
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 20 July 2019

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”

    About 200 participants at the Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus discussed the many impacts of colonialism as it relates to education and exchanged ways in which to move forward in securing their full rights. Whether it’s Australia, the Philippines, Central America, South America or North America, the patterns of colonialism are all...

    Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus: “Our languages haven’t died, they are asleep and we need to reawaken them”
  2. News 20 July 2019

    Better Technical and Vocational Educational Training: the way forward to social justice

    Today, during the Higher and Further Education caucus of its 8th World Congress, Education International launched “Technical and Vocational Education and Training as a Framework for Social Justice” – a new study arguing that a holistic approach to TVET can deliver better results than the human capital theory. In an...

    Better Technical and Vocational Educational Training: the way forward to social justice
  3. News 20 July 2019

    EI pre-Congress caucus on LGBTI rights: ‘all forms of equality are union business’

    On 19 July, the LGBTI rights’ caucus, prior the 8th Education International (EI) World Congress in Bangkok, brought together union leaders from around the world. Recalling that all forms of equality are union business, the two thematic discussions focussed on: “Make No Assumptions: Building Support for LGBTI Rights within Education...

    EI pre-Congress caucus on LGBTI rights: ‘all forms of equality are union business’
  4. News 19 July 2019

    19 July pre-Congress events in pictures

    19 July has been a busy day with plenty of interesting events, debates and insights. Have a look at the pictures of the day on the Education International Flickr. Feel free to use them to spread the word about our 8th World Congress and don't forget to use #EICongress.

    19 July pre-Congress events in pictures
  5. News 19 July 2019

    CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change

    Trade union representatives of Francophone Affiliates of Education International (EI) gathered today at the Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training (CSFEF) meeting to discuss ways how their voices must continue to be heard at the EI 8th World Congress by way of resolutions or via francophone representation in...

    CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change
  6. News 16 July 2019

    Global education unionists ready for EI Congress

    Over 1400 people will come together in Bangkok, Thailand from the 19th to the 26th of July to take part in the 8th Education International World Congress.

    Global education unionists ready for EI Congress
  7. News 4 July 2019

    Heather Smith (1959-2019): Goodbye to a passionate teacher and leader

    The international education trade union movement has lost a valued member. After a brief illness, Heather Smith passed away peacefully on June 30th, in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. With a teaching career spanning 34 years, Heather was tireless in her work to improve the daily lives of teachers and students...

    Heather Smith (1959-2019): Goodbye to a passionate teacher and leader
  8. Worlds of Education 3 July 2019

    Bob Hawke and the origins of Education International

    Robert Trevennel Harris

    Former Australian Prime Minister and trade union leader Bob Hawke died last month at the age of 89. Educational International paid tribute to his long service as Chair of the EI Committee of Experts on Membership. Looking back in time to the origins of EI, the Committee of Experts was...

    Bob Hawke and the origins of Education International
  9. News 19 June 2019

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released

    The latest Teaching and international Survey (TALIS) 2018 report released by the OECD illustrates the issues teachers face in their workplace; focusing on working time and training of teachers.

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released
  10. News 13 June 2019

    Former EI President Thulas Nxesi appointed to South Africa’s cabinet

    Education international and the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union welcome the decision of the President of South Africa’s to appoint former President of Education International, Cde Thulas Nxesi, to the Cabinet of South Africa as Minister of Labour and Employment.

    Former EI President Thulas Nxesi appointed to South Africa’s cabinet
  11. News 12 June 2019

    Palestine: development cooperation increases the capacities of early childhood educators’ union and improves their working conditions

    The General Union of Workers in Kindergarten and Private Schools is enhancing its capacity to organise and represent early childhood education sector workers thanks to development cooperation with other education unions.

    Palestine: development cooperation increases the capacities of early childhood educators’ union and improves their working conditions
  12. News 11 June 2019

    Students and school personnel in extreme danger in High Conflict Regions

    New data shows thousands of attacks on schools, mostly by military and other armed forces. This continuing epidemic of violence in regions of armed conflict demonstrates the vital and ongoing need to endorse and implement the Safe Schools Declaration.

    Students and school personnel in extreme danger in High Conflict Regions
  13. News 6 June 2019

    Finland: trade unionists take development cooperation work to heart

    Confronted with the elimination of government support, the teacher union Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö, one of Education International’s member organisations, decided to review its international affairs strategy to ensure it can go on leading development cooperation activities in the future.

    Finland: trade unionists take development cooperation work to heart
  14. News 6 June 2019

    India: Loss of Sulabha A. Donde, strong trade union leader and force for progress for women and trade unions

    Education International is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Sulabha A. Donde, Senior Vice President of All India Primary Teachers’ Federation and Chairperson of the Women’s Network of her union, a leader who has played a vital role in the struggle for the equal treatment of girls and women...

    India: Loss of Sulabha A. Donde, strong trade union leader and force for progress for women and trade unions