

Democracy is vital to healthy societies and critical to ensuring all human rights are respected. Essential as it is, democracy is not irreversible. In recent years, even established democracies have witnessed the rise of authoritarianism that threatens to tear the very fabric of our communities.

Defending and advancing democracy is central to the purpose of the trade union movement in education. The right to education, trade union rights and freedom of expression are critical enabling rights that help to leverage other rights. Together with our member organisations, we mobilise in support of democracy through trade union action and through education.

If we want democracy, we have to demand it, and we have to be able to educate children who will make and remake it.

Timothy Snyder

We believe that the strongest safeguard of democracy is quality education with trained and supported teachers who enjoy full professional autonomy. Some of the profession’s collective wisdom was brought together in “On Education and Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession”. Authored by our President, Susan Hopgood, and our General Secretary Emeritus, Fred van Leeuwen, the book serves as an invitation to all educators to take a stand in defence of democracy and to consider contributions that teachers, schools, universities, and representative organisations can make to solidify and progress democratic life.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 22 October 2019

    “Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.

    John Bangs

    The online magazine ‘Education Journal’ recently published in its edition 385 a report of Education International’s eighth World Congress in Bangkok by EI Senior Consultant, John Bangs. Education Journal has agreed to its publication for Worlds of Education. It has been slightly edited for EI’s global audience.

    “Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.
  2. Worlds of Education 18 October 2019

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) devoted the most recent edition of its magazine, “Perspectives” to education and democracy. It covers the challenges to democracy in Canada, North America and the world. It also reports on education initiatives that have been developed in Canada to support and re-enforce democratic values and...

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards
  3. Worlds of Education 15 September 2019

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The United Nations established the International Day of Democracy on the 15th of September in 2007 to promote democracy. In 2019, it is clear that democracy and all the things that go with it like human rights and rule of law need to be defended as well as promoted. Education...

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.
  4. News 6 September 2019

    Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU

    Education International (EI) members FECODE and ASPU have been targeted by paramilitary threats. Educators from around the world call on the Colombian government to do its duty: ensure the safety of educators and protect schools as territories of peace.

    Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU
  5. News 2 September 2019

    Educators for democracy and human rights: Education International joins Brussels protest in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong

    Today representatives of Education International and other trade unions staged a protest in front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade office in Brussels to stand against recent police brutality and human rights abuses perpetrated against the people of Hong Kong.

    Educators for democracy and human rights: Education International joins Brussels protest in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong
  6. Worlds of Education 28 August 2019

    “G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial meeting here in Japan is an opportunity to reflect. EI and other Global Unions are participating in the Labour 20 – L20 which represents the interests of workers at the G20 level. It importantly unites trade unions across G20 countries and our Global Union...

    “G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.
  7. Worlds of Education 13 August 2019

    “For the integrity and status of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training”, by Fred van Leeuwen.

    Fred van Leeuwen

    Higher education is indispensable if we are to maintain a foundation of facts, knowledge and free discussion in society. TVET reaches very many young people and adults and has a key education function in addition to providing skills training. Both are under attack as many, public and private, innocently or...

    “For the integrity and status of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training”, by Fred van Leeuwen.
  8. Worlds of Education 25 July 2019

    “Education Unions and the Struggle for Democracy”, by Hugo Yasky.

    Hugo Rubén Yasky

    “As we approach the centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire, whose teachings continue to inspire and influence our actions, the Latin American Pedagogical Movement, EILA and its national member organisations embody the collective will to defend education as a social right and a powerful means for the emancipation of...

    “Education Unions and the Struggle for Democracy”, by Hugo Yasky.
  9. News 25 July 2019

    Congress takes action to achieve universal free quality education

    The fourth day of Education International’s 8th World Congress was a celebration of human rights and an expression of the collective strength of the teaching profession. The theme of the day was ensuring free quality education for all.

    Congress takes action to achieve universal free quality education