
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 25 February 2014

    Erasmus Mobility Grant Open for Application

    The Erasmus Mobility Grant is open for application. The grant is part of the KA1 action under the Erasmus+ programme.

    Erasmus Mobility Grant Open for Application
  2. News 25 February 2014

    Round table meeting in Bucharest on the potentials of social dialogue

    On 20 February 2014 ETUCE held its first out of six roundtable meetings within its new project “Promoting the potentials of the European sectoral social dialogue in education by addressing new challenges and exploring experience and knowledge”.

    Round table meeting in Bucharest on the potentials of social dialogue
  3. News 29 January 2014

    Philippines: Trade unions act to rebuild education after tsunami

    The first Exploratory Meeting for the EI Philippine affiliates’ Post-Yolanda (Haiyan) Rehabilitation Initiative was held on 29 November 2013. It was attended by representatives of the EI regional Asia-Pacific office and of EI Philippine affiliates – the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers...

    Philippines: Trade unions act to rebuild education after tsunami
  4. News 10 January 2014

    Sweden: Teacher union donates over €5k to EI’s Solidarity Fund

    Instead of sending each of its members a Christmas card, the EI affiliated Swedish Teachers’ Union, Lärarförbundet, decided to give 50,000 Swedish Krona (around €5,600) to EI’s Solidarity Fund.

    Sweden: Teacher union donates over €5k to EI’s Solidarity Fund
  5. News 10 January 2014

    Ghana: Working for the future of the teaching profession

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) held its 51st National Delegates’ Conference in Accra, Ghana, on 5-10 January. Delegates discussed and adopted a five-year strategic plan to further improve the standing of the teaching profession in the country.

    Ghana: Working for the future of the teaching profession
  6. News 19 December 2013

    Arab educators stand firm in the face of challenges

    The EI Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure (ACCRS) Standing Committee affirmed its commitment to EI’s Unite for Quality Education (Unite) campaign at its third meeting in Beirut, Lebanon, from 13-14 December.

    Arab educators stand firm in the face of challenges
  7. News 6 December 2013

    South Africa: Nelson Mandela, the world’s teacher, passes away

    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, affectionately known as Madiba, anti-apartheid activist and first democratically elected president of South Africa, died last night at the age of 95.

    South Africa: Nelson Mandela, the world’s teacher, passes away
  8. News 4 December 2013

    EI Executive Board working for quality education

    The 42nd EI Executive Board (ExBo) meeting, held from 3-5 December in Brussels, Belgium, has adopted a series of decisions pertaining to the next EI World Congress, as well as the EI Programme and Budget. It has also confirmed the need to keep exerting high pressure on key decision-makers at...

    EI Executive Board working for quality education
  9. News 29 November 2013

    Development cooperation partners unite for quality education

    EI’s annual Development Cooperation (DC) meeting took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 19-20 November. The DC meeting was aimed at connecting trade unions’ development cooperation programmes with EI’s Unite for Quality Education campaign activities, as well as further harmonising development cooperation work between EI and its member organisations.

    Development cooperation partners unite for quality education
  10. News 22 November 2013

    Philippines: EI launches urgent action appeal

    EI has opened a solidarity account to collect contributions to support the Philippines’ education communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

    Philippines: EI launches urgent action appeal
  11. News 13 November 2013

    Philippines: Teachers and population severely affected by typhoon

    Many schools and a number of teachers were affected by Typhoon Haiyan on 8 November, according to EI affiliates in the Philippines. Amongst the devastating and deadly consequences of the typhoon is the loss of contact with two National Council members of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), an EI...

    Philippines: Teachers and population severely affected by typhoon
  12. News 30 October 2013

    Canada: Marketing and consumerism focus of Media Literacy Week

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, will organise the eighth national annual Media Literacy Week on November 4-8 in collaboration with MediaSmarts, a Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and media literacy. This year’s Week will focus on marketing and consumerism.

    Canada: Marketing and consumerism focus of Media Literacy Week