
Jens Kalaene
Jens Kalaene

Equity and inclusion

We defend and promote the principles of equity and equality in education, in education unions and in society. We are fully committed to combating all forms of racism and of bias or discrimination due age, disability, ethnicity or indigeneity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, language, marital status, migratory status, political activism, religion, socio-economic status, trade union affiliation, among others. We are committed to addressing these forms of discrimination through an intersectional lens, which enables a deeper understanding of the complexities of lived experiences.

I think Education International has a leadership role to play… If we’re going to have a more civil society, a more inclusive society, then we have to model that by including men but women as well, people of different ethnic groups or religious backgrounds. All of us have to be involved and be at the table and have that kind of respect.

Professor Mary Hatwood Futrell, First elected EI President, 1993–2004

Promoting and advancing gender equality has always been an Education International priority. We believe that education can play a key role in empowering women and girls and can contribute to breaking through the cycle of gender discrimination. The Education International Gender Equality Action Plan highlights three main priorities:

  1. Promoting women’s leadership and participation within education unions;
  2. Taking action to increase intersectional gender equality in and through education;
  3. Promoting and securing women’s economic empowerment.

The unequal and gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic risks erasing years of progress on equity and inclusion throughout the world. Together with our member organisations, we mobilise to challenge and help dismantle all structures of inequality in education and beyond. As part of this work, we have called for equity audits to be conducted at all levels of education in order to ensure the pandemic does not define the lives of an entire generation of students.

Our work in this area

  1. News 1 December 2015

    Global pledge launched to end child slavery

    The Global March Against Child Labour is rallying its partners around the world to mark tomorrow’s International Day for the Abolition of Slavery to free the millions of children forced to work.

    Global pledge launched to end child slavery
  2. News 25 November 2015

    African educators united for diversity in education

    Leaders of education unions in francophone West Africa discussed a rights-based approach to inclusive education, particularly of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people.

    African educators united for diversity in education
  3. News 25 November 2015

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Violence against women affects all groups of women and remains prevalent all over the world; it both reflects and creates gender inequalities, and is one of the worst manifestations of gender-based discrimination.

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  4. News 19 November 2015

    UN refugee agency looks to boost collaboration with EI

    As the perilous situation facing refugees continues, the United Nations’ refugee agency has turned to Education International in an effort to work together toward ensuring that all displaced children receive their right to an education.

    UN refugee agency looks to boost collaboration with EI
  5. News 18 November 2015

    Global campaign strives to make schools free of gender based violence

    The message is going to be loud and clear as Education International prepares to voice its support for the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-based Violence Campaign from November 25 to December 10.

    Global campaign strives to make schools free of gender based violence
  6. News 16 November 2015

    Indonesian education unionists focus on advancing new global development goals

    One month after their adoption, members of the teachers’ union Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia have debated ways to advance global priorities, especially the post-2015 sustainable development goals focused on education and gender.

    Indonesian education unionists focus on advancing new global development goals
  7. News 4 November 2015

    Asia-Pacific : EI affiliates gather to discuss teacher migration issues in the region

    As part of a 3-year project funded by EI and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, EI affiliates from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines met for a 3-day workshop in Kuala Lumpur (September 29th-October 1st) to discuss teacher migration and related social protection issues.

    Asia-Pacific : EI affiliates gather to discuss teacher migration issues in the region
  8. News 3 November 2015

    UNICEF: number of children in Iraq without access to school reaches two million

    The findings of the latest report from the United Nations Children’s Fund are damning, revealing that the number of children in Iraq with no access to school could surpass three million due to unrelenting violence.

    UNICEF: number of children in Iraq without access to school reaches two million
  9. News 27 October 2015

    Australia’s education system still plagued by inequality

    A new report has revealed that Australia’s schools lack the funding to keep up with the needs of a growing student population, and among those especially hit hard and left behind come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Australia’s education system still plagued by inequality
  10. News 26 October 2015

    Report: too many barriers preventing gender parity in education

    With 62 million girls still denied their right to basic education, the new Gender Summary of the Education For All Global Monitoring Report makes it clear that gender parity in education is far from reality.

    Report: too many barriers preventing gender parity in education
  11. News 15 October 2015

    Teacher unions focus on plight of refugee children’s education

    From Europe to the United States, teacher unions are urging their governments to both welcome more refugees and to ensure that schools open their doors to make quality education available to refugee children.

    Teacher unions focus on plight of refugee children’s education
  12. News 9 October 2015

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child

    Education International marks International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October, by reaffirming the importance of education in empowering girls, and by highlighting the resolution on school-related gender-based violence adopted by its latest World Congress.

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child
  13. News 7 October 2015

    Unprecedented joint statement calls for actions to end discrimination

    Twelve United Nations’ agencies joined together in a call to action to end violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex adults, adolescents and children.

    Unprecedented joint statement calls for actions to end discrimination
  14. News 3 September 2015

    Germany: teacher unions calling for support to integrate refugee children

    Amid the increasing number of refugees seeking peace and safety across Europe, teacher unions in Education International’s European Region are stressing the importance of integrating refugee children in schools as students return to the classroom.

    Germany: teacher unions calling for support to integrate refugee children
  15. News 24 August 2015

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights

    A seminar on women's rights in Bafoussam, Cameroon, organised by the Swedish union Lärarförbundet and Cameroon’s education unions affiliated with Education International, was undertaken to help participants better understand and tackle the issues.

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights