
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 9 July 2015

    Social media

    During Congress sessions, many people will use their social media accounts to share their impressions in real-time. The Congress hashtag is #unite4ed.

    Social media
  2. News 9 July 2015

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport

    A shuttle bus service has been arranged to transport participants to their hotels on arrival in Ottawa and returning to the airport at the end of Congress.

    Shuttle bus service - To and from Ottawa airport
  3. News 9 July 2015

    Congress Business - Publications

    The business of Congress is set out in a series of publications, all of which will be available online on the Congress website in the course of next week. Hard copies of the books will be given to participants on registration at the Congress Centre.

    Congress Business - Publications
  4. News 9 July 2015

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress

    Almost two thousand people will converge on the city of Ottawa in less than two weeks’ time to participate in the 7th Education International World Congress. The Pre-Congress events will begin on Sunday, 19th July, with the ‘Unite in Diversity’ LGBT and Indigenous Caucuses. Congress itself will begin at 17.00...

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress
  5. News 8 July 2015

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress

    With over 1,800 participants confirmed for Education International’s upcoming 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada, it is set to be the most attended in the organisation’s history.

    Global education unionists ready for biggest ever EI Congress
  6. News 7 July 2015

    Blog: What I learned from Ron Thorpe

    Education International Deputy General Secretary David Edwards reflects on the career, life, and influence of his friend and collaborator Ron Thorpe, who passed away last week after a lengthy illness.

    Blog: What I learned from Ron Thorpe
  7. News 7 July 2015

    USA: NEA gears up for EI World Congress

    The National Education Association has started preparing for World Congress during its annual Representatives’ Assembly in Orlando, Florida, where more than seven hundred of its three thousand delegates learnt about Education International first hand.

    USA: NEA gears up for EI World Congress
  8. News 2 July 2015

    EI says goodbye to a close friend

    Ron Thorpe, a dedicated advocate for quality education who championed the work of teachers for more than 40 years, passed away July 1st following an extended illness.

    EI says goodbye to a close friend
  9. News 26 June 2015

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality

    Teachers from all around Quebec are rallying under the theme “Let’s act! Let’s fight back!”, to bring attention to issues of trade union renewal and recent attacks on workers’ rights.

    Canada: Quebec educators look to boost social equality
  10. News 23 June 2015

    Awards Dinner

    Tickets are selling fast – as the number of seats is limited to 1020. We will create a waiting list for those who try to book tickets after the total is sold.

    Awards Dinner
  11. News 23 June 2015

    Flight Details and Transportation

    Please remember to fill in your flight details on the registration site (http://ei-ie.org/congress7/system). You will need to log-in to do so.

    Flight Details and Transportation
  12. News 23 June 2015

    Principal Delegates

    So far only 95 organisations have registered a Principal Delegate.

    Principal Delegates
  13. News 23 June 2015

    Congress app - Now available for downloading!

    To enable participants to work with Congress documents in a digital format, an application for Android, Windows Phone/Windows 8 and iOS has been developed.

    Congress app - Now available for downloading!
  14. News 23 June 2015

    How To De-Register If Not Participating In Congress

    The registration for congress has reached an all-time record – so far 1,722 participants from 162 countries and 321 member organisations have registered.

    How To De-Register If Not Participating In Congress
  15. News 23 June 2015

    Latest Registration Information

    At this stage 1,722 participants from member organisations have registered for Congress!

    Latest Registration Information
  16. News 23 June 2015

    Resolutions Committee Develops Congress Business Agenda

    The Resolutions Committee, which was appointed by the Executive Board for the Seventh Education International World Congress, met on 16th and 17th June 2015 in EI head office in Brussels to prepare and organize the 54 resolutions and 96 amendments it received from the Executive Board and member organizations.

    Resolutions Committee Develops Congress Business Agenda
  17. News 23 June 2015

    Resolutions Committee meets ahead of the EI 7th World Congress

    The Resolutions Committee met on 16th and 17th June in Brussels to prepare and organise the 54 resolutions and 96 amendments it received from the Executive Board and member organisations for the Seventh EI World Congress.

    Resolutions Committee meets ahead of the EI 7th World Congress
  18. News 11 June 2015

    Applications for Visas – last chance!

    On registration participants who required visas to enter Canada received documents to assist them in their application. They must apply directly, however, to the nearest Canadian visa issuing authority. It may take six to eight weeks to process a visa application so anyone who requires one to attend Congress, and...

    Applications for Visas – last chance!