
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 22 December 2023

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity

    A message from Education International General Secretary David Edwards to education unionists around the world and a renewed commitment to solidarity, peace, and democracy in 2024.

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity
  2. News 13 November 2023

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world

    In his final official speech as President of the Union of Education Norway (UEN), Steffen Handal, also a member of Education International (EI) Executive Board, reflected on educational realities in his country and around the world: “Never has the shortage of teachers been more pressing than now! Never have more...

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world
  3. News 6 November 2023

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators

    On 6 November, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union (KTU) alongside Education International (EI) organised a school and union office visit for Malaysian teachers and members of the National Union of the Teaching Profession Malaysia (NUTP) who were in Seoul, South Korea, as a part of the Teacher-led Learning...

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators
  4. News 5 November 2023

    Malaysian and South Korean Teachers Agree - Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment Empower and Enable Teachers to Become Agents of Change

    The verdict from teachers across Malaysia and South Korea could not be clearer: Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment are a unique form of continuous professional learning and development (CPLD) that empowers and enables teachers to use their leadership skills to identify and establish promising formative assessment practices in their...

    Malaysian and South Korean Teachers Agree - Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment Empower and Enable Teachers to Become Agents of Change
  5. News 3 November 2023

    Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects

    How to avoid unbalanced relationships between unions engaged in development cooperation (DC) projects? This is the key question DC partners belonging to Education International (EI) member organisations set upon answering during an online meeting held on 20 October. Participants gave examples of projects they were involved in, concrete measures they...

    Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects
  6. News 6 October 2023

    Using the best tools for development cooperation work

    Education unions that promote and fund solidarity projects evaluated and discussed their favourite development cooperation (DC) tools and how they help deliver the best results for their partners.

    Using the best tools for development cooperation work
  7. News 4 October 2023

    Haiti: union building continues despite endemic violence

    Despite the serious and persistent violence in Haiti, the trade union educators of the Union Nationale des Normaliens/Normaliennes et Éducateurs/Éducatrices d'Haïti (UNNOEH) have found the resources to recruit new activists and train them.

    Haiti: union building continues despite endemic violence
  8. News 3 October 2023

    A Pair of Webinars Spark Interest in Teacher-Led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment

    Education International (EI) held two webinars on the 5th of September 2023 and the 3rd of October 2023 in the framework of the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project . The two webinars explored the project's impact on teachers, students, schools, and communities worldwide.

    A Pair of Webinars Spark Interest in Teacher-Led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment
  9. News 27 September 2023

    African educators demand increased funding for education and express solidarity with colleagues in crisis

    Education unions in Africa demand increased funding for public education systems and teachers, as they prepare the upcoming regional conference, and show full solidarity with teachers and education support personnel across the continent. These are the key messages conveyed by the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) during its 20...

    African educators demand increased funding for education and express solidarity with colleagues in crisis
  10. Worlds of Education 7 July 2023

    Education International's 30th anniversary: Inspiration from the past and hope for the future

    Fred van Leeuwen

    The creation of Education International in 1993 was a critical advance for global education trade unionism. It put together democratic, international trade union and professional associations and ended long-standing divisions and rivalries. It also united all education sectors. The new organisation became the undisputed global voice of education workers and...

    Education International's 30th anniversary: Inspiration from the past and hope for the future
  11. Worlds of Education 6 July 2023

    Past and present, women persist in their unions

    Susan Hopgood

    Three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, teacher unionists were in an optimistic mood. Mary Hatwood Futrell, president of the US-based National Education Association, rose to address a global gathering of teacher leaders in Stockholm as Education International was born.

    Past and present, women persist in their unions
  12. News 3 July 2023

    Developing Child Labour Free Zones is a key to protecting children’s right to education

    “This fight against child labour is grounded in Education International’s belief that education is a human right,” described Pedi Anawi, regional coordinator of EI Africa. “We believe that no child should be left behind.” Child labour prevents children from receiving the education they are entitled to. The online DC (development...

    Developing Child Labour Free Zones is a key to protecting children’s right to education
  13. Worlds of Education 21 June 2023

    Teaching society through strike protest songs

    Piotr Kowzan

    Strikes are emotionally difficult because a prolonged absence from work can be challenging for teachers, especially if they spend the strike period in schools with no students. It is often a moment of financial distress for teachers’ families. When confronted by the police, strikers face physical danger as well. But,...

    Teaching society through strike protest songs
  14. News 25 April 2023

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union

    The successful partnership between the Gambia Teachers Union Co-Operative Credit Union (GTUCCU) and the Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union of Ireland has positively impacted the lives of teachers and their families in The Gambia. GTUCCU currently has over 30,000 members who use a variety of financial services, including savings and...

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union
  15. News 24 April 2023

    Strengthening education unions, a key priority in Latin America

    Cooperation and solidarity, the Pedagogical Movement and women workers in education and their network. These initiatives to strengthen education unions were debated during the Education International (EI) Development Cooperation Café dedicated to the Latin American region.

    Strengthening education unions, a key priority in Latin America
  16. News 24 April 2023

    Education International provides educators with a tool to support the strengthening of their unions

    Education International (EI) has developed a "Toolkit for Union Building – Making Education Unions More Effective” . This toolkit enables each member organisation to engage in a process of self-assessment, proposing that they experiment with new activities to strengthen their organisations.

    Education International provides educators with a tool to support the strengthening of their unions
  17. News 14 April 2023

    Development cooperation and solidarity in the Caribbean, in times of COVID-19 and afterwards

    Present in Brussels, Belgium, for a meeting of the Education International (EI) Development Cooperation Network , Don Howell, General Secretary of the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) - an Education International umbrella body for teachers in the Caribbean - and President of the Saint Lucia Teachers' Union (SLTU), explained how...

    Development cooperation and solidarity in the Caribbean, in times of COVID-19 and afterwards