
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 28 March 2025

    Lebanon: Educators’ ongoing fight for fundamental rights

    The streets of Lebanon have once again echoed with the voices of teachers protesting against the unjust policies imposed by successive governments. These administrations have consistently abandoned educators, leaving them to survive on meagre salaries that have stripped them of their right to a decent life and basic dignity.

    Lebanon: Educators’ ongoing fight for fundamental rights
  2. Worlds of Education 27 March 2025

    Tackling the teacher shortage crisis in the Commonwealth

    Oliver Mawhinney

    44 million teachers are need globally by 2030 – a shortage that affects developing and developed countries alike, as demonstrated across the Commonwealth.

    Tackling the teacher shortage crisis in the Commonwealth
  3. News 25 March 2025

    Jamaica launches “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign amid critical teacher shortage

    In a bid to address the critical shortage of teachers and improve the state of education in the country, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) launched the Go Public! Fund Education campaign. The initiative aims to tackle the teacher shortage by enhancing educational infrastructure and teacher remuneration.

    Jamaica launches “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign amid critical teacher shortage
  4. News 24 March 2025

    Albania: Education unions’ relentless united struggle for change

    Albania's leading education unions have joined forces to demand increased investment for quality public education and better working and living conditions for teachers, setting a positive example to be shared with colleagues throughout Europe and beyond.

    Albania: Education unions’ relentless united struggle for change
  5. News 21 March 2025

    Nepalese teachers push for governmental action: A call for education reform

    In a powerful display of unity and determination, thousands of Nepalese teachers have once again gathered in the capital, demanding the government pass the long-awaited School Education Bill. The protest, organized by the Confederation of Nepali Teachers (CNT), comes one-and-a-half years after a previous demonstration was called off following a...

    Nepalese teachers push for governmental action: A call for education reform
  6. News 18 March 2025

    School leadership is key to shaping inclusive quality public education

    In a world where education faces unprecedented challenges, school leaders emerge as the pivotal force driving quality and inclusivity in schools. This was at the heart of discussions during the webinar “Strengthening School Leadership: Insights from the 2024/5 GEM Report ” organized by Education International (EI).

    School leadership is key to shaping inclusive quality public education
  7. News 17 March 2025

    Championing education in Nigeria: Union pushes for better funding, improved working conditions, and safe schools

    In Nigeria, the education system faces numerous challenges, some of which from time to time make international headlines. As a country with a population of over 220 million people, the responsibility of providing quality education falls on the federal, state, and local governments. However, the implementation of sound educational policies...

    Championing education in Nigeria: Union pushes for better funding, improved working conditions, and safe schools
  8. News 10 March 2025

    Serbia: Union organizing results in more funding, lower tuition fees, and fairer salaries in higher education

    In a landmark move, Serbia has announced significant reforms to its higher education system, promising a brighter future for both educators and students. These changes, hailed as a victory for teacher unions and student activists, mark a pivotal moment in the country's educational landscape.

    Serbia: Union organizing results in more funding, lower tuition fees, and fairer salaries in higher education
  9. News 7 March 2025

    Asia Pacific: Renewed sense of unity and determination to defend public education

    The Education International Asia-Pacific Regional Committee met from 5- 6 March 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand to review the progress made over the past year and a half, and to set regional priorities in line with the resolutions of the 10th Education International World Congress.

    Asia Pacific: Renewed sense of unity and determination to defend public education
  10. News 26 February 2025

    Romania: The union struggle to improve the quality of education continues

    Despite financial challenges and teacher shortages in Romania, decisive union initiatives and significant reforms are underway to improve the quality of education. The Federation of Free Education Unions (FSLE) is sparing no effort to overcome obstacles and ensure students and teachers have a better future.

    Romania: The union struggle to improve the quality of education continues
  11. Worlds of Education 24 February 2025

    Fired for speaking up against a dictatorial Vice Chancellor

    Tamara Osborne-Naikatini

    Working as a Biology lecturer at the University of the South Pacific (USP) has always been a labour of love for me. Spread over thousands of kilometers of oceanic expanse and hundreds of lush tropical islands, spanning twelve countries in the (generally) South Pacific region, the university’s domain is truly...

    Fired for speaking up against a dictatorial Vice Chancellor
  12. News 21 February 2025

    Palestine: International solidarity strengthens early childhood educators’ professional skills and their union

    With the purpose of enhancing the professional skills of early childhood educators in Palestine, the General Union of Workers in Kindergarten and Private Schools (GUWKPS) organized a series of four union-sponsored, half-day workshops focused on “trauma-informed education.” This training for Palestinian kindergarten teachers, focused on providing them with tools to...

    Palestine: International solidarity strengthens early childhood educators’ professional skills and their union
  13. News 20 February 2025

    A promising future for education in Senegal: tackling the teacher shortage

    Faced with a serious shortage of teachers in the country, Senegalese education unions affiliated to Education International, grouped within the Union Syndicale pour une Éducation de Qualité (USEQ) – a trade union coalition for quality education – welcomes the government’s decision to recruit graduates into the profession on an immediate...

    A promising future for education in Senegal: tackling the teacher shortage
  14. News 20 February 2025

    Germany: Education unions united to save remedial classes for primary schools

    In a controversial move, the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government plans to eliminate remedial classes from the primary school curriculum. This decision has been met with strong opposition from the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) NRW and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) NRW, arguing that this “grave mistake” is...

    Germany: Education unions united to save remedial classes for primary schools
  15. News 14 February 2025

    A call for reform in Iraqi Kurdistan’s education system

    A pressing and persistent issue has been brought to light by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU): The excessive number of holidays in the academic calendar has significantly disrupted the educational process, leaving both teachers and students struggling to keep up with the curriculum.

    A call for reform in Iraqi Kurdistan’s education system
  16. Worlds of Education 12 February 2025

    Nordic academic freedom under threat

    Jon W. Iddeng

    All democratic societies rely on facts and scientific evidence for societal decision-making. Academic freedom ensures that researchers and educators at universities can provide this evidence. These institutions have a special responsibility to meet society's need for basic, curiosity-driven research, to maintain a broad knowledge readiness, and to serve as a...

    Nordic academic freedom under threat