
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 12 May 2016

    Teachers and public service workers merge to form new union federation

    Spain’s Federation of Education Workers and the Federation of Public Service have become one, joining forces to create what is now known as the Federation of Public Service Employees UGT.

    Teachers and public service workers merge to form new union federation
  2. News 10 May 2016

    Leading thinkers in education to put their heads together on policy

    Academics, researchers and activists from all over the world are ready to turn theory into action as they descend on Brussels for a two-day exchange of ideas and research on the future of education.

    Leading thinkers in education to put their heads together on policy
  3. News 14 April 2016

    Education International seeks new director to lead its European Region

    With Director Martin Romer retiring as European Director at the end of the year, EI and the ETUCE are seeking the right candidate to lead the European Trade Union Committee for Education into the future.

    Education International seeks new director to lead its European Region
  4. News 12 April 2016


  5. News 12 April 2016


  6. News 4 April 2016

    Successful implementation of education policy relies on teacher involvement

    Educators from over 30 countries have linked the promotion of education as public good to teacher autonomy, political commitment by governments and the recognition of education unions as agents of change.

    Successful implementation of education policy relies on teacher involvement
  7. News 31 March 2016

    French unions brace against anti-social reforms

    While economic, social and educational reform plans are stirring up heated debates in France, the countries’ two largest education unions, UNSA Education and SNES-FSU, hold their congresses this week in Grenoble.

    French unions brace against anti-social reforms
  8. News 29 March 2016

    UK: NASUWT conference demands supportive funding reform

    The planned reforms on school funding by the British government need to recognise the local needs of all schools and support equality of opportunity and achievement for every pupil, says British education union NASUWT.

    UK: NASUWT conference demands supportive funding reform
  9. News 22 March 2016

    Brussels: an attack on the values of democracy, equality and freedom

    The events in Brussels are an attack on the values of democracy, equality and freedom, Education International's General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen said in a comment today. He insisted that those trying to undermine those values would not succeed, but reinforce the commitment to uphold them all over the world.

    Brussels: an attack on the values of democracy, equality and freedom
  10. News 17 March 2016

    Consultation on accountability in education now open

    A report on global education with a special focus on accountability is in the making, and educators from all over the world can contribute to it.

    Consultation on accountability in education now open