

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 20 September 2017

    Sally Hunt elected new President of the TUC

    Education International welcomes the election of education unionist Sally Hunt to the helm of the Trades Union Congress.

    Sally Hunt elected new President of the TUC
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 19 September 2017

    Burkina Faso: 69th country to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Burkina Faso to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, committing itself to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of violent conflict.

    Burkina Faso: 69th country to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration
  3. Union renewal and development 18 September 2017

    Spain: frozen investment and reduced budgets overshadow the new school year

    A new school year is meant to be filled with anticipation and excitement, but in Spain government financial gridlock has the teachers’ union FECCOO warning of rising inequalities and cracks in the country’s education system.

    Spain: frozen investment and reduced budgets overshadow the new school year
  4. Standards and working conditions 15 September 2017

    Swiss Education Day focuses on educators’ health

    On the occasion of the Swiss Education Day, teachers’ unions demanded that efforts be made by employers to improve their health protection, with the slogan “Healthy Schools - Good Schools.”

    Swiss Education Day focuses on educators’ health
  5. Union renewal and development 14 September 2017

    Africa’s education leadership works towards union unity

    Africa’s top education union leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to increase trade union unity on the continent to help reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    Africa’s education leadership works towards union unity
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2017

    African teacher unions plan strategies to ensure refugees’ education

    Education International’s General Secretary has reaffirmed the need for education unions, in Africa and the world over, to continue efforts towards the achievement of the refugees’ right to access quality education.

    African teacher unions plan strategies to ensure refugees’ education
  7. Union growth 13 September 2017

    Niger: unions challenge the government’s teacher evaluation

    While Niger’s education unions are not opposed to teacher evaluation, they are criticising the Minister’s failure to listen to their advice concerning the form the tests should take and the consequences facing teachers’ careers.

    Niger: unions challenge the government’s teacher evaluation
  8. Equity and inclusion 12 September 2017

    New OECD report takes aim at teacher salaries, class size and gender equality

    The release of the 2017 edition of the OECD’s ‘Education at a Glance’ contains data supporting Education International’s position that teacher salaries remain stagnant and that class size does have an impact on student outcomes.

    New OECD report takes aim at teacher salaries, class size and gender equality
  9. Union renewal and development 11 September 2017

    Education International stands with victims of recent hurricanes and floods

    Education International has launched an urgent action appeal to help educators affected by extreme weather conditions which have plagued Bangladesh, the Caribbean, and the southern United States.

    Education International stands with victims of recent hurricanes and floods
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2017

    International Literacy Day shines a spotlight on the digital world

    With the global digital divide representing a sizable imbalance among populations, the importance of digital literacy in today’s world cannot be overlooked, especially when it comes to achieving Education 2030.

    International Literacy Day shines a spotlight on the digital world
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 September 2017

    The Liberian Government's school privatisation program exposed

    A leaked copy of the Government commissioned report investigating the Partnership Schools for Liberia programme has concluded that it cannot work “with sustainable budgets and staffing levels, and without negative side effects on other schools.”

    The Liberian Government's school privatisation program exposed
  12. Climate action and literacy 6 September 2017

    Pacific education unions work to implement the 2030 Agenda

    Teacher union leaders have kick-started the first regional consultation workshop on the Education 2030 Agenda to reflect on ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Pacific.

    Pacific education unions work to implement the 2030 Agenda
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 September 2017

    Senegal: the latest workplace elections shuffle the deck of teacher trade unionism

    The first representative elections in Senegal's education sector, in which one out of ten trade unions was declared representative, have created a unique trade union landscape and fostered new alliances.

    Senegal: the latest workplace elections shuffle the deck of teacher trade unionism
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 September 2017

    Belgium: limiting the impact of the francophone political crisis on the start of the school year

    While close to 900,000 students and 100,000 teachers of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation are preparing to start a new school year, the Belgian teacher trade unionists have reaffirmed the importance of applying the Pact of excellence aimed at achieving quality education.

    Belgium: limiting the impact of the francophone political crisis on the start of the school year
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 September 2017

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation

    The creation of a new education has become a reality in the UK following the amalgamation of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Union of Teachers, creating the National Education Union.

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation