
Jens Kalaene
Jens Kalaene

Equity and inclusion

We defend and promote the principles of equity and equality in education, in education unions and in society. We are fully committed to combating all forms of racism and of bias or discrimination due age, disability, ethnicity or indigeneity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, language, marital status, migratory status, political activism, religion, socio-economic status, trade union affiliation, among others. We are committed to addressing these forms of discrimination through an intersectional lens, which enables a deeper understanding of the complexities of lived experiences.

I think Education International has a leadership role to play… If we’re going to have a more civil society, a more inclusive society, then we have to model that by including men but women as well, people of different ethnic groups or religious backgrounds. All of us have to be involved and be at the table and have that kind of respect.

Professor Mary Hatwood Futrell, First elected EI President, 1993–2004

Promoting and advancing gender equality has always been an Education International priority. We believe that education can play a key role in empowering women and girls and can contribute to breaking through the cycle of gender discrimination. The Education International Gender Equality Action Plan highlights three main priorities:

  1. Promoting women’s leadership and participation within education unions;
  2. Taking action to increase intersectional gender equality in and through education;
  3. Promoting and securing women’s economic empowerment.

The unequal and gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic risks erasing years of progress on equity and inclusion throughout the world. Together with our member organisations, we mobilise to challenge and help dismantle all structures of inequality in education and beyond. As part of this work, we have called for equity audits to be conducted at all levels of education in order to ensure the pandemic does not define the lives of an entire generation of students.

Our work in this area

  1. News 17 January 2018

    Bulgaria : union SEB trains teachers and school principals to work with refugees and migrants

    Theproject “Teachers obtaining competences for working with migrants and refugees and helping them in the process of inclusion through education” aims to provide teachers and principals with adequate professional competences to work with migrants and refugee children and facilitate their inclusion.

    Bulgaria : union SEB trains teachers and school principals to work with refugees and migrants
  2. News 7 January 2018

    Poland : ZNP organises a conference on migrants’ education

    On December 18-19, 2017 the Polish Teachers' Union and the Foundation for Social Diversity organised a conference in Warsaw entitled "Teachers for high quality education of students and students with migration experience". The conference concluded an 18-month project aiming to improve refugees’ and migrants’ education in Poland. 

    Poland : ZNP organises a conference on migrants’ education
  3. News 5 January 2018

    In France, union launches pedagogical support to fight prejudices against migrants

     SNUipp-FSU, in collaboration with the NGO Solidarité Laïque and the parents’ association FCPEjust released a child-friendly booklet entitled « We’re above all children: stop false myths about migrants and refugees ».

    In France, union launches pedagogical support to fight prejudices against migrants
  4. News 3 January 2018

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders

    The German education union, Verband Bildung und Erziehung, has reiterated the crucial importance of role models from both genders for school students.

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders
  5. News 19 December 2017

    Education needs to be at the heart of migration policy

    Education should be at the core of the new Global Compact for Migration, according to Education International, commenting on the importance of a whole-of-society approach to migration at the local and national level.

    Education needs to be at the heart of migration policy
  6. Worlds of Education 12 December 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist

    Nelly P. Stromquist

    With the production of a World Development Report focused on education, the World Bank makes a decisive claim to its authority in education policy. Given an introductory section acknowledging 119 “researchers and specialists across the world” who provided “feedback and suggestions” for the report (WDR 2018 hereafter), it would seem...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist
  7. News 5 December 2017

    Education unions join in the global call to end school-related gender-based violence

    On the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence 2017, the Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence, which Education International is part of, called to action for development actors, donors and governments, outlining necessary key steps towards ending this scourge.

    Education unions join in the global call to end school-related gender-based violence
  8. Worlds of Education 4 December 2017

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida

    Nahas Hamida

    Apart from fighting for the demands and the interests of education workers in Morocco, the National Education Union (FDT) also fights to improve the public schools through its engagement with government policies in the field of education and training.

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida
  9. News 4 December 2017

    Teachers are central to any effective response to school-related gender-based violence

    A blogpost posted on the GEM Report blog on 24 November 2017 and launched for the occasion of #16DaysofActivism, stresses that among the many factors contributing to school-related violence towards children and adolescents, the gender dimension is one of the most significant, and teachers’ central role as conduits for change,...

    Teachers are central to any effective response to school-related gender-based violence
  10. News 4 December 2017

    Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported

    A blogpost posted on the GEM Report blog on 28 November 2017 and launched for the occasion of #16DaysofActivism, highlights that accountability, and particularly accountability of teachers, is crucial to tackling school-related gender-based violence.

    Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported
  11. News 4 December 2017

    How teachers can help end gender-based violence in schools

    Plan International’s Leila Asrari, for The Global Working group to #EndSRGBV, draws attention to the pivotal role teachers can play when it comes to ending violence in schools.

    How teachers can help end gender-based violence in schools
  12. Worlds of Education 3 December 2017

    "Inclusion, school integration and the question of differences", by Professor Néstor Carasa

    Nestor Carasa

    Inclusion and school integration are two concepts that have been conflated — whether deliberately or not — and assigned various directionalities and meanings at every given historical moment based on the current political context. Examining these meanings is crucial to going beyond mere discussions of political correctness to instead develop...

    "Inclusion, school integration and the question of differences", by Professor Néstor Carasa
  13. Worlds of Education 3 December 2017

    “The Other Kids” by Shelley Moore

    Shelley Moore

    What about the other kids? As a district consultant for inclusive education, this is one of many zingers that I hear on a daily basis. I am always looking for new ways of answering this question, and then I met Ali.

    “The Other Kids” by Shelley Moore
  14. Worlds of Education 1 December 2017


    Peggy Blair, Dr. Sheila Bennett, Dr. Jacqueline Specht

    An often said and generally accepted universal truth is that CHANGE IS HARD. Certainly, at least in educational circles, volumes of literature and much discussion has centred on this theme. Some might postulate that there is more “discussion” than actual change attempts.

  15. Worlds of Education 1 December 2017

    Re-thinking Disability

    EI’s forthcoming publication Re-thinking Disability, to be released in March 2018, will provide educators with new ways to engage with disability. It helps all involved in teaching, educating and those who support learning to understand disability as a social and societal challenge as opposed to a medical or individual problem.

    Re-thinking Disability
  16. Research

    The journey of hope: Education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy

    Sonia Grigt
    30 November 2017

    The Italian legal framework provides a high level of protection for asylum-seeking and unaccompanied minors and a noticeably inclusive approach concerning the integration of these children into the education system. That said, recent developments of the immigration legal framework concerning unaccompanied minors and its impact on the fulfilment of their...

    The journey of hope: Education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy
    1. The journey of hope
    2. Il viaggio della speranza
  17. Research

    Spain: Hope through diversity

    Begoña López Cuesta
    29 November 2017

    Spanish legislation provides for the right of refugees to education and international protection. In practice, however, the absence of a legal framework and institutional infrastructure specifically designed to identify the needs of this target group and provide an appropriate response runs counter to this formal recognition.

    Spain: Hope through diversity
    1. Download