
Arab Countries

  1. Arab Countries
  2. Caribbean Union of Teachers
  3. Council of Pacific Education

The Arab Countries Cross-regional Structure brings together education unions from Arabic speaking countries in the Africa and Asia Pacific regions.

The cross-regional structure facilitates cooperation among members, helping education unions join forces and exchange best practices to address their common challenges.

To find out more about our work in Arab countries, please click here.

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 January 2023

    Morocco: unions and government sign agreement on unified status for teachers

    Social dialogue has led to the signing of an agreement between the Moroccan government and education unions on issues such as a unified employment status for national education employees. This new status will replace all pre-existing employment arrangements, which means a fresh start for all, contract teachers included, based on...

    Morocco: unions and government sign agreement on unified status for teachers
  2. Leading the profession 20 December 2022

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education

    At the 6th Biennial Conference of the Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (EI ACCRS), around 80 education unionists representing 28 organisations in 18 countries debated on "Transforming unions to transform education - Where are we? What role for education unions? What’s next?".

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education
  3. News 4 November 2022

    Morocco: New more rewarding, unified status for higher education staff

    Education International congratulates the Syndicat national de l'enseignement supérieur (SNESUP) for reaching a landmark agreement with the Moroccan government, approving amendments that make the status of research teachers more attractive and increase their salaries.

    Morocco: New more rewarding, unified status for higher education staff
  4. Equity and inclusion 10 October 2022

    Education unions honour a decade fighting for the rights of girls in and through education and renew their commitment for the future

    Statement on the International Day of the Girl Child - 11 October 2022

    This October 11th, Education International (EI) and its affiliates are proud to join in the global celebration marking the 10th International Day of the Girl Child. Our Time is Now - Our Rights, Our Future is the 2022 United Nations theme for the day, making clear that “girls are ready...

    Education unions honour a decade fighting for the rights of girls in and through education and renew their commitment for the future
  5. Leading the profession 3 October 2022

    Teachers are the beating heart of education

    David Edwards

    This is a crucial moment. COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on education. At the height of the pandemic, 1.6 billion students were out of school. Millions are still not in their classrooms, others are struggling with trauma and loss. As the economic crisis, the climate emergency, and wars intensify...

    Teachers are the beating heart of education
  6. Leading the profession 29 September 2022

    World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education

    On September 19 world leaders met at the United Nations and committed to transforming education everywhere. Teachers are at the heart of this transformation; they must be trusted and supported to make quality public education a reality for all students.

    World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education
  7. Standards and working conditions 22 September 2022

    Iraq: Call for increased financial means for quality public education as new academic year starts

    Holding its 41st meeting in the presence of the Kurdistan’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Aram Qadr, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) Executive Council focused on the start of the new academic year and took stock of activities undertaken since they last met. They also called on...

    Iraq: Call for increased financial means for quality public education as new academic year starts
  8. Equity and inclusion 21 September 2022

    Education International brings the voice of the teaching profession to the Transforming Education Summit

    Education International brought the voice of the teaching profession to world leaders at the Transforming Education Summit. The United Nations summit was convened to focus on education, and led to the creation of a Global Commission on the Teaching Profession.

    Education International brings the voice of the teaching profession to the Transforming Education Summit
  9. Equity and inclusion 18 September 2022

    Teachers are ready to transform education — it’s time for governments to step up

    David Edwards

    Despite the global crises facing the world, the power and optimism inherent in education will always provide hope for our future. To move forward from this pandemic, and the deepening inequities it exposed, we need to transform education by fully funding public education systems and investing in, supporting, and respecting...

    Teachers are ready to transform education — it’s time for governments to step up
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    The Transforming Education Summit: A Toolkit for Education Unions

    19 July 2022

    For the first time ever, the Heads of State of the world are meeting to discuss progress in education. Convened by the UN Secretary General, the Transforming Education Summit (TES) is taking place on 19 September 2022 in New York. It is a very important opportunity for us as education...

    The Transforming Education Summit: A Toolkit for Education Unions
    1. Download
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 July 2022

    Transforming education starts with a new deal for teachers

    Education International brought the voice of teachers and education support personnel everywhere to the Transforming Education Pre-Summit hosted by UNESCO in Paris from June 28 to 30.

    Transforming education starts with a new deal for teachers
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2022

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit

    Educators’ insights on progress, challenges, and strategies for the future of education will all feature in Education International’s contribution to UNESCO’s Transforming Education Pre‐Summit, taking place from 28-30 June in Paris, France.

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit
  13. Equity and inclusion 13 June 2022

    Using women’s power for change: Education unionists come together for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference

    From 13 to 16 June, record numbers of women education unionists from around the world are coming together online for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference. Under the theme, “Using Women’s Power for Change”, the Conference is a festival of ideas, experiences, and strategies to advance gender equality in...

    Using women’s power for change: Education unionists come together for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference
  14. Equity and inclusion 23 May 2022

    Rabat Declaration underlines the need for international standards to bring all political abuses of religions to a halt

    The participants in the Rabat Global Conference held in Morocco’s capital city from May 11-12 adopted the Declaration reasserting the need to coordinate efforts to build global consensus on setting international rules to eliminate the use of religion in violating human rights. They called on the international community and all...

    Rabat Declaration underlines the need for international standards to bring all political abuses of religions to a halt
  15. Climate action and literacy 2 May 2022

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s educators advance climate change education

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) has called for the government of this Iraqi region to provide more funding and pay more attention to climate change and its impact on people. The KTU organised a series of informational seminars for its members during the national week dedicated to tackling climate change...

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s educators advance climate change education
  16. Climate action and literacy

    Education in climate policies: Are countries in North Africa and the Middle East making the grade? (Arabic)

    29 April 2022

    This side event of the Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022 discussed the role of education in the fight against the climate crisis and how countries can step up their climate education ambition. With interpretation in Arabic.

  17. Climate action and literacy

    Education in climate policies: Are countries in North Africa and the Middle East making the grade? (English)

    29 April 2022

    This side event of the Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022 discussed the role of education in the fight against the climate crisis and how countries can step up their climate education ambition. With interpretation in English.