
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 5 June 2019



  2. News 5 June 2019



  3. News 5 June 2019



  4. News 5 June 2019



  5. News 24 May 2019

    Development cooperation: how can education unions work best as a network?

    In an Education International’s EdVoices podcast, Danish Union of Teachers’ International Secretary Tore Asmussen and the Director of international and social justice programme of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Dan Martin reflect on the importance for education unions to work collectively as a network on development cooperation issues and stress the...

    Development cooperation: how can education unions work best as a network?
  6. News 23 May 2019

    Chad: a quarterly trade union newsletter resulting from successful development cooperation

    Fruitful cooperation between education unions from the French-speaking world has brought tangible results with the production, printing and distribution of a trade union newsletter, a valuable communication tool ensuring that trade union action gets noticed and supporting the maintenance or increase of union organisation in education.

    Chad: a quarterly trade union newsletter resulting from successful development cooperation
  7. News 23 May 2019

    Asia-Pacific region calls for international action on copyright

    International action is essential in order to address the challenges that educators and researchers face when working with copyright-protected materials. That was the finding of a recent regional seminar on copyright exceptions for education, research, libraries, archives and museums.

    Asia-Pacific region calls for international action on copyright
  8. News 17 May 2019

    Education International pays tribute to an iconic labour leader

    Bob Hawke, former Prime Minister of Australia and former Chair of Education International’s Committee of Experts, died on 16 May at the age of 89 in his home in Sydney.

    Education International pays tribute to an iconic labour leader
  9. News 3 May 2019

    Latin America, Prepared for the EI World Congress

    The regional committee of Education International Latin America (EILA) met from 24–27 April in Argentina to decide on the policy that will guide the region over the coming months.

    Latin America, Prepared for the EI World Congress
  10. Take action! 25 March 2019

    Urgent Action Appeal – Victims of cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi

    Education International has been contacted by several of its member organisations in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi expressing deep concern over the plight of their members in the areas affected by cyclone Idai. Many lives have been lost.

    Urgent Action Appeal – Victims of cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi
  11. News 19 March 2019

    EU copyright reform: why educators and citizens should worry

    The new EU copyright reform will change the way citizens and educators share, communicate, learn and create knowledge, putting democratic dialogue at risk according to Education International.

    EU copyright reform: why educators and citizens should worry
  12. News 15 March 2019

    Teachers stand up in support of their students

    The student #FridaysForFuture mobilisations against climate change are growing in intensity and reach - with one day to go before the global strike action for climate teachers are voicing their support for their students' courage and determination.

    Teachers stand up in support of their students
  13. News 22 February 2019

    Teachers support students in their fight against climate change

    The student mobilisations against climate change are growing in intensity and reach - now teachers are voicing their support for their students' courage and determination.

    Teachers support students in their fight against climate change