
Jens Kalaene
Jens Kalaene

Equity and inclusion

We defend and promote the principles of equity and equality in education, in education unions and in society. We are fully committed to combating all forms of racism and of bias or discrimination due age, disability, ethnicity or indigeneity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, language, marital status, migratory status, political activism, religion, socio-economic status, trade union affiliation, among others. We are committed to addressing these forms of discrimination through an intersectional lens, which enables a deeper understanding of the complexities of lived experiences.

I think Education International has a leadership role to play… If we’re going to have a more civil society, a more inclusive society, then we have to model that by including men but women as well, people of different ethnic groups or religious backgrounds. All of us have to be involved and be at the table and have that kind of respect.

Professor Mary Hatwood Futrell, First elected EI President, 1993–2004

Promoting and advancing gender equality has always been an Education International priority. We believe that education can play a key role in empowering women and girls and can contribute to breaking through the cycle of gender discrimination. The Education International Gender Equality Action Plan highlights three main priorities:

  1. Promoting women’s leadership and participation within education unions;
  2. Taking action to increase intersectional gender equality in and through education;
  3. Promoting and securing women’s economic empowerment.

The unequal and gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic risks erasing years of progress on equity and inclusion throughout the world. Together with our member organisations, we mobilise to challenge and help dismantle all structures of inequality in education and beyond. As part of this work, we have called for equity audits to be conducted at all levels of education in order to ensure the pandemic does not define the lives of an entire generation of students.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 15 September 2019

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The United Nations established the International Day of Democracy on the 15th of September in 2007 to promote democracy. In 2019, it is clear that democracy and all the things that go with it like human rights and rule of law need to be defended as well as promoted. Education...

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.
  2. News 4 September 2019

    Australia: AEU supports ‘Wear it Purple Day 2019’

    “Wear it Purple Day” on 30 August was first started in 2010 as a response to tragic events of LGBTQ+ school students who committed suicide as a consequence of bullying and harassment. The movement is designed to show rainbow young people they are accepted and celebrated for who they are...

    Australia: AEU supports ‘Wear it Purple Day 2019’
  3. News 30 August 2019

    Brazil: CNTE defends the rights of LGBTQ+ students in schools

    To commemorate the National Day of Lesbian Visibility, 29 August 2019, the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies held a debate on discrimination against LGBTI+ students in schools.

    Brazil: CNTE defends the rights of LGBTQ+ students in schools
  4. News 28 August 2019

    Argentina: CONADU takes measures to advance LGBTI rights

    In August 2019, the Federation of University Teachers (Federación de Docentes Universitarios -CONADU) adopted a new protocol on discrimination, harassment and violence on grounds of gender or sexual orientation, perpetrated by their members.

    Argentina: CONADU takes measures to advance LGBTI rights
  5. News 27 August 2019

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding

    In the framework of the Australian National Skills Week, held from 26 August - 1st September, educators urge the Federal Government to put a halt to the cuts in funding for technical and further education and the sector’s privatisation.

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding
  6. News 23 August 2019

    Rainbow resources

    Here is some great in-depth reading material on two very relevant topics: how to support your transgender and non-binary students and protection against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Rainbow resources
  7. News 8 August 2019

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages

    Education International joins in the celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on the 9th of August. This year’s theme is Indigenous Languages, in the framework of the United Nations’ 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages.

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages
  8. Worlds of Education 24 July 2019

    “Turning inclusion into reality: the central role of teachers”, by Anna D’Addio.

    Anna Cristina D'Addio

    Many factors feed into the design of a truly inclusive education system. Some factors shape the way education systems are set up, such as laws and policies or governance and finance mechanisms. Others operate inside the school walls, in the shape of curricula and learning materials, but also teachers, school...

    “Turning inclusion into reality: the central role of teachers”, by Anna D’Addio.
  9. News 22 July 2019

    Joining forces to change the world

    Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi sparked hope for change among delegates at the EI World Congress with a motivational speech on leadership, change and justice.

    Joining forces to change the world
  10. News 20 July 2019

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”

    About 200 participants at the Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus discussed the many impacts of colonialism as it relates to education and exchanged ways in which to move forward in securing their full rights. Whether it’s Australia, the Philippines, Central America, South America or North America, the patterns of colonialism are all...

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”
  11. Worlds of Education 11 July 2019

    #OffTrack #2: In the Philippines, Schools Serving Indigenous Communities Are Under Attack.

    Today, the United Nations High-Level Political Forum will focus on reviewing Sustainable Development Goal 10 on reducing inequalities and its interrelations with other goals. We are far off track to achieve equitable access to education and equitable educational opportunities for all. In fact, in some countries, governments are introducing policies...

    #OffTrack #2: In the Philippines, Schools Serving Indigenous Communities Are Under Attack.
  12. News 1 July 2019

    Costa Rica: SEC campaigns and mobilises on LGBT rights

    Despite a backlash against the so-called gender ideology promoted by conservative organisations, the Costa Rican Education Union (Sindicato de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Educación Costarricense - SEC) has been actively campaigning to promote the rights of LGBT teachers and students.

    Costa Rica: SEC campaigns and mobilises on LGBT rights