
Caribbean Union of Teachers

  1. Arab Countries
  2. Caribbean Union of Teachers
  3. Council of Pacific Education

The Caribbean Union of Teachers is an Education International umbrella body for teachers in the Caribbean, from Bermuda in the north to Suriname in the south. This sub-regional structure enables our member organisations to collaborate, sharing knowledge and strategies to promote quality education and strengthen unions.

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 July 2024

    Teachers at the center of United Nations education plan

    NEW YORK – Only months after the groundbreaking recommendations of a United Nations panel on the teaching profession, UN Secretary Antonio Guterres Thursday put teachers at the center of what he called “a four-point plan to end the global education crisis.”

    Teachers at the center of United Nations education plan
  2. Standards and working conditions

    Activating the recommendations on teacher well-being

    The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations

    8 July 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession recognises that “teachers need to work in a climate of security, support, well-being and decent working conditions”. It calls for comprehensive national teacher policies to address teacher well-being and for multi-stakeholder national commissions to be established. The commissions should address workload and well-being...

    Activating the recommendations on teacher well-being
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  3. Standards and working conditions

    Teacher and Education Support Personnel Well-being - Vital for Education

    Policy Brief

    8 July 2024

    This Briefing outlines the importance of teacher and education support personnel (ESP) wellbeing to high quality education. It sets out a road map for education unions and their members on how to ensure that educational jurisdictions put in place practical strategies for enhancing the wellbeing of all teachers and ESP....

    Teacher and Education Support Personnel Well-being - Vital for Education
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  4. Standards and working conditions

    Teacher well-being: a global understanding

    8 July 2024

    Education International wishes to further its understanding of the current policy landscape of teacher well-being. To inform this understanding, Education International commissioned Education Support to undertake a small-scale research study to explore and summarise global understandings of teacher well-being. The work included highlighting global definitions of well-being, the identification of...

    Teacher well-being: a global understanding
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  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2024

    Global education leaders meet to accelerate progress towards quality education for all

    With only 6 years until the 2030 deadline, Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education for all is off track. Millions of children continue to be out of school, deprived of their right to education, while education systems struggle with an alarming shortage of 44 million teachers. In this context,...

    Global education leaders meet to accelerate progress towards quality education for all
  6. Standards and working conditions

    Activating the recommendations for higher education

    The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations

    3 July 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General and brought together academics, ministers of education and labour, former presidents, employers’ organisations, teachers and students and their unions.

    Activating the recommendations for higher education
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  7. Union growth 30 April 2024

    May Day 2024: Education unions call on governments to Go Public! Fund Education

    To mark May Day, Education International, the global voice of the teaching profession, is calling on governments everywhere to fully fund public education systems, and guarantee labour rights and good working conditions for teachers and education support personnel. Well-resourced, inclusive, and equitable quality public education systems are a prerequisite for...

    May Day 2024: Education unions call on governments to Go Public! Fund Education
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 26 April 2024

    Haiti: Education keeps hope alive amidst the chaos

    Whilst the country goes through a deep, multifaceted crisis, teachers continue their fight to ensure education once again becomes a priority; a prerequisite for reestablishing lasting peace and prosperity in Haiti.

    Haiti: Education keeps hope alive amidst the chaos
  9. Climate action and literacy 25 April 2024

    Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet

    On April 22 Education International’s Climate Network came together to celebrate Earth Day with an insightful discussion on the reform necessary to foster a pedagogy of hope and quality climate change education in classrooms everywhere. Education unionists were joined by three inspiring activists who are leading the youth movement for...

    Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet
  10. Future of work in education

    Activating the Recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession

    A Guide for Education Unions

    3 April 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in response to the global teacher shortage. The Panel brought together academics, ministers, former presidents, teachers and students and their unions.

    Activating the Recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
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  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 February 2024

    United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches landmark recommendations to end the global teacher shortage and strengthen the profession

    Convened by the United Nations Secretary- General in response to the alarming global teacher shortage, the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession developed 59 recommendations to ensure teachers are valued and respected. The broad and progressive recommendations are the result of sustained union advocacy and a unique opportunity to effect...

    United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches landmark recommendations to end the global teacher shortage and strengthen the profession
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 26 January 2024

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean

    “Our activities here together these next few days are varied, but our purpose is fundamental – to reflect and learn from each other and to plan ways to encourage our members to play an active role in transforming education across this vast and varied region.” This was the call by...

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2024

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all

    On January 24, the International Day of Education, education unionists from around the world came together to reaffirm their commitment to the universal right to education and to mark the first year of the Education International global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments...

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 January 2024

    Join the global movement for public education!

    January 24th is the International Day of Education. Education is a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility. Free quality public education systems that are fully funded and led by a strong, valued, and respected teaching profession are the single most effective way to ensure the right to...

    Join the global movement for public education!
  15. Equity and inclusion 12 December 2023

    Education International puts teachers in the spotlight at the Global Refugee Forum

    The Global Refugee Forum is taking place in Geneva from 13 to 15 December. Education International (EI) is spearheading global efforts to support the rights of teachers in contexts of forced displacement and crises.

    Education International puts teachers in the spotlight at the Global Refugee Forum
  16. Democracy 8 December 2023

    Our global solidarity is imperative to defend human rights

    Education International's statement on International Human Rights Day

    On International Human Rights Day, Education International reaffirms our collective commitment to defending human rights around the world.  We must remain firm and united around the principles of peace, justice, equality, democracy, and dignity for all. It is our shared responsibility to stand resolutely against all human rights violations and ...

    Our global solidarity is imperative to defend human rights
  17. Equity and inclusion 8 December 2023

    Fossil fuel subsidies and educational performance

    Zeynep Clulow

    Around the world, companies, NGOs, policymakers, academics and national publics are increasingly calling on governments to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies (FS) - measures that support the consumption and production of natural gas, coal and oil – as a vital step for combatting climate change and building a more just and...

    Fossil fuel subsidies and educational performance
  18. Climate action and literacy 4 December 2023

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions

    Alanah Torralba

    Every year, despite recording ‘hottest ever’ temperatures, the world consumes more fossil fuels than ever before. Consequently, climate disasters also continue to rise in frequency and intensity. In 2022, for instance, a third of Pakistan’s land mass was under water for several months following record monsoon rains and melting glaciers...

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions