
Arab Countries

  1. Arab Countries
  2. Caribbean Union of Teachers
  3. Council of Pacific Education

The Arab Countries Cross-regional Structure brings together education unions from Arabic speaking countries in the Africa and Asia Pacific regions.

The cross-regional structure facilitates cooperation among members, helping education unions join forces and exchange best practices to address their common challenges.

To find out more about our work in Arab countries, please click here.

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 July 2018

    Iraq: teacher union expands to better advocate for quality public education

    The opening of a new headquarters for its branch in the centre of the Iraqi Chamchamal region represents a golden opportunity for the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union to highlight the importance of providing quality education for all in the country and renew its commitment to ensure it.

    Iraq: teacher union expands to better advocate for quality public education
  2. Standards and working conditions 28 May 2018

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary cuts limited

    Kurdistan’s education trade union was successful in easing drastic salary cuts planned for teachers.

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary cuts limited
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2018

    Iraq: Union continues support for region devastated by earthquake

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union in Iraq was quick to support colleagues and the education system in eastern and southern Iraq after its devastation by an earthquake late last year.

    Iraq: Union continues support for region devastated by earthquake
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Investing in the crisis: Private participation in the education of Syrian refugees

    Francine Menashy, Zeena Zakharia

    14 April 2017

    While education in emergencies has risen as a policy priority in the mandates of international organizations (Menashy and Dryden-Peterson, 2015), the share of total overseas development assistance to education has declined sharply in recent years, with funding persistently low in conflict-affected states (UNESCO, 2015; 2016).

    Investing in the crisis: Private participation in the education of Syrian refugees
    1. Download
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2017

    Iraq: building peace and understanding through art

    Education union members in Kurdistan’s Iraqi region have shown their willingness, through a joint teachers’ and students’ art and handicraft exhibition, to work together towards building peace and understanding across their region and country.

    Iraq: building peace and understanding through art
  6. Equity and inclusion 17 November 2016

    Policy Statement on Open Access in Further and Higher Education and Research

    EI's 10th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference | Ghana, November 2016

    1. The public good is served by the widest and most accessible dissemination of scholarly work and educational material. This can be facilitated when scholars and educators make their work available in reputable open access venues.

    Policy Statement on Open Access in Further and Higher Education and Research
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 12 September 2016

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union received a recent boost to its organisational efforts through a workshop organised by Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure and the British National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers.

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 5 July 2016

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union has firmly condemned the latest terrorist attack perpetrated by Daesh in Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, leaving, according to latest official reports, 200 people dead and 225 others severely injured.

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing
  9. Standards and working conditions 3 February 2016

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary arrears must be paid immediately

    Education International has strongly protested to the Iraqi Prime Minister about the ongoing delays in the payment of teachers’ salaries in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

    Iraq: Teachers’ salary arrears must be paid immediately
  10. Equity and inclusion 14 January 2016

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women

    In conjunction with the United Nations’ recent 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Iraqi teachers organised a number of activities under the theme of “Home Peace to World Peace, Peaceful Education for All.”

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 January 2016

    Iraq: education union rolls up sleeves to tackle infrastructure issues

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union has announced a major project to enhance the housing situation of Kurdish teachers and education employees, cooperating with over 20 companies in the construction sector to build 17,000 units of accommodation, mostly apartments.

    Iraq: education union rolls up sleeves to tackle infrastructure issues
  12. Union renewal and development 9 November 2015

    Iraq: teacher unions work to maintain education as conflict continues

    Even amidst reports that show the increasing challenges facing education, especially refugee students and teachers, education unions from Iraq and abroad are focused on finding sustainable solutions, despite constant uncertainty facing the war torn country.

    Iraq: teacher unions work to maintain education as conflict continues
  13. Equity and inclusion 3 November 2015

    UNICEF: number of children in Iraq without access to school reaches two million

    The findings of the latest report from the United Nations Children’s Fund are damning, revealing that the number of children in Iraq with no access to school could surpass three million due to unrelenting violence.

    UNICEF: number of children in Iraq without access to school reaches two million
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 May 2015

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s teachers renew vow to work with education ministry

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union has reaffirmed its intension to work with the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to improve the quality of education, teachers’ status, and working and living conditions.

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s teachers renew vow to work with education ministry
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 10 April 2015

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders

    Education International has named two teacher union leaders from Iraq and the Philippines to be awarded human rights and education prizes for their outstanding commitment, engagement and courage in promoting education for all.

    Education awards go to Iraqi and Filipino leaders