

  1. Equity and inclusion 11 December 2018

    Global Unions Denounce Irresponsibility on Global Compact on Migration

    The global trade union movement has criticised 13 governments that have confirmed that they will not sign the historic Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Rather than contribute to resolving the pressing issues connected with migration and moving towards coherence and global governance of migration, they have...

    Global Unions Denounce Irresponsibility on Global Compact on Migration
  2. Union renewal and development 11 December 2018

    Mexico: New Leadership for the SNTE Teachers’ Union

    Alfonso Cepeda Salas has taken over leadership of the Mexican teachers’ union, a member organisation of Education International.

    Mexico: New Leadership for the SNTE Teachers’ Union
  3. Climate action and literacy 11 December 2018

    UN General Assembly proclaims 24 January International Day of Education

    Education International welcomes the United Nations General Assembly’s consensus adoption of a resolution proclaiming 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.

    UN General Assembly proclaims 24 January International Day of Education
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 December 2018

    Global Education Meeting: EI calls on the education community to dramatically step up progress towards SDG4 and invest in teachers

    On the final day of the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM), held in Brussels 3-5 December, David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International, addressed over 300 government ministers, officials, international organisations, civil society and academics, and called on governments to invest more in education and teachers. His remarks sent a...

    Global Education Meeting: EI calls on the education community to dramatically step up progress towards SDG4 and invest in teachers
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 4 December 2018

    Iran: Teachers imprisoned for participating in peaceful strike actions

    Confronted with the worsening situation of Iranian educator activists, Education International continues its fight to see jailed education union leaders and members freed, and reiterates its call on its affiliates and concerned citizens around the globe to continue to exert pressure on the Iranian Government to demand the immediate release...

    Iran: Teachers imprisoned for participating in peaceful strike actions
  6. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2018

    World Disability Day: Time to rethink disability in education

    On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, two new reports by Education International shed light on students and teachers with disabilities, their struggle to be part of our education systems, and how to make inclusion happen.

    World Disability Day: Time to rethink disability in education
  7. Union growth 29 November 2018

    Philippines: Illegal detention of human rights defenders

    Education International has strongly condemned the illegal arrest and detention of the members of a solidarity mission with Lumad schools in the municipality of Talaingod, in Davao del Norte.

    Philippines: Illegal detention of human rights defenders
  8. Union growth 28 November 2018

    Nepal: education unions move forward on inclusion, diversity and safety in schools

    The capacity-building workshop on “Teachers’ unions for inclusion: embracing diversity and promoting safe schools” has provided a forum for Education International’s Nepalese affiliates to discuss and develop tools to influence national policies on inclusive education and safe schools for all; students and teachers.

    Nepal: education unions move forward on inclusion, diversity and safety in schools
  9. Union growth 26 November 2018

    EI’s 11th IFHERC highlights the importance of promoting and protecting academic freedom in an increasingly hostile environment

    During discussions at Education International’s 11th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference, participants from all corners of the world voiced great concern about political developments across the different regions that undermine academic freedom.

    EI’s 11th IFHERC highlights the importance of promoting and protecting academic freedom in an increasingly hostile environment
  10. Equity and inclusion 26 November 2018

    A new toolkit to bring more inclusion into education

    Education International has developed a new toolkit for educators and education unions who work with migrant and refugee children to make the right to quality education a reality for all.

    A new toolkit to bring more inclusion into education
  11. Equity and inclusion 22 November 2018

    25 November’s call to action: Eliminating gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work

    Education International’s General Secretary has called on all member organisations to take action to ensure their governments support the adoption of a binding International Labour organisation’s Convention and Recommendation on gender-based violence in the world of work.

    25 November’s call to action: Eliminating gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 November 2018

    UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report puts a spotlight on migrants and refugees

    Education International welcomes the release of the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report), and its focus on the importance of addressing issues related to migration, displacement and education in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s commitment to leave no one behind.

    UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report puts a spotlight on migrants and refugees
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 November 2018

    UNESCO report highlights need to address barriers to education facing migrants and displaced people

    UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report highlights countries’ achievements and shortcomings in ensuring the right of migrant and refugee children to quality education, a right that serves the interests of both learners and the communities they live in.

    UNESCO report highlights need to address barriers to education facing migrants and displaced people
  14. Standards and working conditions 19 November 2018

    Germany: Teachers’ Day highlights that politicians must support teachers

    The 2018 Autumn Conference of the German Teachers' Day is taking place under the slogan: “Taking new paths!?”, urging public authorities to provide teachers with adequate working conditions, so they are armed to face current education challenges and can deliver quality education.

    Germany: Teachers’ Day highlights that politicians must support teachers
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 16 November 2018

    EU Parliament: aid must not be used to support privatisation

    In a welcomed decision, on 13 November, the European Parliament resolved that “the European Union and the Member States, in accordance with SDG 4.1 and Article 26 of the UDHR, must not use ODA [overseas development assistance] to support private, commercial educational establishments.”

    EU Parliament: aid must not be used to support privatisation