
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 26 May 2014

    Canada: CAUT appoints new Executive Director

    EI has warmly welcomed the appointment of David Robinson as Executive Director of its affiliate, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). Robinson’s appointment will become effective on 1 July.

    Canada: CAUT appoints new Executive Director
  2. News 20 May 2014

    Urgent Action appeal for Ukraine

    EI called upon all their affiliates to support STESU’s rebuilding efforts through the EI Solidarity Fund by sending financial contributions. After their visit in Kiev, EI and ETUCE had agreed to try to help STESU relocate its offices and re-establish communications with its regional and local branches.

    Urgent Action appeal for Ukraine
  3. News 8 May 2014

    Philippines: Psychological first aid training for teachers

    EI and the Federation of Free Workers-Trade Federation VIII (FFW), one of its national affiliates in the Philippines, conducted a training session on psychological first aid on 4 April, at the Central Philippines University, as part of the EI post-Hayan (Yolanda) rehabilitation programme.

    Philippines: Psychological first aid training for teachers
  4. News 6 May 2014

    Jamaican educators mark the death of "role model" Nadine Scott

    Former colleagues in Jamaica and around the world are remembering a woman for whom teaching was not simply a profession, but a lifelong vocation realised at an early age.

    Jamaican educators mark the death of "role model" Nadine Scott
  5. News 23 April 2014

    Portugal: Trade unions’ role in defining and delivering quality education, FNE-CEDEFOP study-visit on the role of social dialogue

    ETUCE affiliates from Portugal - FNE (Federação Nacional da Educação) in cooperation with CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Education and Training) organised a study-visit in Porto (PT) from 24 to 28 March 2014, as part of the EI/ETUCE Campaign Unite for Quality Education.

    Portugal: Trade unions’ role in defining and delivering quality education, FNE-CEDEFOP study-visit on the role of social dialogue
  6. News 23 April 2014

    Online consultation on teaching and learning 21st century skills

    KeyCoNet, the European schoolnet’s key competences network, invites teacher, head teachers, parents, students and other education stakeholders to participate in an online public consultation on 21st century skills and competence-based teaching and learning in schools.

    Online consultation on teaching and learning 21st century skills
  7. News 17 April 2014

    Education International sends condolences to South Korean ferry victims

    Education International would like to express its strongest condolences to the families of those lost and still missing following the tragic South Korean ferry sinking off the country’s south-western coast. The ferry, en-route from Incheon to the tourist island of Jeju capsized April 16 with 475 passengers and crew on...

    Education International sends condolences to South Korean ferry victims
  8. News 16 April 2014

    Education unions urged to keep political parties at a distance in Accra

    Education unions should keep a safe distance from political parties was the message Marieme Sakho Dansokho told members of the African regional committee in Accra from 14-16 April. The Secretary General of the Teachers' Union of Senegal (SYPROS) said that some of the difficulties faced by African education unions are...

    Education unions urged to keep political parties at a distance in Accra
  9. News 16 April 2014

    Philippines: EI affiliates assess post-typhoon needs

    EI’s national affiliate, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the Federation of Free Workers – Trade Federation VII (FFW), the National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers (SMP-NATOW), and the Teachers’ Organisation of the Philippine Public Sector (TOPPS) conducted the EI Post Haiyan (Yolanda) Rehabilitation Initiative from 3-7 March in...

    Philippines: EI affiliates assess post-typhoon needs
  10. News 7 April 2014

    New issue of Worlds of Education published

    The 43rd issue of Education International’s on-line magazine, Worlds of Education, has been published. The magazine is available at www.worldsofeducation.org.

    New issue of Worlds of Education published
  11. News 28 March 2014

    Quality education at heart of International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    “Excellence, Equity and Inclusiveness – High quality teaching for all” is the theme of the fourth International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2014 (ISTP) being held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 28-29 March 2014

    Quality education at heart of International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  12. News 11 March 2014

    Finland: Quality teachers vital to development

    On 4 March, the Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (OAJ), one of EI’s national affiliates, attended a meeting coordinated by the Finnish Minister for Development Cooperation, Pekka Haavisto, and also attended by other trade unions and NGOs, to discuss development cooperation issues. The main discussion theme was education and the post-2015 global development...

    Finland: Quality teachers vital to development
  13. News 25 February 2014

    Open Education Challenge

    The initiative Open Education Challenge, launched in partnership with the European Commission, is an invitation to all innovators to submit projects, and receive technical support through the European Incubator for Innovation in Education, and access funding for their future companies.

    Open Education Challenge