

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 March 2019

    Oslo: Nordic conference puts children at the centre of early childhood education

    An international conference entitled, “The Nordic Way –Early Childhood Education & Care”, was organised on 26-27 March, 2019 in Oslo. It was convened by Union of Education Norway (UEN), in partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

    Oslo: Nordic conference puts children at the centre of early childhood education
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 March 2019

    Ghana: why teachers are saying no to Ark schools

    A new study shines light on the shadows behind a philanthropic organisation’s plans to promote private education in Ghana.

    Ghana: why teachers are saying no to Ark schools
  3. Union growth 19 March 2019

    Brazil: international solidarity after Suzano school shooting

    After last week’s shooting at a school in Sao Paolo educators worldwide have shared their solidarity and grief with their colleagues, students and families in Brazil.

    Brazil: international solidarity after Suzano school shooting
  4. Union renewal and development 19 March 2019

    EU copyright reform: why educators and citizens should worry

    The new EU copyright reform will change the way citizens and educators share, communicate, learn and create knowledge, putting democratic dialogue at risk according to Education International.

    EU copyright reform: why educators and citizens should worry
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 18 March 2019

    Sudan: In solidarity with human rights activists

    As strikes and protests calling for democratic change increase in Sudan, Education International expresses solidarity with the academics and unionists and supports their demands.

    Sudan: In solidarity with human rights activists
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2019

    UK: The Chancellor’s speech does not adequately address the education funding crisis

    While commending the Chancellor of the Exchequer for announcing in his Spring Statement the funding of free sanitary products in secondary schools, UK education unions deeply regret that he did not address the national school funding crisis.

    UK: The Chancellor’s speech does not adequately address the education funding crisis
  7. Climate action and literacy 15 March 2019

    Teachers stand up in support of their students

    The student #FridaysForFuture mobilisations against climate change are growing in intensity and reach - with one day to go before the global strike action for climate teachers are voicing their support for their students' courage and determination.

    Teachers stand up in support of their students
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2019

    European education union leaders in solidarity with Dutch colleagues

    The Committee of the Education International’s European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education, has called on the public authorities of Netherlands to ensure decent working conditions and salaries for Dutch educators.

    European education union leaders in solidarity with Dutch colleagues
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2019

    Stop gender-based violence in the world of work!

    Union women and feminist allies take the campaign for the adoption of an International Labour Organisation’s Convention to the 63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

    Stop gender-based violence in the world of work!
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 March 2019

    The Casablanca Declaration: Unions denounce the privatisation of education

    Education International’s Member Organisations in Morocco have declared their intention to intensify their united struggle against privatisation to ensure free public education for all.

    The Casablanca Declaration: Unions denounce the privatisation of education
  11. Equity and inclusion 13 March 2019

    Mexico: Spotlighting Indigenous Teachers and Their Work

    The Mexican union and authorities recognise indigenous teachers for their work in rural communities in Mexico and their efforts to provide indigenous peoples with quality education.

    Mexico: Spotlighting Indigenous Teachers and Their Work
  12. Union growth 13 March 2019

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom

    Following the findings of a major report on academic freedom in the United Kingdom, the University and College Union has submitted an allegation to the Joint International Labour Organisation/UNESCO Committee of Experts regarding the non-compliance of the UK government's with the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation on the status of higher education...

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 March 2019

    Iraq: The region and education system of Kurdistan pass into oblivion

    The Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) issued a distress call about the deplorable situation of teachers in the public education system, which continues to deteriorate in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    Iraq: The region and education system of Kurdistan pass into oblivion
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 11 March 2019

    Burkina Faso: Unions call for stronger, sustained governmental measures to protect students and teachers from terrorist attacks

    Although they welcome the governmental measures taken following the terrorist attacks against teachers and schools in Burkina Faso, teacher trade unionists call on the public authorities to strengthen and improve these measures so as to be able to provide quality education under safe conditions.

    Burkina Faso: Unions call for stronger, sustained governmental measures to protect students and teachers from terrorist attacks