Our work in this area
News 24 September 2024 Iraq: Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society
During a recent seminar, “The educational process: What’s needed in the Kurdistan’s Region?”, Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) President Abdulwahed Mohammad Haje emphasized the crucial role of teachers in shaping societies and leading them towards progress and prosperity. Drawing inspiration from global leaders and scholars, he highlighted the importance of education...
Iraq: Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society -
News 24 September 2024 Chad: A union congress vital for the future of education
During the 6th ordinary Congress of the Chad Teachers’ Union (Syndicat des enseignants du Tchad – SET), unionists reinvigorated their union, discussed strategies to ensure the teaching profession is valued, reviewed the union’s statutory provisions, nominated national advisers, and elected a new national executive committee.
Chad: A union congress vital for the future of education -
Take action! 20 September 2024 World Teachers’ Day: Valuing teacher voices
Communications toolkit
This World Teachers’ Day, join the global mobilisation calling on governments everywhere to value the voice of teachers, invest in the profession, and in quality public education.
World Teachers’ Day: Valuing teacher voices -
News 18 September 2024 The voice of teaching profession must be valued to increase the quality of education in Asia-Pacific
Education International’s Asia-Pacific Regional Office (EIAP) seized the opportunity of the 6th Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED) to voice concerns over the lack of teacher representation and equitable discussions on teachers, highlighting that teachers and their professional insights and experiences are overlooked in too many cases when education policies...
The voice of teaching profession must be valued to increase the quality of education in Asia-Pacific -
News 17 September 2024 Nigeria: Education union and government gear up to go public and fund education
In a significant move to strengthen Nigeria's education sector, the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) launched the Education International (EI) “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign in their country. This initiative aims to secure increased funding for public education and its personnel, while addressing the chronic underfunding that has plagued the...
Nigeria: Education union and government gear up to go public and fund education -
News 13 September 2024 India: nationwide campaign for pension reform yields major victory
In a significant breakthrough, public sector unions in India, including Education International’s affiliate, the All India Primary Teachers' Federation (AIPTF), have secured a major victory in their fight for guaranteed pensions.
India: nationwide campaign for pension reform yields major victory -
News 23 August 2024 Taiwan teacher union leader on hunger strike for pension fund
In an effort to ensure justice and accountability, Hou Chung-Liang, President of the National Teachers’ Association (NTA Taiwan), has embarked on a hunger strike since August 20th. This drastic action aims to pressure the government into fulfilling its obligations as the employer of all civil servants, including teachers and education...
Taiwan teacher union leader on hunger strike for pension fund -
News 23 August 2024 Senegal: Mobilizing for education funding
In Senegal more than 3 million children either do not go to state school or find it very difficult to go to school. Insufficient public funding for education is a major obstacle to quality education for all.
Senegal: Mobilizing for education funding -
News 19 August 2024 The struggle for a standardized school year in Iraqi Kurdistan
In the ever-evolving landscape of education in Kurdistan, the quest for a standardized school year remains a contentious issue, Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) President Abdulwahed Mohammad Haje explained. The academic calendar, marked by an array of holidays and interruptions, has long been a source of frustration for both educators and...
The struggle for a standardized school year in Iraqi Kurdistan -
News 31 July 2024 The world’s educators demand urgent action to tackle the global teacher shortage
Teachers and Education Support Personnel around the world are overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. Deteriorating working conditions, low salaries, overwhelming workloads, and stifling bureaucracy are pushing teachers out of the profession they love and that the world needs.
The world’s educators demand urgent action to tackle the global teacher shortage -
Worlds of Education 30 July 2024 The fight for public education and universities in present-day Argentina
Yamile Socolovsky
Public education in Argentina is under threat from a political agenda that has made its way into the national government and aims to – in the words of President Javier Milei himself – “destroy the state from within”. Arguing that the state is a “criminal organisation” that attacks freedom (of...
The fight for public education and universities in present-day Argentina -
Publications Activating the recommendations related to teachers in early childhood education
The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations
17 July 2024The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General in response to the global teacher shortage. Tasked with providing policy advice for governments to ensure that every child’s right to a professionally-trained, qualified, and well-supported teacher is fulfilled, the Panel identified 59 recommendations .
Publications Activating the recommendations on teacher well-being
The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations
8 July 2024The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession recognises that “teachers need to work in a climate of security, support, well-being and decent working conditions”. It calls for comprehensive national teacher policies to address teacher well-being and for multi-stakeholder national commissions to be established. The commissions should address workload and well-being...
Publications Teacher and Education Support Personnel Well-being - Vital for Education
Policy Brief
8 July 2024This Briefing outlines the importance of teacher and education support personnel (ESP) wellbeing to high quality education. It sets out a road map for education unions and their members on how to ensure that educational jurisdictions put in place practical strategies for enhancing the wellbeing of all teachers and ESP....
Research Teacher well-being: a global understanding
8 July 2024Education International wishes to further its understanding of the current policy landscape of teacher well-being. To inform this understanding, Education International commissioned Education Support to undertake a small-scale research study to explore and summarise global understandings of teacher well-being. The work included highlighting global definitions of well-being, the identification of...
Publications Activating the recommendations for higher education
The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations
3 July 2024The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General and brought together academics, ministers of education and labour, former presidents, employers’ organisations, teachers and students and their unions.
Worlds of Education 27 June 2024 Upholding professional teaching standards matters
Ella Mokgalane
Countries without professional standards deprive their education and teaching workforce of quality and professional excellence. As part of its theory of change, the South African Council for Educators (SACE) adopted the concept of Professional Teaching Standards to provide a common language and vision of the profession that all teachers can...
Upholding professional teaching standards matters -
Worlds of Education 26 June 2024 Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it
Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen
For years, we have fought for the recognition of the teacher crisis in Norway. A new multi-stakeholder strategy brings hope for change from early childhood to higher levels of education.
Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it