
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 17 June 2024

    Empowering educators: Transformative initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region

    In the face of pressing global challenges, Education International’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office is spearheading Development Cooperation (DC) initiatives to revitalize unions, advocate for public education, and address the urgent climate crisis.

    Empowering educators: Transformative initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region
  2. Worlds of Education 23 May 2024

    Growing our unions to transform our profession

    Mary Bousted

    In the lead-up to Education International’s 10th World Congress, we invited members of the Executive Board to share their thoughts about the theme of the Congress: “Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy”.

    Growing our unions to transform our profession
  3. News 26 March 2024

    Enhancing Development Cooperation to strengthen Africa’s education unions

    All Development Cooperation (DC) partners make a key contribution to complement Education International (EI) efforts in strengthening member organizations in different African countries, and it is crucial to initiate new strategies to improve the collaboration. This was at the heart of discussions during a DC Café organized by Education International...

    Enhancing Development Cooperation to strengthen Africa’s education unions
  4. News 18 March 2024

    Regional Women’s Networks: Strengthening Solidarity and Equality

    The critical role of regional women’s networks in fostering solidarity and addressing gender issues within unions, the education sector, and society was underscored in a recent virtual event hosted by Education International (EI). Participants from across the globe convened to explore the joint efforts of EI members and regional offices...

    Regional Women’s Networks: Strengthening Solidarity and Equality
  5. News 18 March 2024

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction

    The war in Gaza and repercussions felt in the West Bank have had a catastrophic impact on the education sector, leaving teachers and students facing great financial distress and with profound emotional scars. Along with their call for a cease fire and peace for their region, the General Union of...

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction
  6. News 26 February 2024

    South Sudan: A young union strengthened and emboldened by South-South cooperation

    “We will use the experience provided by the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) as a starting point, making sure that we are now going to convince the government to cooperate with us.” That is how Garang Deng Kuol Athian, chairman of the National Teachers Union South Sudan (NTUSS), described the...

    South Sudan: A young union strengthened and emboldened by South-South cooperation
  7. News 6 February 2024

    DC café: Solidarity beyond finances to strengthen cooperation among member organisations

    There is much more to development cooperation than financing projects, is one of the main conclusions of a recent online gathering of Education International’s Capacity Building and Solidarity (CBS) Unit with member organisations from Germany, the United States, and the Nordic countries.

    DC café: Solidarity beyond finances to strengthen cooperation among member organisations
  8. News 12 January 2024

    Guyana and Canada: Teachers learning from and advocating for each other

    “I feel strongly that, anytime teachers can join and learn from each other, we become stronger as a union.” That is how Hylin MacLaren, a Canadian primary teacher, summarised her experience participating in workshops in Guyana in the framework of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Project Overseas .

    Guyana and Canada: Teachers learning from and advocating for each other
  9. News 22 December 2023

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity

    A message from Education International General Secretary David Edwards to education unionists around the world and a renewed commitment to solidarity, peace, and democracy in 2024.

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity
  10. News 13 November 2023

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world

    In his final official speech as President of the Union of Education Norway (UEN), Steffen Handal, also a member of Education International (EI) Executive Board, reflected on educational realities in his country and around the world: “Never has the shortage of teachers been more pressing than now! Never have more...

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world
  11. News 6 November 2023

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators

    On 6 November, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union (KTU) alongside Education International (EI) organised a school and union office visit for Malaysian teachers and members of the National Union of the Teaching Profession Malaysia (NUTP) who were in Seoul, South Korea, as a part of the Teacher-led Learning...

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators
  12. News 5 November 2023

    Malaysian and South Korean Teachers Agree - Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment Empower and Enable Teachers to Become Agents of Change

    The verdict from teachers across Malaysia and South Korea could not be clearer: Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment are a unique form of continuous professional learning and development (CPLD) that empowers and enables teachers to use their leadership skills to identify and establish promising formative assessment practices in their...

    Malaysian and South Korean Teachers Agree - Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment Empower and Enable Teachers to Become Agents of Change
  13. News 3 November 2023

    Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects

    How to avoid unbalanced relationships between unions engaged in development cooperation (DC) projects? This is the key question DC partners belonging to Education International (EI) member organisations set upon answering during an online meeting held on 20 October. Participants gave examples of projects they were involved in, concrete measures they...

    Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects
  14. News 6 October 2023

    Using the best tools for development cooperation work

    Education unions that promote and fund solidarity projects evaluated and discussed their favourite development cooperation (DC) tools and how they help deliver the best results for their partners.

    Using the best tools for development cooperation work
  15. News 4 October 2023

    Haiti: union building continues despite endemic violence

    Despite the serious and persistent violence in Haiti, the trade union educators of the Union Nationale des Normaliens/Normaliennes et Éducateurs/Éducatrices d'Haïti (UNNOEH) have found the resources to recruit new activists and train them.

    Haiti: union building continues despite endemic violence
  16. News 3 October 2023

    A Pair of Webinars Spark Interest in Teacher-Led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment

    Education International (EI) held two webinars on the 5th of September 2023 and the 3rd of October 2023 in the framework of the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project . The two webinars explored the project's impact on teachers, students, schools, and communities worldwide.

    A Pair of Webinars Spark Interest in Teacher-Led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment
  17. News 27 September 2023

    African educators demand increased funding for education and express solidarity with colleagues in crisis

    Education unions in Africa demand increased funding for public education systems and teachers, as they prepare the upcoming regional conference, and show full solidarity with teachers and education support personnel across the continent. These are the key messages conveyed by the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) during its 20...

    African educators demand increased funding for education and express solidarity with colleagues in crisis