
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images
Peter Marshall / Demotix Images

Trade union rights are human rights

Trade unionists are far too often subject to attacks by repressive governments. Every year, many are subjected to violence, arrest and imprisonment, torture and even murder. Trade union leaders in education are targeted by non-democratic governments who seek total control of education, and deny teachers and education support personnel their rights.

Even in democratic countries, many education workers are denied the right to join unions and/or engage in collective bargaining. Where bargaining exists, limits on its scope can be imposed. Moreover, teachers and education support personnel are denied the right to strike.

Education International also supports the right of students to organise and join the fight for more inclusive and democratic communities.

Working closely with our member organisations, other global unions and human rights networks, we use supervisory mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to ensure rights and standards are respected and social dialogue is effective.

Solidarity actions among our global membership are a powerful tool to advance rights everywhere.

Our work in this area

  1. News 15 May 2007

    Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS

    From 5-9 March 2007, a workshop on "Strengthening the Education Sector Response to School Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Programmes" took place in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

    Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS
  2. News 11 May 2007

    Iran: Five Teachers detained on 8 May released

    Of the seven teachers arrested and taken to Evin prison during a protest on 8 May, five have been released after posting bail of $30,000 each.

    Iran: Five Teachers detained on 8 May released
  3. News 4 May 2007

    Cambodia: Unions Call for Justice for Murdered Unionists

    A joint statement was issued on 1 May by all Cambodian trade unions, including EI member organisation the Cambodia Independent Teachers' Association (CITA), calling for investigation into the murder of trade union leaders.

    Cambodia: Unions Call for Justice for Murdered Unionists
  4. News 18 April 2007

    New EFAIDS website launched

    This month, EI is pleased to announce the launch of the new EFAIDS Programme website: www.ei-ie.org/efaids.

    New EFAIDS website launched
  5. News 18 April 2007

    28 April: HIV/AIDS Campaign at centre of Global Union efforts

    April 28 is a day to commemorate the 2 million workers who die, the 1.2 million who are injured, and the 160 million who fall ill each year due to unsafe, unhealthy, or unsustainable work and workplaces. AIDS is among the principal causes of death and illness amongst workers and...

    28 April: HIV/AIDS Campaign at centre of Global Union efforts
  6. News 18 April 2007

    BTU Botswana take stock of progress

    In the framework of its EFAIDS Programme, the BTU/Botswana has recently been engaged in a number of worthwhile activities. Whether engaged in advocacy work to improve the rights of people living with HIV and AIDS or reinforcing partnerships towards the achievement of Education for All (EFA), the union has been...

    BTU Botswana take stock of progress
  7. News 18 April 2007

    KNUT/Kenya awards schools on HIV/AIDS prevention efforts

    In October 2006 a competition for schools participating in the KNUT/AFT HIV/AIDS programme got off the ground with the involvement of 105 schools. EI provided support for this initiative which was heralded as an excellent method of motivating schools to step up their HIV/AIDS education efforts.

    KNUT/Kenya awards schools on HIV/AIDS prevention efforts
  8. News 18 April 2007

    ETA/Ethiopia Programme Coordinator Freed

    Earlier this year we reported on the detention of three elected officers of the Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA), including Meqcha Mengistu, a member of the Committee for the implementation of the EFAIDS Programme. The three men were finally released on 22 March after three months of imprisonment and torture and...

    ETA/Ethiopia Programme Coordinator Freed
  9. News 18 April 2007

    Global Unions meet in Geneva and Johannesburg to discuss cooperation

    Education International represents teachers unions worldwide and, as such, is one of the sectoral global unions confronted with the HIV and AIDS pandemic. Clearly many other trade union organisations from other sectors also face the impact of the pandemic. Just as the teachers represented by EI, also the miners, the...

    Global Unions meet in Geneva and Johannesburg to discuss cooperation
  10. News 18 April 2007

    Francophone HIV/AIDS Conference underlines importance of prevention

    Late last month, Paris was the setting for the 4th Francophone Conference on HIV and AIDS. Speakers participating in the event underlined the urgent need to pursue a dual approach to fighting AIDS which would give priority to both prevention and treatment.

    Francophone HIV/AIDS Conference underlines importance of prevention
  11. News 18 April 2007

    Male circumcision: calls for caution over potential to prevent HIV

    In March UNAIDS and the WHO issued official recommendations on the basis of new evidence demonstrating that circumcised men are up to 60% less likely to get HIV than those who are not. Since then, experts have issued statements warning that this evidence should be greeted with caution. Although circumcision...

    Male circumcision: calls for caution over potential to prevent HIV
  12. News 18 April 2007

    Interview with Clementine Dehwe, Global Unions HIV and AIDS Coordinator

    Over the last year the Global Unions organised five sub-regional workshops on HIV and AIDS in Africa which were attended by national trade union centres and unions. EI affiliates played a key role in these events.

    Interview with Clementine Dehwe, Global Unions HIV and AIDS Coordinator
  13. News 12 April 2007

    Ethiopia: teacher leader finally released

    The Chairperson of EI member organisation, the Ethiopian Teachers' Association (ETA), has finally been released from police custody, after the court cleared him of the charges brought against him.

    Ethiopia: teacher leader finally released
  14. News 4 April 2007

    Greece: EI condemns use of violence against teachers and students

    EI sent a strong message to the Greek Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs on 4 April, condemning the use of violence by the police against teacher unionists and students during their demonstration on 8 March.

    Greece: EI condemns use of violence against teachers and students
  15. News 3 April 2007

    Urgent Action Appeal: Detained Ethiopian Teachers Finally Released!

    The three elected officers of the Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA) detained since December 2006 have finally been released on 22 March. Tilahun Ayalew, Meqcha Mengistu and Antenech Getenet were detained and tortured by the police for over three months. They were freed from custody when they last appeared in court...

    Urgent Action Appeal: Detained Ethiopian Teachers Finally Released!
  16. News 2 April 2007

    Thailand: Stop the killing of teachers and children

    EI sent a message to the Prime Minister of Thailand on 30 March, expressing its concerns about the level of violence in the south of the country. According to the UN, over 2000 lives have been lost in the past 3 years, including those of 60 teachers.

    Thailand: Stop the killing of teachers and children
  17. News 30 March 2007

    Botswana: International trade union delegation defends Radibe's case

    Representatives from EI, the Southern African Teacher Organisation (SATO) and the Southern African Trade Union Co-ordinating Council (SATCC) are currently in Botswana to show solidarity with the President of the Botswana Teachers' Union (BTU), Japhta Radibe.

    Botswana: International trade union delegation defends Radibe's case