
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 1 June 2021

    Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students

    Over 15,000 people signed a petition organised by Education International’s German affiliates, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE), along with the Primary School Association (GSV, German acronym).

    Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students
  2. News 1 June 2021

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators

    Delegates at the International Labour Organization (ILO) technical meeting on the future of work in the education sector have agreed that education workers need more support if they are to provide the additional learning needed to build a more resilient and sustainable recovery from the pandemic.

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators
  3. News 27 May 2021

    Germany’s Order of Merit awarded to Israeli teacher unionist Avraham Rocheli

    On May 26th, the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany was presented to Dr Avraham Rocheli, one of the leading figures of the long-standing partnership between Germany’s GEW and the Israel Teachers Union, both Education International member organisations. GEW and the German Federation of Trade Unions nominated...

    Germany’s Order of Merit awarded to Israeli teacher unionist Avraham Rocheli
  4. News 26 May 2021

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators

    Teachers in Cape Verde received good news on Africa Day, 25 May. The newly sworn-in Education Minister, Amadeu Cruz, assured the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) that he would address the protection of teachers against COVID-19, the career development of Cape Verdean teachers, and new legislation for pre-school education.

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators
  5. News 19 May 2021

    Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands

    Salaries and building budgets were among recent proposals the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) presented to the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan’s Regional Government. The proposals are aimed at enhancing the condition of teachers and the education system.

    Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands
  6. Worlds of Education 18 May 2021

    “Commitment to social dialogue in education in the European Union: rhetoric or game-changer?”

    Tore Bernt Sorensen, Emiliano Grimaldi, Tomasz Gajderowicz

    Structures that ensure the meaningful representation of the education workforce in social dialogue with employers are fundamental for effective reform and quality education. Yet, little is known about the relationship between social dialogue, privatisation and trends in education reform in the scientific literature.

    “Commitment to social dialogue in education in the European Union: rhetoric or game-changer?”
  7. Publications

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles

    Education International and the OECD
    28 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the frequent closure of school buildings in most countries in the world and has interrupted the school attendance of at least 1.2 billion students in 2020 and 2021. Although many education systems have been able to adapt in varying degrees, the pandemic has shown...

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles
    1. Download
  8. News 28 April 2021

    EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery

    How will we ensure effective and equitable educational recovery from COVID19? Education International and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) developed ten key principles which every country can use.

    EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery
  9. 15 April 2021

    OECD survey sheds light on post-COVID challenges and opportunities in education

    Educational inequalities and the digital divide were increased by the pandemic. But teacher vaccination, additional support and resources have also been features of countries’ responses to COVID-19, according to a new OECD special survey.

    OECD survey sheds light on post-COVID challenges and opportunities in education
  10. News 14 April 2021

    Global index finds most countries do not respect academic freedom and shows signs of decline

    The second edition of the Academic Freedom Index (AFi) shows that only 20 per cent of the world’s population lives in countries where academic freedom is well protected. There are signs of decline in many countries. The pandemic, with the wide use of distance learning, produced additional threats. Academic autonomy...

    Global index finds most countries do not respect academic freedom and shows signs of decline
  11. News 2 November 2020

    Education International research and advocacy strategy grows in context of COVID-19

    Education International brough over 170 scholars, experts, unionists, and activists together to explore how research can underpin advocacy for quality education. The global group met at the 15th Research Network (ResNet) online meeting on 28-29 October.

    Education International research and advocacy strategy grows in context of COVID-19
  12. Worlds of Education 21 October 2020

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.

    Cherine Sabry

    Unions and governments have been in conflict since the dawn of time. The mere existence of unions as a force to defend workers’ rights where governments fail to do so in and of itself leads to this conflictual relationship. In Africa, unions have rarely been consulted during the COVID-19 crisis...

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.
  13. Worlds of Education 29 September 2020

    “Education at a Glance 2020: what can we learn for education systems’ recovery post-COVID19?”, by John Bangs.

    John Bangs

    It is an indicator of the depth of the crisis created by Covid that OECD’s Secretary General, Angel Gurria should take on the responsibility for launching this year’s edition of Education at a Glance. While the OECD describes the EAG as a flagship publication and it’s full of interesting comparative...

    “Education at a Glance 2020: what can we learn for education systems’ recovery post-COVID19?”, by John Bangs.
  14. Publications

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Forward to School provides a wealth of resources to inform the response of education unions in this next stage of the Covid-19 education crisis. It features information, research and, most importantly, examples of union actions in more than 50 countries across all regions.

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19
    1. Download