rican Education Union (Sindicato de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Educación Costarricense - SEC) has been actively campaigning to promote the rights of LGBT teachers and students.

    Costa Rica: SEC campaigns and mobilises on LGBT rights
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 26 June 2019

    Djibouti: teachers are being unfairly imprisoned

    Education International and the Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training are demanding the immediate release of seven teachers arrested in Djibouti on apparently unsubstantiated charges.

    Djibouti: teachers are being unfairly imprisoned