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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 May 2018

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies

    Education activists, teachers and global union leaders went to London to urge shareholders at the Pearson Annual General Meeting to stop funding Bridge International Academies, a for-profit company that makes money by shortchanging the education of thousands of at risk children.

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies
  2. Worlds of Education 7 May 2018

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley

    Philippa Cordingley

    One of the things we are exploring in our research into how different countries construct teachers’ professional identities that will be presented at Education International’s annual Research Network meeting today, is the nature of the links between investing in research-informed teaching and amplifying teachers’ collective professional voice.

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley
  3. News 27 April 2018

    Five reasons Pearson (and everyone else) should stop investing in Bridge Academies right now

    Pearson Education has invested tons of money in fee-charging, for-profit schools operated by Bridge International Academies. Many Bridge schools use unqualified staff, unofficial curriculum in substandard facilities. Its fees can push families into further poverty.

    Five reasons Pearson (and everyone else) should stop investing in Bridge Academies right now
  4. Worlds of Education 25 April 2018

    Ready for Real Change? Copyright, Education and the Quest for Equality , by Carys Craig

    Carys J. Craig

    April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day, the 2018 theme for which is ‘Powering Change: Women in Innovation and Creativity.’ While, truth be told, the day itself typically strikes me as an awkward effort by the World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] to celebrate the protection of intellectual property [IP] for...

    Ready for Real Change? Copyright, Education and the Quest for Equality , by Carys Craig
  5. Worlds of Education 23 April 2018

    Towards Inclusive Quality School Leadership, By Dennis Sinyolo

    Dennis Sinyolo

    School leaders play a pivotal role in the provision of quality education and in ensuring equity and equal educational opportunities for all children, pupils and students. School leaders can help to create and maintain a positive school climate and a culture of peace, tolerance, equity, inclusiveness, cooperation and hard work...

    Towards Inclusive Quality School Leadership, By Dennis Sinyolo
  6. News 23 April 2018

    Global Action Week for Education 2018: Free public quality education for all

    As we celebrate Global Action Week for Education 2018, Education International calls on its affiliates and education activists to urge governments to invest in free public quality education and to recognise and support educators.

    Global Action Week for Education 2018: Free public quality education for all
  7. Worlds of Education 19 April 2018

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers

    Jelmer Evers

    Not too long ago I had a formal lesson observation as part of my yearly performance review. It’s meant as a basis for professional growth and as such it succeeded. I enjoyed the reflection. In my view it should be a regular part of a teacher’s job, not just a...

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers
  8. News 19 April 2018

    #MakeitPublic: New campaign to drive national education monitoring

    The Global Education Monitoring Report has launched #MakeitPublic, a new advocacy campaign calling on governments and regional organisations to report on education progress to their citizens.

    #MakeitPublic: New campaign to drive national education monitoring
  9. Publications

    Reality check: The Bank’s 2018 World Development Report on Education

    17 April 2018

    The World Bank's 2018 World Development Report on Education, Learning to Realise Education’s Promise (WDR), concluded with three recommended strategies - assess learning, act on evidence and align actors. Over the past six months, Education International has brought together teacher union leaders, academics and activists in a series of blogs...

    Reality check: The Bank’s 2018 World Development Report on Education
    1. Download
  10. News 17 April 2018

    Education International assesses World Bank's Development Report on education

    Just ahead of the World Bank Spring Meetings, Education International is launching a publication that brings together multiple voices from around the world to provide a Reality Check on the World Bank’s 2018 World Development Report on education.

    Education International assesses World Bank's Development Report on education
  11. News 13 April 2018

    The Netherlands: Educator unrest spreads across the country

    Dutch educators in the southern part of The Netherlands have protested in favour of improved salaries and working conditions following similar activities nationally and regionally.

    The Netherlands: Educator unrest spreads across the country
  12. Worlds of Education 12 April 2018

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch

    Damjan Harisch

    The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministry) has taken keen interest in the EU Copyright reform, which was initiated by the EU Commission through a Proposal for a Directive on Copyrights in the digital single market in September 2016, following several years of public...

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch
  13. Worlds of Education 11 April 2018

    Canada’s copyright regime -- who’s afraid of fair dealing? by David Robinson

    David Robinson

    If you’re looking for a cure for insomnia, then perusing Canada’s Copyright Act[1] might just be what the doctor ordered. The Act weighs in at a hefty 176 pages of dense legal text that is sure to induce somnolent yearnings in even the most caffeinated reader. On the other hand,...

    Canada’s copyright regime -- who’s afraid of fair dealing? by David Robinson
  14. Worlds of Education 10 April 2018

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #22: “Learning Matters and the World Development Report 2018”, by Keith Lewin

    Keith Lewin

    “Learning to Realise Education’s Promise” is the first time the World Bank has devoted an entire 240 page World Development Report (WDR) to education and learning. It is surprising that it has taken so long given that the main purpose of the Bank is to finance development, and low income...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #22: “Learning Matters and the World Development Report 2018”, by Keith Lewin
  15. News 10 April 2018

    UK: Survey reveals ‘heart-breaking’ impact of child poverty in schools

    Growing child poverty is affecting children’s learning in the UK, according to a recent National Education Union survey. However, schools and education staff are doing their utmost to provide the services and essentials of daily life to help disadvantaged families.

    UK: Survey reveals ‘heart-breaking’ impact of child poverty in schools
  16. Worlds of Education 10 April 2018

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre

    Teresa Nobre

    What can a teacher do in a classroom with a poem, a video, an artwork or a piece of music created by someone else? From early childhood education to higher education, literary and artistic works can be used by teachers, academics and researchers, education support personnel and students for educational...

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre