
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 17 October 2014

    ETUCE Committee – Preparing the ETUCE Special Conference

    On 13 to 14 October 2014, the members of the ETUCE Committee met in Brussels for their autumn meeting. With a minute’s silence the Committee commemorated the deceased colleagues and fellow unionists, Monica Rodrigues, ATL, UK and Agnes Breda, UNSA-Education, France, and staff member of the EI head office in...

    ETUCE Committee – Preparing the ETUCE Special Conference
  2. News 16 October 2014

    European trade unions tackle economic agreements and impact of education crisis

    European Union economic agreements, the economic and financial crisis, and their impact on education were the focus for roughly 50 European education unionists as they gathered in Brussels to tackle issues across the continent.

    European trade unions tackle economic agreements and impact of education crisis
  3. News 15 October 2014

    Education International joins fight against Ebola

    With the outbreak continuing to spread and the death toll rising, Education International is teaming up with affiliates in Western Africa, drafting plans to secure schools and raise awareness on prevention.

    Education International joins fight against Ebola
  4. News 14 October 2014

    EI mourns the loss of a friend, and leader in education

    It is with profound regret that we announce the death of Ms Stella Maldonado, General Secretary of CTERA, and member of the EI Executive Board.

    EI mourns the loss of a friend, and leader in education
  5. News 3 October 2014

    Tajikistan: Workshops strengthen trade unionism

    Trade unions, leadership, and Education International (EI) itself were the focus of two workshops in Tajikistan hosted by EI’s national affiliate, the Republican Trade Union Committee of Education and Science Workers (RC–STES).

    Tajikistan: Workshops strengthen trade unionism
  6. News 2 October 2014

    Iraq: EI Solidarity Fund aid for teachers and students

    Displaced Iraqi teachers, their families, and students were the beneficiaries of a grant of US$10,000 from Education International’s (EI) Solidarity Fund. The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU), EI’s affiliate in Iraq, purchased and distributed students’ school kits and food rations for those in need in the Erbil, Sulaimaniya, and Dhahok districts...

    Iraq: EI Solidarity Fund aid for teachers and students
  7. News 2 October 2014

    Iraq: EI Solidarity Fund aid for teachers and students

    Displaced Iraqi teachers, their families, and students were the beneficiaries of a grant of US$10,000 from Education International’s (EI) Solidarity Fund. The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU), EI’s affiliate in Iraq, purchased and distributed students’ school kits and food rations for those in need in the Erbil, Sulaimaniya, and Dhahok districts...

    Iraq: EI Solidarity Fund aid for teachers and students
  8. News 18 September 2014

    Sudden death of a deeply committed and well-respected education unionist

    It is with great sadness that her colleagues and friends within Education International (EI), its French affiliate UNSA-Education and around the world, especially in francophone countries, have learnt of the unexpected death of our colleague, Agnes Breda, at her home in Paris on 16 September.

    Sudden death of a deeply committed and well-respected education unionist
  9. News 14 August 2014

    EI commits humanitarian aid for teachers in Iraq and Kurdistan

    As the security situation in Iraq and Kurdistan continues to deteriorate, and teachers and unions increasingly become targets of Islamic State forces, Education International has reached into its solidarity fund to support its members under siege.

    EI commits humanitarian aid for teachers in Iraq and Kurdistan
  10. News 1 August 2014

    GUPT and EI lead humanitarian assistance for teachers in Gaza

    The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) and Education International have agreed to establish a special fund for providing humanitarian assistance to Gazan teachers, their families and students who have become victims of the war between Israel and Hamas.

    GUPT and EI lead humanitarian assistance for teachers in Gaza
  11. News 23 July 2014

    Education International sends condolences to families of victims on flight MH17

    In a letter to the Government of The Netherlands, Education International has expressed its condolences to the families and friends of the passengers from many different nations killed last week in the downing of the Malaysian Airlines flight in Ukraine.

    Education International sends condolences to families of victims on flight MH17
  12. News 18 July 2014

    Kuala Lumpur regional office hiring coordinator

    Education International (Equal Opportunity Employer) invites applications for the post of Regional Coordinator (temporary post).

    Kuala Lumpur regional office hiring coordinator
  13. News 17 July 2014

    Myanmar: EI leads exploratory mission

    EI’s Asia-Pacific Regional Office (EIAP) led a very successful fact-finding mission to Myanmar recently. The EIAP team were in Yangon from 30 June-2 July to check available data and get basic field information, and to assess and proceed to a critical analysis of the country’s current situation, specifically concerning the...

    Myanmar: EI leads exploratory mission
  14. News 11 July 2014

    Latin America: Latin American Regional Committee reviews Pedagogical Movement

    At a meeting last week of EI’s Latin America’s (EILA) Regional Committee, which includes representatives from 12 Latin American countries, Fred van Leeuwen, EI’s General Secretary, highlighted the progress made by the Latin American Pedagogical Movement, in particular the mass mobilisation in the region at every level, from leaders to...

    Latin America: Latin American Regional Committee reviews Pedagogical Movement
  15. News 5 July 2014

    United States: three women to lead NEA

    The National Education Association (NEA) has elected a new leadership during its 93rd Representative Assembly in Denver, Colorado. Women with Latino and African American backgrounds hold the three top positions.

    United States: three women to lead NEA
  16. News 5 June 2014

    Urgent Action appeal for Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

    EI called upon all its affiliates to support the member organisations in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina where the most disastrous floods in 120 years have badly affected the region.

    Urgent Action appeal for Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina