
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 9 October 2007

    DRC: strikes suspended after successful negotiations

    EI affiliate, the Syndicat des enseignants du Congo (SYECO), has called off its strike on 8 October after a successful negotiation with the government.

    DRC: strikes suspended after successful negotiations
  2. News 8 October 2007

    Bulgaria: Teachers on indefinite strike for better wages

    EI member organisations from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) which met from 4-6 Oct in Riga for the EI CEE Round Table declared their support for their Bulgarian colleagues. EI affiliates in Bulgaria, SEB and PODKREPA, launched a nation-wide protest and indefinite strike on 24 September for better wages.

    Bulgaria: Teachers on indefinite strike for better wages
  3. News 5 October 2007

    On World Teachers' Day, Barometer highlights teachers' rights, education quality

    On World Teachers' Day and all year round, Education International's latest Barometer of Human and Trade Union Rights provides objective and insightful analysis of the quality of education and the respect for human and trade union rights around the world.

    On World Teachers' Day, Barometer highlights teachers' rights, education quality
  4. News 28 September 2007

    Portugal: Teachers demand better working conditions

    Against the backdrop of a campaign to assess the image of the teacher in society, EI affiliate FENPROF will commemorate World Teachers Day, a public holiday on October 5th, with a large meeting in Lisbon from 3pm onwards.

    Portugal: Teachers demand better working conditions
  5. News 24 September 2007

    Trinidad and Tobago: Teachers celebrate pay settlement

    Members of EI affiliate the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers' Association (TTUA) are celebrating after their demand for a 100 per cent pay adjustment for teachers was met.

    Trinidad and Tobago: Teachers celebrate pay settlement
  6. News 17 September 2007

    EI supports striking teachers in Congo

    Education International has written to Joseph Kabila, president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in support of two striking affiliates.

    EI supports striking teachers in Congo
  7. News 13 September 2007

    World Teachers Day October 5, 2007

    In less than a month on October 5th, World Teachers Day will take place once again. It will see teachers, students, parents and communities all around the world coming together to celebrate the achievements of teachers, and to raise their voices in favour of Quality Teachers for Quality Education.

    World Teachers Day October 5, 2007
  8. News 13 September 2007

    Nepal: Teachers’ Unions demand reform

    Back in May, the Teachers' Union of Nepal (TUN) along with the Nepal National Teachers’ Association (NNTA) and the Nepal Teachers’ Association (NTA) demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Education and Sports on the recruitment and dismissal procedures prevailing in the country. They were joined by the EI Asia...

    Nepal: Teachers’ Unions demand reform
  9. News 13 September 2007

    Interview with Ernestine Akouavi Akakpo-Gbofu

    Ernestine Akouavi Akakpo-Gbofu of FENASYET Togo won the 2007 Albert Shanker Education Award for her outstanding work in the field of early childhood education, particularly the development of pedagogical tools. She received the award at the EI Congress in Berlin last July.

    Interview with Ernestine Akouavi Akakpo-Gbofu
  10. News 13 September 2007

    Korea: Private School Act amendment may encourage corruption

    EI has written to H.E. Roh Moo-hyun, President of the Republic of Korea, urging the Korean government to withdraw the re-amended Private School Act in the forthcoming session of the National Assembly.

    Korea: Private School Act amendment may encourage corruption
  11. News 22 August 2007

    World Teachers' Day is coming: Sign Up Now!

    World Teachers' Day is celebrated on 5 Oct every year to commemorate the signing of the UNESCO-ILO 1966 Recommendation on the Status of Education Personnel.

    World Teachers' Day is coming: Sign Up Now!