

  1. Union growth 22 May 2019

    In Italy, unions mobilise to defend academic freedom

    After the suspension of a teacher for the contents of a video produced by her students, the Italian education unions are taking action to denounce an attack on academic freedom and a serious threat to democracy.

    In Italy, unions mobilise to defend academic freedom
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 May 2019

    Jordan: the national Labour Law should uphold trade union rights, not deny them

    Education International is in solidarity with its member organisation in Jordan, who challenge the amendments made by parliament to the labour law and signed by the King that make the labour law weaker, when there is a compelling need to make it stronger.

    Jordan: the national Labour Law should uphold trade union rights, not deny them
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 May 2019

    Access to Quality Education Under Threat in Honduras

    A new study reveals the mechanisms by which privatisation of education is spreading in Honduras as a result of the passivity of authorities, creating barriers to accessing education.

    Access to Quality Education Under Threat in Honduras
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 17 May 2019

    Brazil: Teachers bring country to a halt and demand end of cuts

    The first national mobilization since the start of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency brought the country to a halt and sent a clear message of opposition to the government’s policies.

    Brazil: Teachers bring country to a halt and demand end of cuts
  5. Union renewal and development 17 May 2019

    Education International pays tribute to an iconic labour leader

    Bob Hawke, former Prime Minister of Australia and former Chair of Education International’s Committee of Experts, died on 16 May at the age of 89 in his home in Sydney.

    Education International pays tribute to an iconic labour leader
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2019

    Making the invisible visible – standing with education support personnel

    On the occasion of World Education Support Personnel Day on 16 May, EI is launching its new research on the role, impact, status, and employment conditions of education support personnel.

    Making the invisible visible – standing with education support personnel
  7. Future of work in education 14 May 2019

    Ghana: Accra forum strengthens social and policy dialogue in Africa

    Education International’s Social and Policy Dialogue Forum, held in Accra, Ghana, on 8-9 May, served to support stronger social and policy dialogue in Africa, where mechanisms for social and policy dialogue are often either weak or non-existent. Significantly, the participants signed the Accra Declaration, which highlights the need for and...

    Ghana: Accra forum strengthens social and policy dialogue in Africa
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 May 2019

    Switzerland: New report shows overworked and underpaid teachers

    Teachers in Switzerland are often overworked and underpaid, especially if they work on part-time contracts, according to the latest report on working time of the Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz (LCH) and the Syndicat des Enseignants Romands (SER).

    Switzerland: New report shows overworked and underpaid teachers
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 6 May 2019

    The VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress reaffirms the importance to promote and invest in quality public education

    Nearly 800 delegates from every corner of Mongolia participated in the VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress, where the Prime Minister informed participants of the increase of the national budget allocated to the public education sector and teachers’ continuous professional development.

    The VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress reaffirms the importance to promote and invest in quality public education
  10. Union renewal and development 3 May 2019

    Latin America, Prepared for the EI World Congress

    The regional committee of Education International Latin America (EILA) met from 24–27 April in Argentina to decide on the policy that will guide the region over the coming months.

    Latin America, Prepared for the EI World Congress
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 30 April 2019

    Critical voices at Pearson’s AGM

    Edubusiness Pearson was the subject of much criticism last week at its AGM in London.

    Critical voices at Pearson’s AGM
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2019

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike

    Education International extends its support and solidarity to Argentinian workers in their call for a National Strike on Tuesday, 30th April.

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2019

    Global Action Week for Education: make the right to free quality public education a reality

    On the occasion of the Global Education Week for Education (24 April-1st May), educators and their unions around the world have joined hands with the Global Campaign for Education to call upon governments to make the right to inclusive, equitable, quality, free public education a reality.

    Global Action Week for Education: make the right to free quality public education a reality
  14. Union growth 24 April 2019

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions

    During their annual conferences, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers and the National Education Union, both affiliated to Education International, have reasserted during their annual conferences their core values and determination to continue advocating education policies beneficial for educators and students.

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions