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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. News 28 May 2014

    Working on transversal skills

    The Thematic Working Group on Transversal skills of the European Commission met in Brussels on 29-30 January 2014. ETUCE was represented by Brian Cookson (NASUWT, UK) and Guus Wijngaards (AoB NL).

    Working on transversal skills
  2. News 28 May 2014

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving

    The Thematic Working Groups of the European Commission on School Policy dealing with Teacher Education and Early School Leaving met in Brussels on 20-21 February 2014. ETUCE was represented by Hans Laugesen GL (DK) and Dan Taubmann (UK). In 2010 the member states of the EU adopted the EU2020 Strategy...

    Collaboration on school policies to fight early school leaving
  3. News 28 May 2014

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education

    The Thematic Working Group on modernising higher education of the European Commission organised a meeting in Brussels on 29 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Jens Vraa-Jensen (Denmark).

    Quality assurance and mobility in higher education
  4. News 28 May 2014

    Recent European developments in adult learning

    ETUCE is represented in thematic working groups of the European Commission. The Thematic Working Group on Adult Learning of the European Commission organised a meeting on 3 March 2014. ETUCE was represented by Rossella Benedetti (UilScuola, Italy).

    Recent European developments in adult learning
  5. News 28 May 2014

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications

    The European Commission run a public consultation until 15 April 2014 to create the so-called European Area of Skills and Qualifications. ETUCE encouraged its member organisations in Europe to fill in the questionnaire using a joint ETUCE-ETUC position.

    Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications
  6. News 28 May 2014

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements

    The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. Even though education is rarely mentioned by the TTIP negotiators, unfortunately there is not a guarantee that the European education and training systems will not be...

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements
  7. News 28 May 2014

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation

    The Education Council adopted Conclusions on Efficient and Innovative Education and Training to Invest in Skills on 24 February 2014.

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation
  8. News 28 May 2014

    Have your say on the priorities of the EU on education and training!

    A new European Commission will be set up in autumn after the European Parliament elections. The DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, therefore, is renewing its political objectives for the future 5 years (2015-2020).

    Have your say on the priorities of the EU on education and training!
  9. News 27 May 2014

    Access, equity and quality at the opening of the world conference on education

    Teachers are key to the future of quality education, to the development of their societies, their economies and to the shaping of the world of the 21st century, was the message from delegates at Education International's global Unite for Quality Education Conference in Montreal.

    Access, equity and quality at the opening of the world conference on education
  10. News 25 May 2014

    Quality education under the spotlight as global campaign rolls into Montréal

    For most Quebecers, a quality, publicly-funded, accessible education is an expectation, but at home and abroad the definition of quality is increasingly being pushed aside in favour of balanced budgets, standardized testing, and privatization.

    Quality education under the spotlight as global campaign rolls into Montréal
  11. News 22 May 2014

    EI General Secretary sees Iceland as “perfect world” for parents

    Despite modern social advances that have helped transform parental roles and identity, men and women still find themselves juggling the realities and accepting the sacrifices of raising children and going to work.

    EI General Secretary sees Iceland as “perfect world” for parents
  12. News 21 May 2014

    Uganda: Five per cent of school-age children have never gone to school

    One out of every 20 children of school-going age (7 to 15 years) in Uganda has never attended school, despite Uganda’s policy on free education. That’s according to an Out of School Children Study in Uganda report released on 7 May.

    Uganda: Five per cent of school-age children have never gone to school
  13. News 20 May 2014

    Latvia: Union mobilises for pay increase

    Educators and science employees actively participated in protest actions in Riga to demand additional state financing for effective education reforms on 12 May.

    Latvia: Union mobilises for pay increase
  14. News 20 May 2014

    2014 European Elections: Bringing priorities on Quality Education at the core of the electoral debate – rounding up campaign activities in Europe

    ETUCE’s initiative aimed at encouraging candidates to the EP to pledge for the 10 key messages on ‘What is needed to improve the Quality of Education in Europe’ has been welcomed and supported by ETUCE affiliates throughout national activities in many European countries.

    2014 European Elections: Bringing priorities on Quality Education at the core of the electoral debate – rounding up campaign activities in Europe
  15. News 20 May 2014

    Winds of change for Europe: 25 May 2014 vote for Europe

    ETUCE is calling on all its affiliates to vote for candidates that can change the course of austerity policies in Europe, to vote for a social and democratic Europe.

    Winds of change for Europe: 25 May 2014 vote for Europe
  16. News 20 May 2014

    EI General Secretary presents UNITE campaign at ITUC Congress

    The importance of trade unions' role in helping realise quality education was the message delivered by Education International this week as union delegates from around the world met in Berlin.

    EI General Secretary presents UNITE campaign at ITUC Congress
  17. News 19 May 2014

    Lebanon: No deal in Parliament on salary scale bill

    Lebanon’s Parliament has failed to pass a public sector salary scale bill, which would have seen an overall maximum salary increase of $1.4 billion.

    Lebanon: No deal in Parliament on salary scale bill