
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 10 December 2014

    Jordan: renewed commitments made to educate refugee students

    Arab education leaders are facing the challenge of schooling growing refugee populations head-on by working together and within the international community to get all refugee children into schools.

    Jordan: renewed commitments made to educate refugee students
  2. News 10 December 2014

    Jordan: young teachers seen as the solution to sustainable Arab unions

    Tapping the fountain of youth, through helping young teachers grow within their profession, is being looked to as a way of ensuring the future of Arab unions and to guaranteeing respect for trade union rights.

    Jordan: young teachers seen as the solution to sustainable Arab unions
  3. News 9 December 2014

    Arab education unionists address the challenges facing quality education

    Education leaders throughout the Arab region have descended on Amman, Jordan to confront the issues facing their teachers and students to collectively develop solutions on how to overcome the obstacles.

    Arab education unionists address the challenges facing quality education
  4. News 8 December 2014

    Mexico: teacher appraisal no longer linked to student performance

    Latin America’s largest teachers’ union has stood firmly behind its members through efforts to end the practice of evaluating educators based on the academic outcomes of their students.

    Mexico: teacher appraisal no longer linked to student performance
  5. News 2 December 2014

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony

    Those who knew Sh. S. Eswaran, a teachers’ union leader and advocate for children’s rights, paid respects to the man who dedicated most of his life working to empower others through quality, public education.

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony
  6. News 2 December 2014

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony

    Those who knew Sh. S. Eswaran, a teachers’ union leader and advocate for children’s rights, paid respects to the man who dedicated most of his life working to empower others through quality, public education.

    India: a force for public education is remembered in moving ceremony
  7. News 2 December 2014

    Creeping privatisation threatens Indian public school system

    Faced with the challenge of boosting teachers’ ranks and improving school environments, India looks to curb the explosion of privatised education by once again making quality education synonymous with public education.

    Creeping privatisation threatens Indian public school system
  8. News 21 November 2014

    Poland: moving up the international rankings thanks to teachers

    Teachers were seen as the driving force behind Poland’s improving school system when delegates met for the 41st National Congress of the Polish education union ZNP, while increasing privatisation was high on the agenda.

    Poland: moving up the international rankings thanks to teachers
  9. News 18 November 2014

    Son of NEA member slain by Islamic State

    The latest act of violence committed by ISIS has left one family and member of the National Education Association in mourning following the killing of their son and aid worker in Syria.

    Son of NEA member slain by Islamic State
  10. News 13 November 2014

    Australia: Death of Rob Durbridge - a great education union leader

    It is with great sadness we announce that Rob Durbridge, former Federal Secretary of the Australian Education Union, passed away on 10 November after a year-long battle with cancer.

    Australia: Death of Rob Durbridge - a great education union leader
  11. News 11 November 2014

    Sweden: "This year everyone loves a teacher"

    The newly elected Education Minister of Sweden, Gustav Fridolin, plans to support the rebuilding of the teaching profession. He wants to prevent that politicians dictate teachers what and how to teach.

    Sweden: "This year everyone loves a teacher"
  12. News 7 November 2014

    The Gambia: EI funding vital in fight against Ebola

    Teacher unionists have engaged in an awareness-raising campaign, “Ebola is everybody’s business”, in The Gambia, thanks to global financial support provided by Education International (EI).

    The Gambia: EI funding vital in fight against Ebola
  13. News 23 October 2014

    EI’s Executive Board passes resolutions on Ebola and Middle East refugees

    Global affairs were a top priority during Education International’s 43rd Executive Board meeting in Brussels, where resolutions targeting the Ebola crisis and refugee children from Syria and Iraq were among many items adopted.

    EI’s Executive Board passes resolutions on Ebola and Middle East refugees
  14. News 20 October 2014

    EI Executive Board meets to prepare for World Congress

    When Education International’s Executive Board members meet for the 43rd time today in Brussels, a number of important decisions will have to be made, including about next year’s Seventh World Congress and an evaluation of the Unite for Quality Education campaign.

    EI Executive Board meets to prepare for World Congress
  15. News 20 October 2014

    EI remembers Vice President, a leading force for quality education

    Education International Vice President, Subramanian Eswaran, who for nearly 60 years led an illustrious career as a teacher, union activist and leader, died this morning at his home in Chennai, India.

    EI remembers Vice President, a leading force for quality education