

  1. Union growth 27 June 2018

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education

    Thousands of Chilean educators, students and activists have reaffirmed their support to building a new education system, that is non-sexist and free of violence, abuse and discrimination. Education unionists mobilise to fight gender violence in the classroom

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2018

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling

    The Supreme Court of the United States just delivered a painful blow to working people and to the unions which stand up for their rights. In a narrow 5 to 4 vote, the justices decided in the Janus v. AFSCME case, that public sector unions must use their resources to...

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling
  3. Climate action and literacy 27 June 2018

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast

    The continuation of the program led by Education International in Senegal and Ivory Coast has the aim of spreading unionisation,getting young activists involved in union activity, and strengthening trade union unity.

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast
  4. Future of work in education 22 June 2018

    EI welcomes the G20 focus on the contributions of education

    For the first time in its decade-long existence, the G20, under the Argentinian Presidency, will focus on education. EI has been asked to contribute to the preparatory work of the education minister’s working group.

    EI welcomes the G20 focus on the contributions of education
  5. Equity and inclusion 21 June 2018

    Education International denounces the abuse of migrant children by U.S. government

    Education International strongly condemns the forceful and systematic separation of children from their parents, the jailing of infants and minors and the violation of basic human rights displayed by the U.S. government against migrants seeking refuge.

    Education International denounces the abuse of migrant children by U.S. government
  6. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2018

    On World Refugee Day: Safe, quality education for all learners

    Education is a human right and a public good helping to enable people at all stages in their lives to achieve their maximum potential. This includes the right to learn and right to teach for refugees and migrants in every corner of the world.

    On World Refugee Day: Safe, quality education for all learners
  7. Union growth 20 June 2018

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”

    “We have entered an age of new brutalism,” ILO Director General Guy Ryder told delegates of the 5th World Congress of UNI in Liverpool on 19 June. “We have entered an age where it is OK to dehumanize those who are rejected, who are marginalized, who are different or who...

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 19 June 2018

    UNI Global Union elects Christy Hoffman as General Secretary

    The Union Network International (UNI) elected Christy Hoffman, a labour leader from the United States, as its new General Secretary.

    UNI Global Union elects Christy Hoffman as General Secretary
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 June 2018

    EI urges Pearson, The World Bank and DFID UK to stop supporting Bridge International

    In letters addressed to the leaders of the Pearson, The World Bank and the Department for International Development (DfID) of the United Kingdom, Education International urged the organizations to stop their sponsorship of Bridge International Academies, a for-profit school chain with operations in Africa and Asia.

    EI urges Pearson, The World Bank and DFID UK to stop supporting Bridge International
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 June 2018

    Education issues high on the WIPO agenda

    Through statements in plenary, organising a side event, meeting with delegates and collaborating with other civil society actors, Education International has reaffirmed the importance of advancing on international copyright exceptions at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights of the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

    Education issues high on the WIPO agenda
  11. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2018

    Quality education is the best guarantee against child labour

    Each year, Education International celebrates World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June. EI encourages education trade unions to participate in public activities in order to demonstrate the commitment of teachers’ and support staff to eradicating child labour and promoting quality public education for all.

    Quality education is the best guarantee against child labour
  12. Climate action and literacy 7 June 2018

    EDD2018: Gender issues in education highlighted

    Education International’s representatives have stressed the need to eradicate violence in and around schools and other educational settings, and recruit and retain more women to the teaching profession at this year’s European Development Days.

    EDD2018: Gender issues in education highlighted
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2018

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments

    At this year’s International Labour Conference, Education International has reaffirmed the need for providing all workers, in particular, those in education, with respectful work places that ensure equality and non-discrimination, as well as social dialogue, in order to achieve quality education for all.

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments
  14. Equity and inclusion 31 May 2018

    In Sicily, practictioners and experts meet to share good practices and experiences in teaching newcomers.

    The conference “Esperienze e proposte per l’apprendimento dell’Italiano L2 nelle classi multilingue e multiculturali” held in Castellammare del Golfo on 30 may 2018 brought together 80 participants to discuss experiences and proposals on ways to improve education for newcomers, with a focus on teaching Italian as a second language in...

    In Sicily, practictioners and experts meet to share good practices and experiences in teaching newcomers.
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 31 May 2018

    Arab countries’ unions crucial to achieve international goals on education in their region

    Arab teacher union leaders have reasserted the need for public authorities in their region to listen to teacher organisations carefully, especially concerning current burning issues in their schools, notably refugee students and educators.

    Arab countries’ unions crucial to achieve international goals on education in their region