
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 22 December 2016


  2. News 22 December 2016


  3. News 22 December 2016


  4. News 13 December 2016

    The future is now: Education International hits the airwaves

    EdVoices, EI’s new series of podcasts, brings news and analysis from around the world closer than ever to teachers, educators, policy experts, and all those interested in learning more about education.

    The future is now: Education International hits the airwaves
  5. News 9 December 2016

    Communicators build bridges in Belgrade

    Communications experts from EI’s member organisations are meeting in Belgrade for two days of strategic planning and learning on everything related to communications, from geo-targeting to linking advocacy to effective messaging.

    Communicators build bridges in Belgrade
  6. News 6 December 2016

    PISA: strong on equity, but weak on positive teacher policy

    The OECD’s 2015 PISA contains a range of strong and positive proposals on equity, tackling disadvantage and on the promotion of science teaching, but fails to adopt a coherent narrative on positive teacher policy.

    PISA: strong on equity, but weak on positive teacher policy
  7. News 2 December 2016

    Paving the way to education for people with disabilities

    On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the International Day of People with Disabilities, Education International calls on stakeholders to double their efforts to include teachers and students with disabilities into the education system.

    Paving the way to education for people with disabilities
  8. News 1 December 2016

    European educators elect new leadership

    Gathered for the second day of their their quadrennial conference in Belgrade, Serbia, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), Education International’s European Region, has elected a new leadership team to head the organization for the next four years.

    European educators elect new leadership
  9. News 1 December 2016

    European educators gather to promote quality education

    Around 320 participants from 131 education trade unions from 48 countries, representing more than 11 million teachers and education personnel across Europe, gather in Belgrade, Serbia, to set the course for European education policy debates for the next four years.

    European educators gather to promote quality education
  10. News 24 November 2016

    USA: unions shocked after nomination of DeVos

    The nomination of a new secretary of education has immediately triggered expressions of concern from education trade unions in the United States, who fear that previous achievements will be systematically dismantled.

    USA: unions shocked after nomination of DeVos
  11. News 17 November 2016


  12. News 17 November 2016

