

  1. Union renewal and development 2 October 2018

    Mozambique: International support in new union creation

    In Mozambique, significant progress is being made in creating a new education union, with the help and support of Education International and its affiliates.

    Mozambique: International support in new union creation
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 October 2018

    EI endorses Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions in Education

    At the recent Fifth Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest, Education International was one of the endorsing parties of a draft global treaty in support of better copyright legislation for education and research.

    EI endorses Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions in Education
  3. Union growth 1 October 2018

    Stop the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy harmful to children and their families!

    Education International has endorsed the complaint lodged by United States (US) trade unions concerning the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy systematically and forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents, for the purposes of prosecuting parents for “illegal entry” in the country.

    Stop the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy harmful to children and their families!
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 September 2018

    Argentina: private interests are critically undermining public education

    A new study reports on the worrying expansion of private interests in the public education sector in Argentina and its undermining effects on equity and quality education.

    Argentina: private interests are critically undermining public education
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 September 2018

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity deal in education signed

    Hundreds of women working in education in New Zealand have achieved a pay rise of up to 30 per cent in a historic settlement for pay equity.

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity deal in education signed
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2018

    Iraq: New residential neighbourhood for teachers secured by union

    Land for teachers’ housing has been made available in the Kalar district of Iraq, thanks to the efforts of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union.

    Iraq: New residential neighbourhood for teachers secured by union
  7. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018

    Upcoming events

    Upcoming events

    Upcoming events
  8. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean
  9. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018

    Latin America

    Latin America

    Latin America
  10. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018



  11. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018



  12. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018

    Arab Countries

    Arab Countries

    Arab Countries
  13. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018



  14. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018



  15. Union growth 24 September 2018

    Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity

    At the 16th Meeting of the Comité Syndical Francophone de l’Education et de la Formation (Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training), the Education International General Secretary, David Edwards, called on all French-speaking affiliates to defend democracy, human rights and trade union rights, to fight privatisation, and to strive...

    Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 September 2018

    EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education

    The necessity to improve terms and conditions of employment in tertiary education, and in particular, to limit the alarming increase in precarious work in the sector was at the heart of debates at the International Labour Organisation’s Global Dialogue Forum on Employment Terms and Conditions in Tertiary Education.

    EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education