

  1. Union growth 21 June 2019

    2019 Centenary International Labour Conference adopts new Convention and Recommendation on violence and harassment in the world of work

    Education International warmly welcomes the historic move by the 108th Centenary International Labour Conference, which has just adopted a first of its kind global instrument: a Convention and Recommendation on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

    2019 Centenary International Labour Conference adopts new Convention and Recommendation on violence and harassment in the world of work
  2. Union growth 20 June 2019

    World Refugee Day: Teachers stand up for displaced children and teachers

    As growing numbers of refugees try to find safety from conflict, persecution, and natural disasters often induced by climate change, Education International is highlighting the plight of displaced children and educators worldwide.

    World Refugee Day: Teachers stand up for displaced children and teachers
  3. Union growth 20 June 2019

    France: private education unions mobilise for better working conditions for all

    Education trade unions representing state-subsidised private education in France have made history by uniting to put forward their demands and call for “decent and peaceful working conditions for all employees”, as “a matter of survival and dignity”.

    France: private education unions mobilise for better working conditions for all
  4. Union renewal and development 19 June 2019

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released

    The latest Teaching and international Survey (TALIS) 2018 report released by the OECD illustrates the issues teachers face in their workplace; focusing on working time and training of teachers.

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 June 2019

    Official UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources moves one step further

    Education International welcomes UNESCO global commitment to advancing access to works for teaching and learning through expanding access to quality and locally relevant open educational resources.

    Official UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources moves one step further
  6. Equity and inclusion 15 June 2019

    USA: NEA celebrates the work of educators in supporting LGBTQ+ students

    In the USA, LGBTQ Pride Month is celebrated in June every year to honour the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City. Pride Month celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019. To mark the occasion, NEA published the stories of six educators who are out in the classroom.

    USA: NEA celebrates the work of educators in supporting LGBTQ+ students
  7. Equity and inclusion 14 June 2019

    Education unions play a crucial role in eradicating child labour through quality public education

    Education international has reminded the International Labour Organisation’s Centenary Conference Forum to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour that educators and their trade unions worldwide are determined to eradicate this scourge and guarantee access to education for all.

    Education unions play a crucial role in eradicating child labour through quality public education
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 June 2019

    Former EI President Thulas Nxesi appointed to South Africa’s cabinet

    Education international and the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union welcome the decision of the President of South Africa’s to appoint former President of Education International, Cde Thulas Nxesi, to the Cabinet of South Africa as Minister of Labour and Employment.

    Former EI President Thulas Nxesi appointed to South Africa’s cabinet
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 June 2019

    Palestine: development cooperation increases the capacities of early childhood educators’ union and improves their working conditions

    The General Union of Workers in Kindergarten and Private Schools is enhancing its capacity to organise and represent early childhood education sector workers thanks to development cooperation with other education unions.

    Palestine: development cooperation increases the capacities of early childhood educators’ union and improves their working conditions
  10. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2019

    Inclusive quality public education crucial in ending child labour

    On the occasion of the 2019 World Day against Child Labour on 12 June, Education International General Secretary David Edwards has emphasised that “inclusive quality public education is the key to eradicating child labour”. Around the world, education unions play a crucial role in accomplishing that goal.

    Inclusive quality public education crucial in ending child labour
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 June 2019

    Students and school personnel in extreme danger in High Conflict Regions

    New data shows thousands of attacks on schools, mostly by military and other armed forces. This continuing epidemic of violence in regions of armed conflict demonstrates the vital and ongoing need to endorse and implement the Safe Schools Declaration.

    Students and school personnel in extreme danger in High Conflict Regions
  12. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2019

    US: Cuts to education for children in federal custody at the border

    An official from the Health and Human Services Department of the US Administration sent an email to shelters notifying them of cancelled English classes, recreational programs and legal aid for children while in federal custody at the border after 22 May.

    US: Cuts to education for children in federal custody at the border
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 7 June 2019

    International Labour Conference celebrates its centenary

    Education International brings the voice of teachers and education personnel to the 108th session of the International Labour Conference.

    International Labour Conference celebrates its centenary
  14. Union renewal and development 6 June 2019

    Finland: trade unionists take development cooperation work to heart

    Confronted with the elimination of government support, the teacher union Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö, one of Education International’s member organisations, decided to review its international affairs strategy to ensure it can go on leading development cooperation activities in the future.

    Finland: trade unionists take development cooperation work to heart
  15. Union renewal and development 6 June 2019

    India: Loss of Sulabha A. Donde, strong trade union leader and force for progress for women and trade unions

    Education International is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Sulabha A. Donde, Senior Vice President of All India Primary Teachers’ Federation and Chairperson of the Women’s Network of her union, a leader who has played a vital role in the struggle for the equal treatment of girls and women...

    India: Loss of Sulabha A. Donde, strong trade union leader and force for progress for women and trade unions