
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. 1 October 2009

    EI: “We must redouble our efforts”

    EI welcomed the commitments made in Pittsburgh last week to put “quality jobs at the heart of the recovery” and “to strengthen support for the most vulnerable”.

    EI: “We must redouble our efforts”
  2. News 1 October 2009

    EI General Secretary at the 6th Asia-Pacific conference: a coherent combination of global strategy and local actions is needed to reduce the impact of the crisis

    Education International’s sixth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference finished today in Bangkok after three days of debates on a variety of problems confronting the teaching profession in the organisation’s largest region.

    EI General Secretary at the 6th Asia-Pacific conference: a coherent combination of global strategy and local actions is needed to reduce the impact of the crisis
  3. 1 October 2009

    Keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009

    Below is the keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009. The title of the conference is "Asia-Pacific Teacher Organisations’ Response to the Global Crises".

    Keynote address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Bangkok from 28-30 September 2009
  4. News 30 September 2009

    G20 stresses quality jobs for recovery, but conveys narrow vision of education

    Education International welcomes the commitments made in Pittsburgh to put “quality jobs at the heart of the recovery” and “to strengthen support for the most vulnerable.” G20 announcements of more coordinated measures for recovery and growth, stronger financial regulation, and a role for the ILO all go in the right...

    G20 stresses quality jobs for recovery, but conveys narrow vision of education
  5. 28 September 2009

    G20 : They were singing our song

    G20 Leaders responded to labour and civil society. They were “singing our song”. Now comes the hard part – getting governments to follow through

    G20 : They were singing our song
  6. 22 September 2009

    G20 Pittsburgh – the recovery summit?

    Will the G20 Leaders meeting in Pittsburgh this week agree on the coordinated action need for global recovery? Some positive signs from leaked letters and public statements. But will these signs be translated into real action?

    G20 Pittsburgh – the recovery summit?
  7. News 10 September 2009

    Greater public funding for education is essential for economic recovery

    Public investment in education must be significantly increased to meet growing enrolment demands and to confront the worldwide economic crisis, according to Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers in 172 countries.

    Greater public funding for education is essential for economic recovery
  8. 2 September 2009

    Opening Address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw, 2-4 September 2009

    Below is the opening address by EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw from 2-4 September 2009.

    Opening Address by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, at the High Level Seminar on the impact of the economic crisis on education in central and eastern Europe in Warsaw, 2-4 September 2009
  9. 25 August 2009

    Sustainable global recovery?

    Central bankers express cautious optimism about recovery. So does the IMF Chief Economist.

    Sustainable global recovery?
  10. 17 July 2009

    G8 2009 Summit documents on education

    The 2009 G8 Summit was held in L’Aquila Italy from 8-10 July. Leaders of the G8 group’s member countries and the European Union were joined this year by the Heads of 20 other countries, and the Heads of 10 international organisations.

    G8 2009 Summit documents on education
  11. 13 July 2009

    A second stimulus for the US ?

    The US needs a 2nd stimulus; Federal programmes try to compensate for State and local budget cuts; teachers and support staff in California - host for NEA's 2009 Annual meeting - are hit hard by State budget impasse.

    A second stimulus for the US ?
  12. 1 July 2009

    At the end of the UN Summit, poor countries have been railroaded into accepting a weak compromise

    After weeks of negotiations, the wrap-up of the UN High Level Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis last was a huge disappointment. The UN Summit was our opportunity to continue lobbying our demands on the global economic crisis after the Doha Conference on International Financing.

    At the end of the UN Summit, poor countries have been railroaded into accepting a weak compromise
  13. 1 July 2009

    UN Summit on financial crisis fails to rise to the challenge

    The UN summit on the financial crisis fails to take decisive action to deal with the gravity of the situation affecting developing countries. World media widely report civil society critique, including comments by ITUC….

    UN Summit on financial crisis fails to rise to the challenge
  14. 29 June 2009

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”

    The most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression has exposed the failure of an obsolete economic growth strategy based on debt-fueled consumption.

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”