Our work in this area
News 26 April 2024 Belgium: Education unions join forces to end teacher shortage and austerity
“Enseignant, pas en saignant” (Teaching, not bleeding). This was one of the slogans used by the 8,000 educators who came from all over Belgium to the capital Brussels to call on politicians to increase funding for public education and put an end to the teacher shortage. The protest took place...
Belgium: Education unions join forces to end teacher shortage and austerity -
Worlds of Education 26 April 2024 From recommendations to action: Joining forces to end the global teacher shortage
Johanna Jaara Åstrand
The shortened version of the following remarks were delivered by Johanna Jaara Åstrand, Education International Vice-president for Europe and President of the Swedish Teachers’ Union, at the European Union Global Gateway High-level Education Event on April 11, 2024. The event marked the regional launch of the recommendations put forward by...
From recommendations to action: Joining forces to end the global teacher shortage -
News 26 April 2024 Argentina marches for public education
Thousands of people across Argentina rallied in defence of a fundamental pillar of their education system: public universities. Faced with a drastic budget cut of 70 percent and inflation of around 300 percent, the country’s public universities are in serious financial trouble.
Argentina marches for public education -
News 25 April 2024 Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet
On April 22 Education International’s Climate Network came together to celebrate Earth Day with an insightful discussion on the reform necessary to foster a pedagogy of hope and quality climate change education in classrooms everywhere. Education unionists were joined by three inspiring activists who are leading the youth movement for...
Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet -
News 23 April 2024 Development cooperation partners rally behind UN High-Level Panel recommendations for the teaching profession
In the wake of the United Nations (UN) High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession's unveiling of 59 groundbreaking recommendations , a pivotal question arises: How can Education International (EI) member organizations effectively leverage these guidelines in their capacity building and advocacy? This question took center stage during an online ‘Development...
Development cooperation partners rally behind UN High-Level Panel recommendations for the teaching profession -
News 22 April 2024 ISTP 2024: Empowering teachers to shape equitable futures
The 14th International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) is taking place in Singapore, from April 22-24, bringing together education ministers and leaders from education unions across 19 countries.
ISTP 2024: Empowering teachers to shape equitable futures -
Worlds of Education 17 April 2024 Education Voices | Improving terms and conditions in higher education through collective bargaining in Denmark
Tommy Dalegaard Madsen
Tommy Dalegaard Madsen is the Chairman of DM’s Sectoral Board for Vocational Colleges, Vocational Academies and Maritime Education. DM represents 75,000 academic professionals in Denmark, and it is the most representative trade union in further and higher education. In this interview for Worlds of Education, he shares his perspectives on...
Education Voices | Improving terms and conditions in higher education through collective bargaining in Denmark -
News 15 April 2024 Benin: Union elections give hope of real social dialogue in the education sector
Education International welcomed the elections held in the education sector in Benin from March 29th to April 1st. Organised by the Minister of Pre-School and Primary Education, the vote marked a crucial step towards social dialogue and teacher union representation.
Benin: Union elections give hope of real social dialogue in the education sector -
News 4 April 2024 Education international Executive Board: Going public with the recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession and continued solidarity
“Just as teachers support us all, it is time to support teachers. Let’s make sure they have the support, recognition, and resources they need to provide quality, relevant education and skills for all.”
Education international Executive Board: Going public with the recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession and continued solidarity -
News 4 April 2024 Unions unite to fight for empowering professional learning and development
The Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project brought union leaders, project participants, and wider EI membership together to reflect on how to promote and strengthen their position on professional leadership, develop pedagogical activism, and resist the discourse around assessment standardisation.
Unions unite to fight for empowering professional learning and development -
News 1 April 2024 Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice
Unlike primary school teachers involved in the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in its six other countries, the 20 teachers participating Uruguay have been involved in an accelerated programme of Professional Learning and Development (PLD).
Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice -
News 27 March 2024 Transforming Learning: Brazilian Teachers’ Use Learning Circles to Develop Leadership Projects and Promising Formative Assessment Practice
Primary school teachers across Brazil have successfully completed the first Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project cycle. Through developing leadership projects over the last year, teachers involved in the remote Learning Circles tested, implemented, and shared promising formative assessment practices that met the diverse needs of students in...
Transforming Learning: Brazilian Teachers’ Use Learning Circles to Develop Leadership Projects and Promising Formative Assessment Practice -
News 25 March 2024 Afghanistan: Survey provides meaningful insights into the experiences of teachers and students under the Taliban regime
Education International (EI) hosted a union side event at the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) to highlight the plight of girls and women teachers in Afghanistan who have been forbidden from going to school and teaching since the Taliban takeover in 2021.
Afghanistan: Survey provides meaningful insights into the experiences of teachers and students under the Taliban regime -
News 25 March 2024 Cameroon: Teachers leverage Go Public! Fund Education campaign to improve status and conditions
“The UN High Level Panel on the Teaching Profession recommendations are universally relevant, addressing teacher issues in Cameroon and elsewhere.”
Cameroon: Teachers leverage Go Public! Fund Education campaign to improve status and conditions -
News 25 March 2024 The Education Crisis in Iraq: A Call for Urgent Reforms
Iraq is currently grappling with a severe education crisis. Despite constitutional provisions and ministerial laws mandating free education at all levels, millions of children are being denied access to education. At the onset of the war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)–a Salafi jihadist militant organisation that...
The Education Crisis in Iraq: A Call for Urgent Reforms -
News 20 March 2024 France: Raise teachers’ salaries and invest more in public education, now!
Education International (EI) President, Susan Hopgood, expressed the solidarity of the global education trade union movement with French colleagues at the National Congress of the Syndicat National des Enseignements de Second Degré (SNES-FSU). She also stressed that the demands of the SNES-FSU, including its call for the government to invest...
France: Raise teachers’ salaries and invest more in public education, now! -
News 15 March 2024 Leaders of learning: Teachers in Malaysia use learning circles to introduce innovative formative assessment practice
Since March 2023, with the support of the National Union of the Teaching Profession Malaysia (NUTP), 30 primary school teachers have transformed learning in classrooms from Penang to Kuala Lumpur through leading the development of formative assessment practices in their schools.
Leaders of learning: Teachers in Malaysia use learning circles to introduce innovative formative assessment practice -
News 13 March 2024 France: education unions mobilise for better wages and public education
No to the knowledge shake-up, yes to a wage shake-up! This is the message that education unions in France want to deliver to the government. Unions are opposing budget cuts, warning that the purchasing power of public sector workers’ is plummeting. They have called a strike for education staff on...
France: education unions mobilise for better wages and public education