

  1. Standards and working conditions 25 October 2017

    UK: Flexible working needed to solve recruitment and retention crisis

    Better part-time and flexible working opportunities can help solve the teacher recruitment and retention crisis in the UK, say education unions in response to the latest National Foundation for Educational Research’s report.

    UK: Flexible working needed to solve recruitment and retention crisis
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 October 2017

    Burkina Faso: united education union front for a better teacher status

    For the first time in three years, Burkina Faso's education trade unions have called a strike in order to obtain better living and working conditions for teachers and help achieve quality education.

    Burkina Faso: united education union front for a better teacher status
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 October 2017

    Nobel Laureate leads historic march across India to keep children safe

    When Kailash Satyarthi commits there is no way of stopping him, which was evident as millions followed his call to end the sexual abuse and trafficking of children in what was the country’s biggest march.

    Nobel Laureate leads historic march across India to keep children safe
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 October 2017

    Australia: Vocational training crisis heading towards social crisis

    The erosion of Australia’s vocational training system, partly because of privatisation, is now impacting on society and on the futures of young people.

    Australia: Vocational training crisis heading towards social crisis
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 October 2017

    Australian disability claims boost private school funding at expense of public schools

    The Australian Education Union has questioned the government’s decision to considerably increase spending for private schools based on their enrolment numbers of disabled students, deploring that public schools are set to receive much less.

    Australian disability claims boost private school funding at expense of public schools
  6. Union growth 18 October 2017

    Kenya: Union support for university lecturers’ strike move

    The Trade Unions Congress of Kenya has announced its support for lecturers in 31 Kenyan public universities who have given 21 days’ strike notice after the universities’ councils failed to increase their basic salary and housing allowance.

    Kenya: Union support for university lecturers’ strike move
  7. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2017

    Spain: FECCOO mobilises students and local communities on World Refugee day

    On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, students from the Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria La Morería and the Colegio Santa Creu launched an exhibition of the artistic works they have realized as part of a collaborative urban photomontage that will be organised in the coming months in Mislata with...

    Spain: FECCOO mobilises students and local communities on World Refugee day
  8. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2017

    NASUWT (UK) joins forces with Citizens UK to promote « refugee welcome schools »

    The UK’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis means that at least 20,000 refugees from that conflict will arrive between now and 2020. Many will be resettled in communities that have never hosted refugees before.

    NASUWT (UK) joins forces with Citizens UK to promote « refugee welcome schools »
  9. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2017

    The American Federation of Teachers produces guide to support educators working with immigrant and refugee children

    The AFT's "Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff" includes both background information on immigration— especially for refugee asylum seekers crossing the border from Mexico—and practical advice for families threatened by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration raids, deportation and detention.

    The American Federation of Teachers produces guide to support educators working with immigrant and refugee children
  10. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2017

    Sweden: fast track training for migrant teachers

    Since Autumn 2016, five Swedish universities have started offering a new course for newly-arrived teachers and preschool teachers.

    Sweden: fast track training for migrant teachers
  11. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2017

    FECCOO (Spain) supports integration activities for migrant children and families in Badalona

    The 2016-2017 school year is getting to its term and with it, the activities planned within the project called "The weight of my backpack" are being developed successfully in the two educational centers of the neighborhood of La Salud in Badalona.

    FECCOO (Spain) supports integration activities for migrant children and families in Badalona
  12. Union renewal and development 17 October 2017

    Education International mourns the loss of Somali teachers and students

    The aftermath of the horrific bombing of Mogadishu is being felt far from the capital as the education community expresses solidarity for colleagues lost in the violent act which has left hundreds dead.

    Education International mourns the loss of Somali teachers and students
  13. Union renewal and development 17 October 2017

    EI consults teachers globally on professional status

    Education International is currently carrying out an extensive and ground-breaking worldwide survey that explores teachers’ realities and perceptions globally.

    EI consults teachers globally on professional status