
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 July 2022

    European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies

    Confronted with turbulent times for teachers, educational staff and their trade unions, delegates at the Special Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), the European region of Education International (EI), took a pro-active stand and reasserted their will to mobilise and organise for quality public education, for...

    European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies
  2. News 12 June 2022

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific

    Thanks to the support of the Australian Education Union (AEU), the Education International’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office/Council of Pacific Education (COPE) was able to organise a strategic planning meeting on trade union renewal for members of the Fiji Teachers’ Union and the Fijian Teachers’ Association.

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific
  3. News 5 April 2022

    Development Cooperation Handbook is a powerful resource

    Education International’s Development Cooperation Handbook was under the spotlight during a recent virtual workshop, with input from development cooperation partners.

    Development Cooperation Handbook is a powerful resource
  4. News 23 March 2022

    Hungary: quality trade union renewal with international solidarity

    With the support of the Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré-Fédération syndicale unitaire (SNES-FSU) in France, the Pedagógusok Szakszervezete-Syndicat des Enseignants de Hongrie (PSZ-SEH) has organised trade union training for its young members.

    Hungary: quality trade union renewal with international solidarity
  5. News 11 March 2022

    Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption

    Education International has launched an Urgent Action Appeal after being contacted by its member organisation in Tonga, the Friendly Islands Teachers’ Association (FITA/Tonga), regarding the plight of its members in the areas affected by the volcanic eruption on 15 January 2022.

    Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption
  6. News 21 February 2022

    Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe

    The Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP) has plans in place to assist 873 member teachers affected by Tropical Storm ANA that hit central and northern Mozambique at the end of January. Education International’s national affiliate will use logistical and human resources assistance allocated by Education International’s Africa regional office (EIRAF)...

    Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe
  7. News 15 February 2022

    Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster

    Following the passage of the category 3 tropical cyclone Batsirai which hit Madagascar on 5 February, Education International has decided to provide financial support to its affiliate, the Fédération chrétienne des enseignants et employés de l’éducation de Madagascar (FEKRIMPAMA). This support will enable the Federation to provide relief and meet...

    Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster
  8. Worlds of Education 28 January 2022

    Challenging global tech giants: the critical role of Global labour

    Carmen Ludwig, Edward Webster

    In a recent research paper, Carmen Ludwig and Edward Webster examined the role of global unions to contest the use and abuse of digital technology through transnational activism in two African contexts. Action included work with Education International’s Global Response against the privatisation of education.

    Challenging global tech giants: the critical role of Global labour
  9. News 21 January 2022

    Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour

    Local stories are at the heart of new schoolbooks being published, thanks to funding provided by the Australian Education Union (AEU) to the Pan African Teachers’ Centre (PATC). African education unions will print these storybooks to help students to develop a taste for reading using local stories and contexts. In...

    Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour
  10. News 21 January 2022

    Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work

    Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (OAJ) proactively uses social media to inform its members about its development cooperation and solidarity work. The union has allocated part of its membership fee to this form of promotion, which has increased members’ understanding of and commitment to development cooperation and solidarity work.

    Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work
  11. News 4 December 2021

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change

    Education International President and Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal Secretary, Susan Hopgood, explains how her union got started in international cooperation and highlights key moments that made a difference.

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change
  12. News 2 December 2021

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships

    The Dutch education union AOb engages in development cooperation to support and strengthen other unions, which in turn enables a better defense of the rights of members and increased access to quality education.

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships
  13. News 1 December 2021

    JTU Japan: Education as the fundamental right of every child

    The Japan Teachers' Union is active in development cooperation since the 1970s, when they supported South Korea in the fight against dictatorship. The union has a fund for international cooperation to which members voluntarily contribute.

    JTU Japan: Education as the fundamental right of every child