
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 12 July 2024

    Against all odds: the union’s victory to elevate the status of college lecturers in Zimbabwe

    David Dzatsunga

    How does a lecturers’ union influence legislative change and restore the status of its members in a toxic, polarized, and polarising political environment? Through commitment, resilience and indomitable will. This article chronicles the unlikely victory of the College Lecturers Association of Zimbabwe (COLAZ) that saw the Government of Zimbabwe enact...

    Against all odds: the union’s victory to elevate the status of college lecturers in Zimbabwe
  2. News 12 July 2024

    Teachers at the center of United Nations education plan

    NEW YORK – Only months after the groundbreaking recommendations of a United Nations panel on the teaching profession, UN Secretary Antonio Guterres Thursday put teachers at the center of what he called “a four-point plan to end the global education crisis.”

    Teachers at the center of United Nations education plan
  3. News 5 July 2024

    Empowerment at the forefront: Asia-Pacific women lead in education

    The first Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Women’s Conference, titled “Sisters in Solidarity: Empowering Action and Leadership in Education Unions Across Asia-Pacific,” marked a significant milestone in the journey toward gender equality in education. From July 2nd to July 4th, 2024, women leaders, trade unionists, and youth from 42 member...

    Empowerment at the forefront: Asia-Pacific women lead in education
  4. Publications

    Activating the recommendations for higher education

    The United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession Recommendations
    3 July 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General and brought together academics, ministers of education and labour, former presidents, employers’ organisations, teachers and students and their unions.

    Activating the recommendations for higher education
    1. Download
  5. News 2 July 2024

    The world’s educators rally to grow their unions, elevate their professions, and defend democracy

    Under the theme of “Growing our Unions, Elevating our Professions, Defending Democracy,” educators from around the world are ready to come together for the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI) which will convene in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from July 29th until August 2nd, 2024.

    The world’s educators rally to grow their unions, elevate their professions, and defend democracy
  6. Worlds of Education 26 June 2024

    Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it

    Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen

    For years, we have fought for the recognition of the teacher crisis in Norway. A new multi-stakeholder strategy brings hope for change from early childhood to higher levels of education.

    Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it
  7. News 26 June 2024

    Mongolia: Campaign leads to salary increase for teachers and education workers and more support for students

    Through a series of campaigns in the past year led by the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU) significant reforms across multiple educational sectors have led to a salary increase for teachers and education workers, more support for students’ well-being, and a focus on infrastructure for higher education.

    Mongolia: Campaign leads to salary increase for teachers and education workers and more support for students
  8. News 18 June 2024

    Mongolia: Union launches nationwide call to invest in education

    The Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU), Education International (EI) national affiliate, has held a series of events to call for respect for teachers’ rights and increased investment in education. It also addressed critical challenges in the education sector, such as teacher shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and the provision...

    Mongolia: Union launches nationwide call to invest in education
  9. News 17 June 2024

    Empowering educators: Transformative initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region

    In the face of pressing global challenges, Education International’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office is spearheading Development Cooperation (DC) initiatives to revitalize unions, advocate for public education, and address the urgent climate crisis.

    Empowering educators: Transformative initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region
  10. Worlds of Education 14 June 2024

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.

    Gustavo E. Fischman, Margarita Pivovarova, Eric Haas

    A remarkable feature of many debates about the looming global teacher shortage is the deep-rooted and somewhat predictable perspectives about the role of teachers in this situation. Unfortunately, instead of well-thought-out ideas and exchanges, it appears that when the topic involves teachers, we are stuck with antagonistic perspectives, with each...

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.
  11. News 13 June 2024

    Public education in Cape Verde: A union call for investment

    In the archipelago nation of Cape Verde, a recent round of negotiations between the government and teachers’ unions has brought to light the critical need for increased funding in public education. Despite reaching consensus on some demands, the two parties remain at an impasse over salary updates, with the unions...

    Public education in Cape Verde: A union call for investment
  12. News 6 June 2024

    Campaigning for education funding in Cameroon: new energy to transform education

    As Cameroon prepares for a crucial election year, education unions - the Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l’Éducation (FECASE) and the Fédération des Syndicats de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche (FESER) - are mobilising to make the funding of public education a national priority. Spearheaded by Education International's Go public!...

    Campaigning for education funding in Cameroon: new energy to transform education
  13. Worlds of Education 6 June 2024

    Charting the course for elevating our profession

    Dianne Woloschuk

    In the lead-up to Education International’s 10th World Congress, we invited members of the Executive Board to share their thoughts about the theme of the Congress: “Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy”.

    Charting the course for elevating our profession
  14. News 5 June 2024

    Advancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogy

    The Kurdistan Teachers Union (KTU), in partnership with Education International, has launched a comprehensive training course for educators, marking a significant milestone in the region’s educational development.

    Advancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogy
  15. News 23 May 2024

    Education Support Personnel in the crossfire: New research highlights the consequences of privatization and funding shortfalls

    In a comprehensive new report titled "Carrying the Community: Addressing the Consequences of Privatization and Funding Shortfalls for Education Support Personnel," Education International (EI) has brought to light the critical challenges faced by Education Support Personnel (ESP) due to increasing privatization and funding cuts in public education.

    Education Support Personnel in the crossfire: New research highlights the consequences of privatization and funding shortfalls
  16. News 22 May 2024

    Mauritius: Between economic progress and educational challenges

    Vinod Seegum, negotiator and former president of the Government Teachers’ Union (GTU), shares his vision of recent developments in Mauritius, its educational challenges, and economic prospects. He underlines that the GTU and the authorities are engaged in intensive social dialogue with a view to improving public education and the status...

    Mauritius: Between economic progress and educational challenges