
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 11 June 2015

    Reserve your place now!

    Tickets for the AWARDS DINNER are restricted to 1020. The Awards Dinner will be held on Saturday, 25th July 2015 in the Ballroom at the Westin Hotel. Tickets are on sale for €70, USD85 or CAD100 per person. You may reserve a ticket using the registration website, by logging on...

    Reserve your place now!
  2. News 11 June 2015

    Business documents for congress

    The Resolutions Committee will meet next week to finalise the resolutions and their amendments for Congress. All of the other business books for Congress, except the book of resolutions with their amendments, will be available online from 21st June. These include the Progress Reports, Survey Reports and Financial reports. The...

    Business documents for congress
  3. News 11 June 2015

    Last chance to book your hotel at special rates!

    The last date to be able to book you hotel accommodation at the hotels with special negotiated rates is Wednesday 17th June. After this date the room blocks will be released for general sale to the public and you may not be able to find a room close to the...

    Last chance to book your hotel at special rates!
  4. News 4 June 2015

    Kosovo: education union and government take steps towards reconciliation

    After meeting with the education minister for the first time since teachers went on strike in April, the Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosova is hopeful that the government honours the 2014 collective agreement.

    Kosovo: education union and government take steps towards reconciliation
  5. News 3 June 2015

    Health and education go hand in hand

    Can literacy and numeracy live together with public health, sustainable lifestyles and global citizenship in education policy?

    Health and education go hand in hand
  6. News 2 June 2015

    Macedonia: government and educators find common ground

    The Education ministry of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian teachers' organization, SONK, have reached an agreement on the country's school reform plans.

    Macedonia: government and educators find common ground
  7. News 1 June 2015

    Nepal: Schools reopen following devastating earthquake

    Thousands of children affected by last month's earthquake in Nepal returned to schools five weeks after the disaster killed more than 8,600 people and destroyed schools across the country.

    Nepal: Schools reopen following devastating earthquake
  8. News 26 May 2015

    Awards Dinner

    The Awards Dinner will be held on Saturday, 25th July 2015 in the Ballroom at the Westin Hotel. There will be a pre-dinner reception at 7.30pm followed by dinner at 8.00pm. The Awards Dinner will follow the Awards Ceremony, which will be held during the final Plenary session on the...

    Awards Dinner
  9. News 26 May 2015

    Catering - Lunch and Coffee breaks

    Coffee, tea and soft drinks will be available for purchase in the Parliament Foyer and Trillium Ballroom. There will be mineral water available for participants from water coolers in the plenary room.

    Catering - Lunch and Coffee breaks
  10. News 26 May 2015

    Opening Session and Welcome Reception

    Congress will open at 17.00 hours on the 21st July. The two hour opening session will be followed by a welcome reception in the Parliament Foyer and the Trillium Ballroom at the Congress centre. All participants are invited to attend.

    Opening Session and Welcome Reception
  11. News 26 May 2015

    Applications for Visas

    On registration participants who require visas to enter Canada can download documents to assist them in applying for a visa. They must apply directly to the nearest Canadian visa issuing authority.

    Applications for Visas
  12. News 26 May 2015

    Registration for Delegates

    Over 1,700 people have registered already for the 7th World Congress. This includes approximately 950 delegates. The final date for registering delegates was 21st April.

    Registration for Delegates
  13. News 26 May 2015

    Registration of flight details, pre-Congress and break-out sessions – book now!

    The Congress Scheduling tab is now available on the registration section of the website! With this tool you can enter your flight details in order to ensure that we can arrange transportation to and from the airport for you in Ottawa and book your place at pre-Congress events, break-out sessions...

    Registration of flight details, pre-Congress and break-out sessions – book now!
  14. News 26 May 2015

    Education-Health Alignment Provides Opportunity

    Early next month representatives from a wide variety of global health, education and UN organizations will meet to discuss issues of integrating disciplines such as health and social sustainability into schools as a way to leverage the strengths of programs in each separately to create a stronger and systemic whole.

    Education-Health Alignment Provides Opportunity
  15. News 19 May 2015

    Nepali teachers need support now more than ever

    Last week Education International had the opportunity to experience first-hand the devastation inflicted on Nepal after two major earthquakes rocked the country to its core, leaving communities in ruin and lives forever changed.

    Nepali teachers need support now more than ever