
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 27 March 2022

    Uruguay: Unions say yes to public education

    Education International in full solidarity with its affiliates

    Against all the odds, trade union organisations and grassroots movements in Uruguay secured a referendum in the country to overturn a series of government-imposed measures set to undermine public education and encourage privatisation.

    Uruguay: Unions say yes to public education
  2. News 21 March 2022

    Senegal: Unions win pay rise

    At a high-level meeting with several ministers, the leaders of Senegal's principal education unions reached agreement on several positive measures, namely a pay rise for education and training staff and the upgrading of the allowance system for managerial and administrative roles. The career prospects for education and teaching staff were...

    Senegal: Unions win pay rise
  3. News 10 March 2022

    Iraq: Education unionists meet parliamentary committee to enhance teaching conditions

    Teachers’ rights and ensuring quality education were at the heart of high-level discussions between the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) and the Committee of Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research at the Parliament of the Iraqi region of Kurdistan.

    Iraq: Education unionists meet parliamentary committee to enhance teaching conditions
  4. News 7 March 2022

    Morocco: Ministry-union agreement advances teacher status and public education

    The agreement was signed between the Ministry of Education and five of the most representative education unions, including member organisations of Education International. The signing was the culmination of a series of successful sectoral social dialogue sessions.

    Morocco: Ministry-union agreement advances teacher status and public education
  5. News 22 February 2022

    Iraq: Union presents a plan to develop higher education and research

    The Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research held a joint meeting aiming at taking stock of the situation of higher education in this Iraqi region as well as developing it.

    Iraq: Union presents a plan to develop higher education and research
  6. News 21 February 2022

    Burundi: Teacher trade unionists improve their social dialogue skills

    Under a capacity building programme funded by Education International, the Syndicat des travailleurs de l'enseignement du Burundi (STEB) was able to organise a series of training sessions on social dialogue in the different provinces of the country.

    Burundi: Teacher trade unionists improve their social dialogue skills
  7. News 14 February 2022

    Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis

    The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) and Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) recently called on teachers to take industrial action following the government’s continued refusal to resolve longstanding salary issues, leaving teachers financially “incapacitated”. Since 7 February, teachers are on strike.

    Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis
  8. News 4 February 2022

    Fiji: Teachers’ union sharp reply to Minister on undermining the positions of school leaders

    The Fiji Teachers’ Union (FTU) has responded firmly to the announcement by Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts, Premila Kumar , on 20 January of a change in the minimum qualification requirement (MQR) for secondary school leadership positions. In particular, the union condemned the change as sudden and insufficiently motivated...

    Fiji: Teachers’ union sharp reply to Minister on undermining the positions of school leaders
  9. Worlds of Education 1 February 2022

    A simple solution for education

    Armand Doucet

    We celebrated the International Day of Education on January 24th. In these unprecedented times, beginning year 3 of this pandemic, I am grateful to be a teacher. I am grateful that I have a job that I love and that I make a positive impact on my students’ lives every...

    A simple solution for education
  10. News 28 January 2022

    Iraq: High-level support for education union’s work in Kurdistan region

    Education developments and teaching during the pandemic were at the heart of discussions at a recent meeting between the Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) and the education minister of the region of Iraq. The union also sought to improve teachers’ working conditions and the quality of education provided to students.

    Iraq: High-level support for education union’s work in Kurdistan region
  11. News 27 January 2022

    France: Education workers take to the streets against the downgrading of their pay

    Many education unions are part of the multi-union group that launched the cross-sector call for strike action on wages and pensions in France. They are demanding pay rises, defending jobs and working conditions and deploring the fact that in the public education sector salaries are being so starkly downgraded.

    France: Education workers take to the streets against the downgrading of their pay
  12. News 20 January 2022

    France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education

    Following the strongly supported strike on 13 January , the French trade union federations have called for another day of action on 20 January to continue to demand adequate health conditions to protect against COVID-19 in schools and an improvement in the status of teachers.

    France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education
  13. News 19 January 2022

    Romania: Education unions mobilise for decent living and working conditions

    The Fédération des Syndicats Libres de l'Enseignement (FSLE) and the Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation Spiru Haret, both Romanian affiliates of Education International, organised a warning strike on 19 January. They are demanding decent wages and working conditions for education workers.

    Romania: Education unions mobilise for decent living and working conditions
  14. News 13 January 2022

    France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools

    Education unions in France mobilised on 13 January calling for staff to be respected and that schools have the resources they need to function amid the COVID-19 health crisis. The trigger for the strike was the health protocol for schools, announced in the press just hours before the start of...

    France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools