
Markus Spiske / Unsplash
Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Climate action and literacy

The world is undeniably facing a climate emergency. As defenders of truth and science, teachers are mobilising for climate justice and literacy.

We are working to ensure climate change education is taught in schools across the world to equip students with the critical knowledge they need in their daily lives and to inform their choices as active citizens. We advocate for climate education to be integrated into curricula, initial teacher training and continuous professional development and for education to be recognised as a key tool in the fight against climate change.

Together with students, with the global trade union movement and civil society partners, we advocate for a just transition in order to secure workers’ rights and livelihoods as economies shift to sustainable production.

Our work in this area

  1. News 7 April 2021

    Quality Climate Change Education for All: Education International Launches Global Campaign

    Representing 32.5 million educators worldwide, Education International is leading in the movement for climate education. On 21 April 2021, Education International will launch a multilevel campaign to ensure that climate education, based on science with a civic action focus, becomes as fundamental as teaching reading and writing.

    Quality Climate Change Education for All: Education International Launches Global Campaign
  2. Worlds of Education 8 January 2021

    “Can 2021 be the Critical Year for Climate Change Mobilisation?”, by Susan Hopgood.

    Susan Hopgood

    As we enter 2021 and wish each other a Happy New Year, the arrival of Covid-19 vaccines is a good reason for optimism regarding humanity’s most immediate threat. Unfortunately, when it comes to our most urgent long-term danger – climate change – there is no vaccine, no bright path before...

    “Can 2021 be the Critical Year for Climate Change Mobilisation?”, by Susan Hopgood.
  3. News 11 December 2020

    Five years into the Paris Agreement – Education International calls for governments to step up action on the climate emergency and prioritise the implementation of climate literacy for all

    Tomorrow, 12 December 2020, marks the 5-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement. As world leaders convene virtually to demonstrate their continued commitment, Education International calls for increased ambition and further acknowledgement of education’s important role in combatting the climate emergency.

    Five years into the Paris Agreement – Education International calls for governments to step up action on the climate emergency and prioritise the implementation of climate literacy for all
  4. News 1 December 2020

    Educators seek to influence UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report

    Teacher unions have a key role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their voices must be heard. That’s according to Education International in its latest contribution to the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report consultations on non-state actors.

    Educators seek to influence UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report
  5. Worlds of Education 19 November 2020

    “PISA 2018 in Scotland: Something to sing about!”, by Larry Flanagan.

    Larry Flanagan

    There is a football chant that is used to taunt opposing fans, most often when their team is losing, which goes, “You only sing when you’re winning…”, so in that vein let me reflect on the recent place of Scotland in the PISA 2018 results on Global Competencies!

    “PISA 2018 in Scotland: Something to sing about!”, by Larry Flanagan.
  6. News 19 November 2020

    The Global Climate Literacy Campaign

    In June 2020, the Education International Executive Board joined the global climate literacy initiative along with hundreds of other trade unions, education, civil society organisations, and individuals. The goal is to increase the understanding and knowledge of students of the climate crisis and to encourage action. The campaign is designed...

    The Global Climate Literacy Campaign
  7. Statements 18 November 2020

    Statement | Education International Calls for Universal Climate Change Education

    If it were not for the Covid-19 pandemic, leaders from around this world would at this moment be gathered in Glasgow for the final days of UNFCCC’s conference of parties (COP26). These meetings to monitor the Paris Agreement have been postponed until 2021 and this must not mean that action...

    Statement | Education International Calls for Universal Climate Change Education
  8. News 23 October 2020

    Extraordinary Global Education Meeting reaffirms commitments to SDG 4 and calls for accelerated funding and global solidarity

    An extraordinary session of the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM) took place today, 22 October. It was preceded by a technical meeting on the 20th devoted to policy preparation. The meeting focused on global priorities for recovery in education and accelerated action in order to make progress on achieving SDG...

    Extraordinary Global Education Meeting reaffirms commitments to SDG 4 and calls for accelerated funding and global solidarity
  9. News 20 October 2020

    UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education

    Education in the current and post-COVID-19 world will be the focus of an extraordinary session of UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Meeting (2020 GEM) on 22 October. Co-hosted by the Government of the United Kingdom, political leaders, policy makers, and global education actors will have an opportunity to agree on global...

    UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education
  10. Worlds of Education 4 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Unleashing the transformative power of education”, by Camilla Croso.

    Camilla Croso

    In his seminal text "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", Brazilian scholar Paulo Freire writes, “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” I believe this encapsulates education’s transformative power. It is only...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Unleashing the transformative power of education”, by Camilla Croso.
  11. News 22 September 2020

    Education International joins initiative for climate literacy

    Education International and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) joined global, regional, and national civil society, mostly environmental organisations, in the appeal responding to the initiative launched by EarthDay.org to convince governments to place a priority on climate literacy and to bring good quality, science-based climate change education into schools...

    Education International joins initiative for climate literacy
  12. News 4 September 2020

    GEM Report: “Lost generation” risk without post-pandemic rapid action on SDG 4

    Today, 4 September, the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) released a policy paper entitled, “Act now: Reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the cost of achieving SDG 4”. The paper argues that acting rapidly as the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic will reduce costs that would otherwise be necessary...

    GEM Report: “Lost generation” risk without post-pandemic rapid action on SDG 4