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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 20 November 2019

    #CRC30 “Albania: Teachers’ unions working to realise the right to education for all children”, by Nevrus Kaptelli and Stavri Liko.

    Stavri Liko, Nevrus Kaptelli

    The Albanian Alliance of Education Trade Unions, comprising the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science of Albania (FSASH) and the Independent Trade Union of Albanian Education (SPASH-ITUEA), has been working since 2002 with different projects designed to increase school retention rates and promote inclusion of vulnerable students. Teachers have...

    #CRC30 “Albania: Teachers’ unions working to realise the right to education for all children”, by Nevrus Kaptelli and Stavri Liko.
  2. Statements 20 November 2019

    Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges

    In November 1989 the world was changing. With the Berlin wall crumbling and the world ushering in a new age, countries found common ground in defending the rights of children. “Humanity owes its best to each and every one of you,” stated UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar to...

    Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges
  3. Worlds of Education 14 November 2019

    #SABERexposed "Teachers in the World Bank's SABER", by Melanie Baker Robbins.

    Melanie Baker Robbins

    This blog post presents two major critiques of the SABER-Teachers domain: The World Bank’s inconsistent use of empirical evidence in order to promote policies that reflect its ideological biases related to teachers and the teaching profession, and the way the SABER-Teachers domain framework paper serves to de-professionalize teachers.

    #SABERexposed "Teachers in the World Bank's SABER", by Melanie Baker Robbins.
  4. Worlds of Education 8 November 2019

    “Impoverishing the poor: the deficiencies of the World Bank’s learning poverty goal”, by Dennis Sinyolo.

    Dennis Sinyolo

    On 17 October, the World Bank announced a new global target for education aimed at reducing ‘learning poverty’ - the percentage of children who are unable to read by the age of 10 – in half by 2030. The World Bank’s initiative is a step in the wrong direction, and...

    “Impoverishing the poor: the deficiencies of the World Bank’s learning poverty goal”, by Dennis Sinyolo.
  5. Worlds of Education 7 November 2019

    #SABERexposed “Engaging the Private Sector”, by Brendan DeCoster.

    Brendan DeCoster

    As part of the blog series critiquing the World Bank’s Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) initiative, I examine some of the more problematic aspects of the Bank’s claims that 1) they are representing a consensus on engagement of the private sector and 2) that they are not pursuing...

    #SABERexposed “Engaging the Private Sector”, by Brendan DeCoster.
  6. News 6 November 2019

    Netherlands: Over 4,000 schools close as teachers strike for a sustainable solution to funding crisis and staff shortages

    Schools in the Netherlands are struggling to pay their way, while a teacher shortage is getting worse and worse. The government offered a one-time €460 million boost, but teachers are standing firm for structural increases in funding that can preserve the profession and guarantee quality education for all in the...

    Netherlands: Over 4,000 schools close as teachers strike for a sustainable solution to funding crisis and staff shortages
  7. Publications

    Global framework of professional teaching standards

    Jointly developed by Education International and UNESCO
    4 November 2019

    The joint Education International/ UNESCO framework on the development of professional teaching standards aims to improve teacher quality, teaching and learning, as well as support the implementation and monitoring of the teacher target in the Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and specifically Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).

    Global framework of professional teaching standards
    1. Download
  8. Worlds of Education 31 October 2019

    #SABERexposed “SABER School Autonomy & Accountability”, by Lê Minh Hằng.

    Hang M. Le

    SABER School Autonomy & Accountability argues that a closed loop model of autonomy, assessment, and accountability will lead to better education outcomes. This blog post critiques some of the central assumptions behind this model and argues for alternative ways to view accountability.

    #SABERexposed “SABER School Autonomy & Accountability”, by Lê Minh Hằng.
  9. Worlds of Education 30 October 2019

    “Teachers – Being in Control or Being Controlled?”, by Jim Baker.

    Jim Baker

    The status and role of professional teachers are affected by global efforts to make schools reason and operate like private companies even in some schools systems that may appear untouched by market reform fervour. A publication released last month on the profession addresses, in different contexts, the impact of that...

    “Teachers – Being in Control or Being Controlled?”, by Jim Baker.
  10. Worlds of Education 24 October 2019

    #SABERexposed “The World Bank’s SABER: A Knowledge Source or an Ideologically-Honed Weapon to Compel Neoliberal Educational Reforms?”, by Mark Ginsburg and Steven Klees.

    Mark Ginsburg, Steve Klees

    The acronym for the World Bank’s Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) suggests two meanings. The first, based on a pronunciation with a short “a” sound and stress on the second syllable, calls to mind the Spanish term meaning knowledge (or to know). The second, based on a pronunciation...

    #SABERexposed “The World Bank’s SABER: A Knowledge Source or an Ideologically-Honed Weapon to Compel Neoliberal Educational Reforms?”, by Mark Ginsburg and Steven Klees.
  11. News 24 October 2019

    Global Media and Information Literacy Week: education nurtures informed, engaged and empowered citizens

    In the era of fake news, media literacy is essential for democracies the world over. Educators play a crucial role in helping their students become responsible and discerning citizens who can navigate the increasingly complex media landscape and make informed decisions.

    Global Media and Information Literacy Week: education nurtures informed, engaged and empowered citizens
  12. News 23 October 2019

    Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change

    Education unions have expressed their support for the legitimate demands of hundreds of thousands of citizens calling for radical change in a political system accused of corruption, confessionalism and clientelism, and an end to the endless economic crisis plaguing Lebanon.

    Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change
  13. Worlds of Education 22 October 2019

    “Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.

    John Bangs

    The online magazine ‘Education Journal’ recently published in its edition 385 a report of Education International’s eighth World Congress in Bangkok by EI Senior Consultant, John Bangs. Education Journal has agreed to its publication for Worlds of Education. It has been slightly edited for EI’s global audience.

    “Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.
  14. News 21 October 2019

    Haiti: reopening schools despite the dire situation is essential

    While Haiti’s political, economic and social situation has been deteriorating for months, recent weeks have been truly terrible, to the point that schools are now closed - a dramatic development given that without education, there can be no national development.

    Haiti: reopening schools despite the dire situation is essential
  15. Worlds of Education 18 October 2019

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) devoted the most recent edition of its magazine, “Perspectives” to education and democracy. It covers the challenges to democracy in Canada, North America and the world. It also reports on education initiatives that have been developed in Canada to support and re-enforce democratic values and...

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards