
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 25 July 2015

    Status and conditions remain a challenge

    The status and employment conditions of education support personnel, young and early stage teachers, and researchers were addressed during Education International’s 7th World Congress.

    Status and conditions remain a challenge
  2. News 25 July 2015

    Recognition for quality teachers by keynote speakers

    The quality of any education system relies on the quality of the teachers. That’s according to Montserrat Gomendio, Deputy Director General for Education with the OECD, who addressed EI’s 7th World Congress on 24 July.

    Recognition for quality teachers by keynote speakers
  3. News 25 July 2015

    Unanimous support for Greece

    Delegates at Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, expressed unanimous support for Greece on 25 July when discussing austerity, debt, and the commodification of education.

    Unanimous support for Greece
  4. News 25 July 2015

    Support for Honduras from EI’s Congress

    The turbulence facing Latin America, including the coup d’état in Honduras were among the concerns from that region raised at Education International’s 7th World Congress on 24 July in Ottawa, Canada.

    Support for Honduras from EI’s Congress
  5. News 25 July 2015

    Violation of rights in Asia-Pacific region highlighted

    The denial of union rights and the unjust treatment of union members in the Asia-Pacific Region were highlighted at Education International’s 7th World Congress on 24 July in Ottawa, Canada.

    Violation of rights in Asia-Pacific region highlighted
  6. News 25 July 2015

    Ongoing challenges in Africa

    Issues from the African region were addressed at Education International’s 7th World Congress on 24 July in Ottawa, Canada.

    Ongoing challenges in Africa
  7. News 25 July 2015

    New Human Rights Policy Paper adopted

    Education International’s 7th World Congress has voiced its support on 24 July for the global organisation’s new Human and Trade Union Rights Policy Paper.

    New Human Rights Policy Paper adopted
  8. News 24 July 2015

    Education International to focus on refugees

    Education International (EI) must – and will – work to ensure that education is made available to displaced children, according to Education International’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada.

    Education International to focus on refugees
  9. News 24 July 2015

    Teachers must be at heart of policy dialogue

    Education workers and their unions must get involved in policy negotiations if the Sustainable Development Goal on Education will be achieved. That’s according to Alice Albright, CEO of the Global Partnership for Education in her keynote address.

    Teachers must be at heart of policy dialogue
  10. News 24 July 2015

    Significant additions to EI’s Education Policy Paper

    Over the course of its Seventh World Congress, important addendums were added to Education International’s Education Policy Paper. The addendums covered privatisation, use of information and communication technology, financing, leadership, and equity and inclusion.

    Significant additions to EI’s Education Policy Paper
  11. News 24 July 2015

    The Global Campaign for Education highlights collective action at EI Congress

    Camilla Croso, President of the Global Campaign for Education, addressed Education International's 7th World Congress during, underlining the importance of joint civil society action in order to achieve quality education for all.

    The Global Campaign for Education highlights collective action at EI Congress
  12. News 24 July 2015

    Fighting for recognition and respect in education

    The outsourcing of services, privatisation and minimum hours for part-time workers were among the many issues addressed during the Education Support Personnel workshop at Education International’s Seventh World Congress.

    Fighting for recognition and respect in education